A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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СКАЧАТЬ exalted, refined, noble, esteemed, honored, valued, pure, correct, shrill.


      KEY: Baseless, [See GROUNDLESS].


      KEY: Bashful.

      SYN: Modest, diffident, shy, retiring, reserved.

      ANT: Bold, impudent, forward, unreserved, pert, conceited, ostentatious, egotistic.


      KEY: Bask.

      SYN: Luxuriate, repose, lounge, dally.

      ANT: Stir, work, toil, slave, drudge, labor.


      KEY: Baste.

      SYN: Buffet, cudgel, pound, beat.

      ANT: Soothe, tickle, caress, stroke.


      KEY: Battle.

      SYN: Fight, conflict, contest, combat, engagement, encounter, action.

      ANT: Peace, truce, pacification, arbitrament, council, mediation.


      KEY: Bauble.

      SYN: Toy, trifle, plaything, knicknack, gewgaw, gimcrack, kickshaw.

      ANT: Valuable, possession, acquisition, gera, ornament, decoration, jewel.


      KEY: Basis, [See FOUNDATION].


      KEY: Bawl.

      SYN: Shout, vociferate, halloo, roar, bellow.

      ANT: Whisper, mutter, babble, mumble.


      KEY: Bays.

      SYN: Laurels, trophy, success, prize, premium, achievement, victory, triumph.

      ANT: Failure, defeat, disgrace, stigma, brand.


      KEY: Beach.

      SYN: Shore, coast, strand, seacoast, seaboard, seashore.

      ANT: Sea, ocean, deep, main.


      KEY: Beaming.

      SYN: Shining, gleaming, bright, radiant, beautiful, transparent, translucid.

      ANT: Dull, opaque, dingy, beamless, {[wan]?}, matt.


      KEY: Bear.

      SYN: Carry, lift, transport, convey, maintain, uphold, suffer, undergo, support, tolerate, waft, yield, sustain, hold, harbor, entertain, fill, enact, endure, admit, produce, generate.

      ANT: Drop, refuse, decline, resign, expel, eject, resist, repel, protest, resent, reject.


      KEY: Bearing.

      SYN: Behavior, deportment, manner, aspect, carriage, mien, demeanour, port, conduct, inclination, position, appearance, direction, course.

      ANT: Misbehaviour, jurisdirection, misobservation.


      KEY: Beastly, [See BRUTAL].


      KEY: Beat.

      SYN: Strike, pound, batter, surpass, thrash, cudgel, overcome, defeat, conquer, worst, whack, belabor, vanquish.

      ANT: Defend, protect, shield, fall, shelter, surrender, stroke, caress, pat.


      KEY: Beatitude.

      SYN: Blessedness, bliss, beatification.

      ANT: Misery, pain, suffering, punishment.


      KEY: Beautiful, [See [BEAUTY_and_HANDSOME].


      KEY: Beautify.

      SYN: Decorate, adorn, ornament, deck.

      ANT: Deform, spoil, mar, stain, deface, disfigure, befoul, soil, denude, bare, strip.


      KEY: Beauty.

      SYN: Loveliness, grace, fairness, seemliness, comeliness, picturesqueness, exquisiteness, adornment, embellishment.

      ANT: Foulness, ugliness, deformity, hideousness, bareness, unattractiveness.


      KEY: Because.

      SYN: Owing, consequently, accordingly.

      ANT: Irrespectively, independently, inconsequently, unconnectedly.


      KEY: Beck.

      SYN: Nod, sign, signal, symbol, token, indication, authority, orders, instruction, subserviency, influence, call, command, control, mandate.

      ANT: Independence, insubservience.


      KEY: Become.

      SYN: Befit, grace, beseem, behove.

      ANT: Misbeseem, misfit, misbecome, disgrace.


      KEY: Becoming.

      SYN: Beseeming, neat, fit, proper, decorous, comely, seemly, befitting, graceful, decent, suitable, improving.

      ANT: Unbeseeming, unseemly, uncomely, unbecoming, unbefitting, ungraceful, indecent, unsuitable, {[miinoproving]?}, derogatory.


      KEY: Bedaub.

      SYN: Bespatter, befoul, discolor, mar, disfigure, deface, besmear, spoil, soil, stain.

      ANT: Cleanse, absterge, purify, embellish, whiten, decorate, beautify.


      KEY: Bedeck, [See {[DBCH&}?].


      KEY: Bedizen.

      SYN: Tawdry, {[betinselled]?}, СКАЧАТЬ