Kadunud riigid. Norman Davies
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СКАЧАТЬ A. Pharies, A Brief History of the Spanish Language (Chicago, 2007).


      V. Kouznetsov, Les Alains: cavaliers des steppes, seigneurs du Caucase (Pariis, 1997).


      August von Platen (1796–1835), „Das Grab in Busento” (1820).


      Panoraamse ülevaate Dumbartoni kaljust saab aadressil www.flickr.com/photos/ccgd/5512793/. Samuti Dumbarton Rock, John Crae foto; www.clydesite. co.uk/articles/upperriver.asp.


      Roomlased kutsusid selle nimega Iirimaa kirdeosas elavaid gaeli keelt rääkivaid hõime, kes tungisid Britanniasse 4. sajandi lõpul ja asusid hiljem elama Põhjaväina mõlemale küljele. Nimetus „šotlane” aga hakkas järjest rohkem levima. Algul kasutati seda Iirimaalt Argylli ümber asunud keltide kohta, edaspidi nimetati nii 9. sajandil gaelide ja piktide ühinemise tulemusena tekkinud riigi asukaid ja veelgi hiljem kõiki Šotimaa kuningriigi alamaid, küsimata nende keelelist või etnilist päritolu. – Autor


      R. Jeffrey ja I. Watson, Doon the Watter: A Century of Holidays on the Clyde, kaks köidet (Edinburgh, 1999).


      Iain McCrorie, The Royal Road to the Isles (Glasgow, 2001); F. M. Walker, Song of the Clyde: A History of Clyde Shipbuilding (Edinburgh, 2001); vt ka www. shipsofcalmac.co.uk/history_timeline.asp.


      Lallans on Šotimaa lõunaosas räägitava nn madalikušotlaste keele kohalik nimetus (vrd lowlands). – Autor


      www.traditionalmusic.co.uk/folk-song-lyrics/roamin_in_the_gloamin_.htm; vt ka Gordon Irving, Great Scot: The Life Story of Sir Harry Lauder (London, 1968).


      Tsit aadressil www.turningwoosurn fsnet.co.uk/dumbarton.html (2004); www. undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/dumbarton/dumbartoncastle (2008); vt ka Iain MacIvor, Dumbarton Castle (Edinburgh, 2003).


      Vt Brian Lavery, „The British Government and the American Polaris Base on the Clyde”, Journal of Martime Research (Sep. 2001).


      www.whiskymag.com/whisky/brand/ballantine_s (2004); www.ballantines.com.


      Incorporated 1765, vt www.dunbartonnh.org.


      T. Mommsen, „Petrarch’s Conception of the Dark Ages”, Speculum, 17/2 (1942), lk 226–242.


      Vanagermaani sõna walchaz ’välismaalane, võõras’, peegeldub samamoodi ka hollandi keeles, tähendusega „valloon”. – Autor


      K. H. Schmidt, „Insular Celtic: P and Q Celtic”, väljaandes M. J. Ball ja J. Fife (toim), The Celtic Languages (London, 1993); Paul Russell, An Introduction to the Celtic Languages (London, 1995).


      W. F. Skene, The Four Ancient Books of Wales, kaks köidet (Edinburgh,


John Hunt, The Ascent of Everest (London, 1953); R. Mantovani, Everest: The History of the Himalayan Giant (Shrewsbury, 1997); J. R. Smith, Everest: The Man and the Mountain (Caithness, 1999).


T. Gwynn Jones, Geiriadur: Cymraeg–Saesneg a Saesneg–Cymraeg (Cardiff, 1953).


William Johnson Cory (1823–1892), Kallimachose järgi (3. sajand eKr).


Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Everyman, 6 köidet (London, 1910); The Autobiography of Edward Gibbon (London, 1910).


Norman Davies, The Isles: A History (London, 1999).


„The Day Thou gavest Lord is ended” (1870), sõnad John Ellerton, viis Clement Scholefield.


„Nazi Gold: Publishing the Third Reich”, BBC Radio 4, 17. märts 2011.


A. J. P. Taylor, The Struggle for Mastery in Europe (Oxford, 1954); English History, 191445 (Oxford, 1965); The Habsburg Monarchy, 18091918 (London, 1948); Bismarck: The Man and the Statesman (London, 1955); The Course of German History (London, 1945); The Origins of the Second World War (London, 1961); jm.


H. Trevor-Roper, Historical Essays (London, 1957), eessõna, tsit väljaandest Adam Sisman, Hugh Trevor-Roper: The Biography (London, 2010), lk 293.


Samas, lk 168, 294.


Vt R. B. Cunninghame Graham, A Vanished Arcadia: Some Account of the Jesuits in Paraguay, 16071767 (London, 1901); B. L. Putnam Weale, The Vanished Empire (London, 1920), Hiinast; Mabel Cabot, Vanished Kingdoms: A Woman Explorer in Tibet, China, and Mongolia, 192125 (New York, 2003); Oriental Institute Museum, Chicago, Vanished Kingdoms of the Nile: The Rediscovery of Nubia. An Exhibition (Chicago, 1995).


Murry Hope, Atlantis: Myth or Reality? (London, 1991); R. Vidal-Naquet, The Atlantis Story: A Short History of Plato’s Myth (Exeter, 2007).


www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/archaeology/bethsaida.htm. Vt ka P. R. Davies, In Search of Ancient Israel (Sheffield, 1992).


Teine Saamueli raamat 13:37.


Thomas Gray, „Elegy Written in a Country Church-yard” (1751).


John Keats, „La Belle Dame Sans Merci” (1819).


Percy Bysshe Shelley, „Ozymandias” (1818). XIX dünastia vaarao Ramses II kohta kasutasid kreeklased nime Ozymandias. Tema kuju, nn noorem Memnon, mis inspireeris Shelleyt, asub Briti Muuseumis.


Kuna autor kasutab teadlikult ajaloolisi ja haruldasi või unustatud nimekujusid, siis teeme seda ka tõlkes. – Tõlkija


Horatius, Odes, I raamat, ood 14, read 1–4.


Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, „The Building of the Ship” СКАЧАТЬ