Английский разговорный шутя. 100 анекдотов на все случаи жизни. Отсутствует
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СКАЧАТЬ анатомия; зд. тело

      amazement изумление

      all night long всю ночь

      to ask sb to please do sth разг. попросить кого-л. сделать что-л.

Exercises to the text

      1. Answer the questions to the text:

      1. How did the young couple celebrate their first night together?

      2. What couldn't the groom find when he emerged from the shower?

      3. What did he ask his bride for?

      4. Who and what did she see when she opened the door of the bathroom?

      5. Do you think she could control the movement of her eyes?

      6. Judging by the way the bride reacted to her husband's appearance in the bath, could you guess where she had been brought up?

      2. Fill in the blanks with the words from the text:

      1. They _______ their first night together.

      2. What do _______ all night long?

      3. The groom goes into the bathroom but finds _______ there.

      4. He asks the bride to _______ a towel.

      5. He is _______ his body for the first time.

      6. Her eyes went up and down and _______ midway they stopped.

      7. She asked _______, «What's THAT?»

      3. Say if the statements are true or false:

      1. A young couple were married, and celebrated their first night together.

      2. Morning comes and the groom goes into the bathroom but finds no bath there.

      3. He asks the bride to please bring a towel from the bedroom.

      4. He opened the door, exposing his body for the first time.

      5. Her eyes went down, and down, and down.

      6. Well, that's what we had so little fun with last night.

      4. Match the words and expressions in the left column to those in the right one:

      5. Translate from Russian into English:

      1. Они занимались этим всю ночь напролет, снова и снова.

      2. Он появился из душа, но не нашел полотенца.

      3. Она отлично увидела его целиком.

      4. Ее глаза скользнули вверх и вниз, и примерно на полпути они остановились.

      5. Она спросила застенчиво.

      6. Это все, что у нас осталось?

Revise English Grammar

      В предложениях Не said, «Well, that's what we had so much fun with last night» и And she asked, «Is that all we have left?» содержатся фрагменты прямой речи, которую при пересказе или иных формах передачи текста иногда приходится трансформировать в речь косвенную.

      Проверьте свои навыки преобразования прямой речи в косвенную, при необходимости обратитесь к грамматическому приложению (раздел 13).

      6. Transform the Direct Speech into Indirect:

      1. I asked her, «When were you married?»

      2. He said, «We celebrated our first night together.»

      3. «They are doing what newlyweds always do,» he whispered.

      4. «I will go into the bathroom,» said the groom.

      5. «Please, bring a towel from the bedroom,» he asked her.

      6. «Where are you?» she asked.

      7. «Why are you staring at me in such a way?» he asked.

      8. «Well, that is what we had so much fun with last night,» he answered.

      9. And she asked in despair, «Is that all we have left?»

      7. Put the verbs into proper forms:

      1. When the young couple were getting married, they (to decide) _______ they (to celebrate) _______ their first night together.

      2. He said that he (to go) _______ to the bathroom in the morning.

      3. Morning came and the groom (to go) _______ into the bathroom but (to find) _______ no towel there.

      4. When she got to the bathroom door, he (already to open) _______ it from inside.

      5. She said that was all that they (to leave) _______.

      8. Render the joke.

      Section 12

      The groom's childhood diseases

      Two newlyweds went on their honeymoon and were getting undressed together for the first time.

      He took off his shoes and socks and his toes were all twisted and discolored. «What happened to your feet?» his wife asked.

      «I had a childhood disease called tolio.»

      «Don't you mean polio?»

      «No, tolio, it only affects the toes.»

      He then removed his pants and revealed an awful looking pair of knees. «What happened to your knees?» she asked.

      «Well, I also had kneesles.»

      «Don't you mean measles?»

      «No, kneesles, it only affects the knees.»

      When he removed his shorts his wife gasped and said, «Don't tell me, you also СКАЧАТЬ