Alphabet of the Human Mind. Psychology flagship. Nikita Danilov
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СКАЧАТЬ the process of non-violent psychological treatment.

      Region 5 on the graph. The worsening of the PPM. Usually, it’s so secret from others, that even talking about it hard to start.

      Definitions of AHM: GCM and PPM.

      MHP or GCM can be named the Person who has the GCJ that take precedence in all judgments.

      PPM or mentally ill may be named the one who has not GCJs take precedence in all judgments, because GCM does not exist. Always prevail PPJs.

      When it comes about PPM, it should be understood – or he sits on the CPOs, or flew off the «coils». CPOs is the scientific name of «coils». I flew off the coils called TLCPO, LLCPO, PLCPO. See. Ch. «Glossary».

      In the chart of PPM (below), you can select some areas, when it comes about personality type, and when it comes about mentally ill person. Then closer the graph of PPM to the centerline, then more confident you can talk about the type of personality, rather than mental illness. Personality is multifaceted as the GCM. The larger percentage of GCJs prevail in judgment, even over time, the more Person can be called Person from big letter, who does not withdraw from his inner world or Personal Human Space.

      It is well evident principles of relativity apply to the Human Psyche. Let us examine the possible stages. Man or GCM or Personality (which can only be mentally healthy, than higher percentage of GCM or mental health – then applicability of the word «Personality»), after «Personality Type» (can be used not to be offended in advance, the phrase: «I’m interested in the type of this person» it sounds better and more intelligently than «I understand the form of your mental illness»), which enslaved by PPM, after form of PPM, after temporary or permanent lost of CPOs.

      Personality or GCM – always multifaceted, as are the PPJs. A form of the PPM always alone, because it is limited way. There are three ways with different variations, which are presented in AHM classification: KF, DFAF.

      Ahm classification of personality types

      The Classification of Personality Types or Classification of the PPMs – are one and the same. This is the most complete and accurate classification that has ever existed. More precise and easier just cannot to be. As stated at the end of the last chapter: «Personality – is always GCM or MHP, multifaceted and unclassifiable». Therefore AHM classification includes PPMs and PPMs with developing GCM. Such PPMs can be called as follows: Type of Human Personality (THP), realizing that for the full personality requires full healthy GCM. However, a bit of GCM – this is great thing!

      Here are the main possible stages, depending on the different percentages of the PPM and the GCM.

      1) PPMs with Permanent/Long/Temporary loss of SCPOs or CPOs. This category is not capable or not fully able-bodied people who have OF of PPM and it cannot go in the CF of PPM.

      2) PPMs on SCPOs. These are people who have symptoms of the PPM are very similar to the OF, but the same PPMs approve each of the symptom, and it gives the patient’s psyche wonderful, but temporary opportunity – to feel normal. What it is normal for PPMs not normal for Mental Healthy, but it cannot take into account of the PPM and PPM feels temporarily healthy (normal), although it is, of course, an illusion. Normally he is only among the same PPMs, but in reality ill. Hence, such a hatred of mental health and, especially, the weakest members of Mentally Health – Children.

      3) PPMs on CPOs. These are people who have learned to use CPOs so well that are sometimes difficult to distinguish from MHP. This category can be studied by world notorious films. There are many forms, types, etc. presented there.

      4) PPMs on CPOs + TCPOs – acts nonviolent psychotherapy. TCPOs forced to access to NPSs and develop them.

      5) PPMs on CPOs + TCPOs + shoots of GCM. Here we can talk about the beginnings of Personality or GCM, as the basic unit of construction of Personality (Personality can only be Mentally Healthy, in other cases – a form of the PPM). Action strait nonviolent AHM psychotherapy has already yielded results and revived GCM. Now can act-strait medical and therapeutic AHM psychotherapy to GCM could be strengthened.

      6) PPM on TCPOs (fully redirected from CPOs) + GCM entrenched. Could be told about the Type of Personality that formed by TCPOs + GCM. This is the final straight to GCM totally formed or to MHP.

      7) GCM + TCPOs. MHP, which were mental trauma from childhood and not only. So, sometimes, it is necessary to move person on TCPOs to get back on his/her NPSs or GCM.

      8) GCM – multi-faceted Personality with an established Healthy Psyche or in other words MHP.

      4, 5 and 6 points can be called Type of Personality and write instead of PPM in the diagnosis «THP DF», for example. Because lived all his life with MDS or UM, cured GCM gets a bit Introvert, a bit Good and a bit Angry Extrovert, plus a Man with a capital letter.

      How to make a preliminary diagnosis

      In England, during the Victorian era, arsenic can be bought without a prescription and poisoning did not have any responsibility. It has become very popular because of impunity. But then the problem was solved and equated poisoning to the murder of other types.

      Until now, for the conscious application of psychic trauma surrounding people no responsibility. This leads to a plurality of suicide and mental health disabilities of different degrees. The reason for this is that it is very difficult to prove and to punish those responsible. But AHM put an end to it. Scientific base of AHM that only structured and refined knowledge of psychology will be enough for any court. Also, it would be modified existing laws if necessary. These crimes can be proved already under articles of the Criminal Code of Russia. Unfortunately, these crimes are affected mainly Children, who have become the mainstay of Russia in all spheres. And Children cannot protect themselves from it, because they do not understand even what is happening. Most mental trauma in childhood are very serious and lead to many problems: suicide, drug addiction, alcohol, broken destinies, even those who seemed to look more or less successful. It all added up to the backlog of Russia in many economic СКАЧАТЬ