A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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СКАЧАТЬ Laudable, noble, honorable, generous, humane, admirable, chivalrous.


      KEY: Attach.

      SYN: Fasten, apply, append, add, fix, subjoin, annex, unite, conciliate, tie, connect, conjoin, attract, win, bind.

      ANT: Unfasten, Ioose, disunite, untie, disconnect, detach, alienate, estrange, repel.


      KEY: Attachment, [See ATTACH].


      KEY: Attack, [See {[(]?}].

      SYN: Assail, assault, invade, encounter, charge, besiege, Impugn, contravene.

      ANT: Defend, resist, repel, protest, {withstand_oil_one's_own_part}, or_for_another, support, aid, shield, uphold, vindicate, shelter.


      KEY: Attack \n.\.

      SYN: Invasion, assault, onset, aggression, onslaught.

      ANT: Defense, resistance, repulse, protection, aid, vindication, support, maintenance, shelter.


      KEY: Attain.

      SYN: Reach, extend, master, arrive_at, compass, earn, win, achieve, accomplish, get, obtain, acquire, gain, secure, grasp.

      ANT: Lose, fail, forfeit, miss, abandon, resign.


      KEY: Attainment.

      SYN: Information, acquirements, accomplishments.

      ANT: Intuition, inspiration, genius.


      KEY: Attemper.

      SYN: Moderate, subdue, compound, commingle, adapt, adjust, harmonize, modify, blend, attune, mix, mold, work, medicate, amalgamate, accommodate.

      ANT: Discompose, confuse, spoil, aggravate, mar.


      KEY: Attempt.

      SYN: Try, endeavor, strive, undertake, seek, essay, attack, violate, force.

      ANT: Disregard, abandon, pretermit, dismiss, neglect, shun, drop.


      KEY: Attempt \n.\, [See EFFORT].


      KEY: Attend.

      SYN: Listen, heed, notice, observe, wait_on, serve, mind, watch, accompany, consort, follow, imply, involve.

      ANT: Wander, disregard, leave, forsake, abandon, desert, exclude, neutralize.


      KEY: Attention.

      SYN: Observation, notice, regard, watchfulness, heed, consideration, circumspection, study, vigilance, care.

      ANT: Disregard, inadvertence, remission, indifference, carelessness, abstraction, distraction, absence.


      KEY: Attentive, [See OBSERVANT].


      KEY: Attenuate.

      SYN: Educe, elongate, reduce, fine-drawn, narrow, contract, diminish, compress.

      ANT: Broaden, increase, expand, dilate, swell, enlarge, develop, amplify.


      KEY: Attest.

      SYN: Vouch, aver, assert, certify, witness, vouch_for, affirm, testify, evidence, support, confirm, suggest, prove, involve, demonstrate, establish, imply, bespeak.

      ANT: Deny, controvert, contradict, contravene, disprove, disestablish, exclude, neutralize, upset, oppugn, refute.


      KEY: Attestation, [See EVIDENCE].


      KEY: Attire.

      SYN: Robes, garments, clothing, vestments, habiliment, habit, raiment, clothes, garb, apparel, accoutrement, livery, uniform, costume.

      ANT: Nudity, divestment, exposure, denudation, bareness, disarray, dishabille, tatters, rags, patches, shreds.


      KEY: Attitude.

      SYN: Posture, position, situation, standing, composition, collocation, aspect, pose, lie.

      ANT: Evolution, exercise, bearing, deportment, movement, gesticulation, manoeuvre, gesture.


      KEY: Attract.

      SYN: Influence, induce, dispose, incline, tempt, prompt, allure, charm, fascinate, invite, entice.

      ANT: Repel, deter, indispose, disincline, estrange, alienate.


      KEY: Attraction.

      SYN: Inducement, influence, adduction, inclination, disposition, charm, beauty, allurement.

      ANT: Repulsion, disinclination, aversion, indisposition, deformity, repugnance.


      KEY: Attractive.

      SYN: Winning, alluring, tempting, inviting, engaging, captivating, fascinating, enticing, interesting, charming, pleasant, beautiful, agreeable.

      ANT: Unattractive, repugnant, repulsive, uninteresting, disagreeable, unpleasant, deformed, ugly, deterrent, loathsome, forbidding.


      KEY: Attribute \v.\.

      SYN: Refer, assign, associate, apply, ascribe, charge, impute, connect.

      ANT: Divorce, disconnect, dissociate, dissever.


      KEY: Attribute \n.\.

      SYN: Property, quality, characteristic, attainment, sign, mark, indication, manifestation.

      ANT: correlative, viz, Essence, nature, substance, etc, or, spuriously, affectation, misnomer, semblance, assumption, mask, veil.


      KEY: Attrition.

      SYN: Sorrow, repentance, affliction, penitence, compunction, remorse, self-reproach.

      ANT: Impenitence, callousness, СКАЧАТЬ