A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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СКАЧАТЬ Prate, prattle, dribble, chatter, gabble, twaddle, blab, cackle.

      ANT: Enunciate, vociferate, hush, suppress.


      KEY: Babbler.

      SYN: Blab, chatterbox, gossip, tattler, telltale.

      ANT: Confident, confessor.


      KEY: Babbling.

      SYN: Prating, blabbing, talkativeness, tattling, cackling, gossip, loquacity, garrulity.

      ANT: Reticence, reserve, secretiveness, closeness, refrain, incommunicativeness, taciturnity.


      KEY: Babel.

      SYN: Hubbub, confusion, clamor, jargon, din, discord, clang.

      ANT: Elocution, articulation, monotony, distinctness, consecutiveness, intonation, enunciation, unisonousness.


      KEY: Backbiter.

      SYN: Detractor, traducer, calumniator, slanderer, cynic, maligner, defamer.

      ANT: Vindicator, upholder, palliator, advocate, mitigator, defender, befriender.


      KEY: Backslider.

      SYN: Renegade, abjurer, recreant, apostate.

      ANT: Professor, confessor, adherent, zealot, bigot.


      KEY: Backsliding, [See BACKSLIDER].


      KEY: Backwardness.

      SYN: Reluctance, slowness, shyness, hesitation, unwillingness, repugnance.

      ANT: Forwardness, readiness, willingness, promptitude, alacrity.


      KEY: Backward, [See BACKWARDNESS].


      KEY: Bad, [See GOOD].


      KEY: Bailie.

      SYN: Frustrate, counteract, {[eBtop]?}, disconcert, elude, mock, thwart, confound, defeat, perplex, restrain, upset, foil, mar, balk, neutralize, dodge, counterfoil.

      ANT: Point, aid, abet, enforce, promote, assist, advance, encourage.


      KEY: Bait.

      SYN: Morsel, snare, decoy, enticement, allurement, inducement.

      ANT: Warning, scarecrow, dissuasive, deterrent, prohibition, intimidation, threat.


      KEY: Balance.

      SYN: Weigh, poise, pit, et, counterpoise, counteract, neutralize, equalize, estimate, redress, adjust.

      ANT: Upset, tilt, cant, subvert, mispoise, overbalance.


      KEY: Balderdash.

      SYN: Gasconade, flummery, rhodomontade, bombast, fustian, froth.

      ANT: Sense, wisdom, logic, reason, sobriety, truthfulness.


      KEY: Balk.

      SYN: Estop, bar, thwart, frustrate, foil, stop, prevent, hinder, neutralize, nullify, mar, counteract, disappoint, defeat, baffle.

      ANT: Aid, abet, promote, advance, encourage, instigate.


      KEY: Balmy, [See AROMATIC].


      KEY: Bandy.

      SYN: Interchange, exchange, reciprocate, cross, pass.

      ANT: Quash, silence, drop, burke, close, stifle, extinguish.


      KEY: Baneful, [See PERNICIOUS].


      KEY: Banish.

      SYN: Expel, abandon, dispel, eject, extrude, exclude, relegate, expatriate, repudiate, disclaim.

      ANT: Cherish, foster, protect, consider, encourage, locate, retain, entertain, domiciliate, domesticate, harbor.


      KEY: Banishment.

      SYN: Outlawry, ostracism, expatriation, expulsion, persecution.

      ANT: Remaining, cherishing, fostering, retaining.


      KEY: Banquet.

      SYN: Feast, festivity, treat, entertainment, festival, carousal, carouse, regalement, cheer.

      ANT: Fast, abstinence, starvation.


      KEY: Banter.

      SYN: Badinage, chaff, mockery, derision, ridicule, irony, jeering, raillery.

      ANT: Discussion, discourse, argument.


      KEY: Barbarous.

      SYN: Rude, strange, uncivilized, brutal, cruel, ferocious, inhuman, merciless, outlandish, savage, uncouth, atrocious, flagitious, unfettered, nefarious, gross.

      ANT: Polite, civilized, refined, humane, urbane.


      KEY: Barely, [See HARDLY].


      KEY: Bargain.

      SYN: Transaction, negotiation, business, profit, speculation, higgling, gain, hawking, chaffer, haggling.

      ANT: Loss, misprofit.


      KEY: Barren, [See STERILE].


      KEY: Base \adj.\.

      SYN: Vile, dishonorable, low, sordid, ignoble, worthiest, mean, infamous, shameful, grovelling, disingenuous, disesteemed, cheap, corrupt, deep.

      ANT: Lofty, СКАЧАТЬ