Alphabet of the Human Mind. Psychology flagship. Nikita Danilov
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СКАЧАТЬ looks like a lot of light sources of different color at all levels of TMHPS that build one beautiful Picture, which is called Human.

      Every thoughtful Person, who noticed that the inspiration level – a level that could be called the level of Love, but AHM consciously don’t use this word. Why? It will be seen from the next chapter, discussion about love with PPM may provoke an Opened Form.

      In Love there are no PPJs, it is based on GCJs and this can be explained except that the analogy with light sources (GCJs) of MHP, which are build His/Her inner world.

      In the words of Shota Rustaveli in his book «The Knight in the Tiger Skin», who had the gift of eloquence: «There is a love of higher spirit the reflection of higher principles. Earthly languages are not enough to explain what is love. Gift of heaven, it is often transform us, people.»

      Only GCM can touch to understand what Love is. It can be expressed in words or actions, but there is no scientific description of Love and cannot be. The most accurate, what can be said has already been said in the AHM.

      Scheme of conformity helthy and sick hp

      Scheme 2. Model – «Conformity of Healthy-Sick Psyche».

      By PPM it is impossible to touch Personal Space of Mentally Healthy Person, because PPJs does not exist at the MHPs Mind or they turns into GCJs.

      PPJ of 3rd stage – this idiocy, which instantly burns in the fire a Healthy Psyche in contact with Mental Health. There is a saying – «The worms of conscience gnawing.» So, this also applies to this level.

      PPJ of second stage – this is nonsense. GCM, as the light illuminates every PPJ in contact and PPJ ceases to exist. For PPM it can be felt as a noose. Because much energy has been spent on something that are not just wrong, but not exist, because PPJ disappears.

      PPJ of first degree – it is stupidity. Mind – is the most specific or particular level presented in the scheme. GCM, as the light that illuminates the PPJ in contact with Mental Health. PPJ ceases to exist. But for the level of the Mind is more like a whip kick on PPMs pride. Clearly understand this can only AHM PRO.

      Simple example.

      For the level of the Mind (concrete): it is necessary to cut down a bough on a certain tree. PPM claims (his PPJ), that chop should be sitting on a branch. You can take him to a tree and show that it is more convenient to cut standing next to a branch and explain that he will fall if cut down the branch while sitting on it, and he will break. Having a concrete example – PPM possible to understand it. After this, the PPM will have such PPJ: «We need to cut the branch standing up in front of branch.» But it will not work when the branch high. Meanwhile, however, in another case You will be possible to explain to PPM what to do. You can see that the PPM – it’s like a meander, which does not account for much around.

      For the level of WISDOM (generalized): We have PPMs PPJ: «It is necessary to cut the branch just sitting.» If there are no trees nearby, paper, pens to draw, etc., it does not possible to explain it for PPM. The situations may be few and contradictory. Generalized level – its more than a few options. Can understand this only the GCM. Therefore, the PPM may react aggressively (PPM goes to OF) to the arguments and say: «You do not know how to cut the branches on which you sit, and I can do everything!» Made hundreds of mistakes and spent many years trying to learn how to cut down branches, the PPM finds his CPOs. This kind of public respect for the fact that he can cut the branch better than the surrounding. For GCM this is not even the problem. Here it is seen how CPOs are created for PPM, one of the fundamental concepts of AHM. Depending on the PPMs form. AF will be constantly humiliated all around and say that no one knows how to cut the branches as he or she. KF will offer to cut down all the branches in the best possible way. DF will feel its greatness in comparison with those who are not able to cut branches. But DF deeper than the other forms and more prone to thinking, that close to GCM. Therefore, it is easier to get acquainted with DF and nonviolent psychotherapy easily transacts DF to TCPOs, which are automatically activated forced NPSs. This is a soft scheme of PPM treatment. Tighter – is when PPM begins to see the PPJs and using Template of GCJs (chapter later) translate PPJs to GCJs, starting from the bottom, the most specific and concrete levels.

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