Дикий ирис. Аверн. Ночь, всеохватная ночь. Луиза Глик
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Название: Дикий ирис. Аверн. Ночь, всеохватная ночь

Автор: Луиза Глик

Издательство: Эксмо


Серия: BTL проекты

isbn: 978-5-04-177715-9


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      Presque Isle

      In every life, there’s a moment or two.

      In every life, a room somewhere, by the sea

                  or in the mountains.

      On the table, a dish of apricots. Pits in a white ashtray.

      Like all images, these were the conditions of a pact:

      on your cheek, tremor of sunlight,

      my finger pressing your lips.

      The walls blue-white; paint from the low bureau flaking

                  a little.

      That room must still exist, on the fourth floor,

      with a small balcony overlooking the ocean.

      A square white room, the top sheet pulled back over

                  the edge of the bed.

      It hasn’t dissolved back into nothing, into reality.

      Through the open window, sea air, smelling of iodine.

      Early morning: a man calling a small boy back from

                  the water.

      That small boy – he would be twenty now.

      Around your face, rushes of damp hair, streaked with auburn.

      Muslin, flicker of silver. Heavy jar filled with white peonies.


      В каждой жизни есть одно-два мгновения.

      В каждой жизни есть комната где-то у моря или в горах.

      На столе блюдо с абрикосами. Косточки в белой


      Как и все образы, это условия договора:

      у тебя на щеке дрожит солнечный свет,

      мой палец прижимается к твоим губам.

      Бело-голубые стены; краска на низком столе

                  слегка облупилась.

      Эта комната, должно быть, еще существует,

                  на четвертом этаже,

      с балкончиком, с видом на океан.

      Квадратная белая комната, покрывало на кровати


      Это не растворилось обратно в пустоте реальности.

      В открытое окно морской воздух, пахнущий йодом.

      Раннее утро: мужчина зовет мальчика из воды.

      Тому мальчику сейчас было бы двадцать.

      Твое лицо обрамляют влажные рыжеватые пряди.

      Муслин, мерцание серебра. Тяжелый кувшин

                  с белыми пионами.

      Retreating Light

      You were like very young children,

      always waiting for a story.

      And I’d been through it all too many times;

      I was tired of telling stories.

      So I gave you the pencil and paper.

      I gave you pens made of reeds

      I had gathered myself, afternoons in the dense


      I told you, write your own story.

      After all those years of listening

      I thought you’d know

      what a story was.

      All you could do was weep.

      You wanted everything told to you

      and nothing thought through yourselves.

      Then I realized you couldn’t think

      with any real boldness or passion;

      you hadn’t had your own lives yet,

      your own tragedies.

      So I gave you lives, I gave you tragedies,

      because apparently tools alone weren’t enough.

      You will never know how deeply

      it pleases me to see you sitting there

      like independent beings,

      to see you dreaming by the open window,

      holding the pencils I gave you

      until the summer morning disappears into writing.

      Creation has brought you

      great excitement, as I knew it would,

      as it does in the beginning

      And I am free to do as I please now,

      to attend to other things, in confidence

      you have no need of me anymore.