A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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      KEY: Ascendancy.

      SYN: Superiority, advantage, mastery, control, influence, supremacy, sway, domination, authority.


      KEY: Ascertain.

      SYN: Prove, verify, find_out, discover, confirm, detect, determine, learn, discern.

      ANT: Guess, conjecture, surmise, suppose, presume.


      KEY: Ascribe.

      SYN: Assign, attribute, impute, refer, render, allege, charge.

      ANT: Deny, refuse, exclude, dissociate, disconnect, dissever.


      KEY: Askant.

      SYN: {[Awij]?}, renew, asquint, obliquely, aslant.

      ANT: Straightforwards, forwards, rectilinearly, ahead, straight.


      KEY: Aspect.

      SYN: Front, face, phase, side, appearance, presentation, exhibition, exposure, feature, view, air, mien, deportment, countenance, bearing, complexion, sight.

      ANT: Back, obverse, rear.


      KEY: Asperity.

      SYN: Acerbity, harshness, acrimony, bitterness, sharpness, tartness, sourness, roughness, moroseness, severity, crabbedness.

      ANT: Mildness, softness, sweetness, gentleness, pleasantness, smoothness.


      KEY: Asperse.

      SYN: Slander, calumniate, bespatter, befoul, defy, attack, defame, vilify, traduce, scandalize, malign, detract_from, blacken, tarnish, befoul, backbite.

      ANT: Clear, defend, eulogize, vindicate, shelter, shield, praise, laud, extol, uphold.


      KEY: Aspiration.

      SYN: Longing, desire, aim, wish, craving, ambition, endeavor, hope, appetition, effort, eagerness.

      ANT: Apathy, indifference, aimlessness, lulness, inertia, callousness, carelessness, aversion, avoidance, rejection, repudiation.


      KEY: Assail, [See ASSAULT].


      KEY: Assault.

      SYN: Onset, attack, aggression, onslaught.

      ANT: Defense, resistance, repulsion, retaliation, undermining, sapping, stratagem.


      KEY: Assay.

      SYN: Test, endeavor, prove, try.

      ANT: Survey, conjecture, guess, scan.


      KEY: Assemble.

      SYN: Gather, collect, congregate, amass, muster, call_together, convoke, convene.

      ANT: Scatter, disperse, go_away, dismiss.


      KEY: Assembly.

      SYN: Meeting, concourse, assemblage, multitude, group, synod, conclave, conference, convocation, unison, company, congregation, collection, crowd, gathering, convention, aggregate.

      ANT: Dispersion, dissipation, disunion, disruption.


      KEY: Assent \n.\.

      SYN: Coincidence, agreement, concert, acknowledgment, consent, acquiescence, approval, concurrence, approbation, compliance.

      ANT: Dissent, disagreement, difference, disavowal, repudiation, declension, disclaimer, protest.


      KEY: Assent \r.\, [See CONCEDE].


      KEY: Assert.

      SYN: Asseverate, declare, pronounce, depose, maintain, statement, avow, avouch, affirm, allege, protest, claim.

      ANT: Deny, contradict, contravene, waive, abandon.


      KEY: Assets.

      SYN: goods, proceeds, possessions, effects, property.

      ANT: Debts, liabilities.


      KEY: Asseverate, [See ASSERT].


      KEY: Assiduity.

      SYN: Attention, perseverance, pains, patience, exertion, labor, application, effort, politeness, constancy, sedulousness, diligence.

      ANT: Indolence, remissness, inattention, desultoriness, inconstancy.


      KEY: Assiduous, [See ASSIDUITY].


      KEY: Assign.

      SYN: Attribute, apportion, allege, refer, specify, consign, intrust, commit, point_out, allot_to, adduce, advance, appoint, convey.

      ANT: Withhold, withdraw, resume, retain, refuse, disconnect, dissociate.


      KEY: Assimilate.

      SYN: Compare, liken, match, engross, identify, incorporate, absorb, appropriate.

      ANT: Separate, segregate, part, contrast, reject.


      KEY: Assist.

      SYN: Help, succor, aid, support, relieve, befriend, second, co-operate_with, back, benefit, further.

      ANT: Hinder, resist, oppose, antagonize, counteract, clog, prevent.


      KEY: Assistance.

      SYN: Help, aid, countenance, support, abettance, protection, maintenance, coadjutorship.

      ANT: Resistance, obstruction, opposition, counteraction, antagonism, drawback, clog, preventive.
