A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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СКАЧАТЬ injury, accusation, wrong, insult.


      KEY: Apostate, [See FEATURE].


      KEY: Apothegm.

      SYN: Proverb, adage, dictum, maxim, saw, saying.

      ANT: {(As_not_so_condensed)}, Exhortation, sermon, discourse, disquisition.


      KEY: Appal.

      SYN: Affright, alarm, terrify, scare, daunt, cow, shock, frighten, discouraged, dishearten, horrify, dismay, astound.

      ANT: Encourage, rally, assure, embolden, reassure.


      KEY: Apparel.

      SYN: Clothes, robes, vesture, vestments, raiment, garniture, habiliments, habit, dress, clothing, caparison, trappings, housings.

      ANT: Nudity, disinvestiture, deshabille, tatters, rags.


      KEY: Apparent.

      SYN: Obvious, plain, conspicuous, manifest, appearing, unmistakable, clear, probable, seeming, presumable, likely, patent, ostensible, visible, evident, indubitable, notorious, certain.

      ANT: Uncertain, dubious, inapparent, minute, unobservable, improbable, insupposable, hidden, real.


      KEY: Appeal.

      SYN: Accost, address, apostrophize, invite, cite, invoke, urge, refer, call_upon, entreat, request, resort.

      ANT: Deprecate, repudiate, protest, disavow, disclaim, defy, abjure.


      KEY: Appearance.

      SYN: Advent, coming, arrival, presence, apparition, aspect, Manifestatlon, probability, likeness, exhibition, mien, manner, semblance, air, show, look, pretense, likelihood, presumption.

      ANT: Departure, disappearance, unlikelihood, non-appearance, concealment, evanition.


      KEY: Appease.

      SYN: Pacify, [See {[BSPURRO]?}], mitigate, conciliate, propitiate, moderate, satisfy, stay, allay, quiet, soften, calm, compose, soothe, hush, cool, tranquilize.

      ANT: Excite, provoke, aggravate, exasperate, inflame, embitter, incense, intensify, stimulate, kindle.


      KEY: Appellation.

      SYN: Name, patronymic, cognomen, style, description, designation, title, denomination, term.

      ANT: Namelessness, non-description, anonymousness.


      KEY: Append.

      SYN: Affix, supplement, subjoin, attach.

      ANT: Separate, disengage, disconnect, detach.


      KEY: Appendage, Appendix \n.\.

      SYN: Addition, annexation, adjunct, supplement.

      ANT: Subtraction, separation, amalgamation, disconnection, detachment, disjunction, division, incorporation.


      KEY: Appended.

      SYN: Added, joined, affixed, subjoined, attached, appended, additional, concomitant.

      ANT: Detracted, disconnected, separated, disjoined, divided.


      KEY: Appertaining, [See CONCERNING].


      KEY: Appetite.

      SYN: Passion, desire, propensity, proclivity, inclination, propension, appetency, want, craving, disposition, tendency, proneness.

      ANT: Repugnance, aversion, antipathy, loathing, indifference, apathy.


      KEY: Applaud.

      SYN: Laud, praise, extol, approve, eulogize, commend, cry_up, magnify, encourage, cheer.

      ANT: Disapprove, denounce, decry, censure, execrate.


      KEY: Applause.

      SYN: Praise, plaudit, laudation, encomium, commendation, approbation, acclamation, approval, eulogy, acclaim.

      ANT: Obloquy, condemnation, denunciation, dissatisfaction, contempt, censure, blame, vituperation, sibilation.


      KEY: Appliance.

      SYN: Contrivance, mechanism, arrangement, means, agency.

      ANT: Spontaneity, growth, production, evolution, development.


      KEY: Applicable.

      SYN: Available, ancilla, ry, convenient, useful, pertinent, conducive, appropriate.

      ANT: Useless, unavailable, inconducive, inapplicable, irrelevant.


      KEY: Application, [See DILIGENCE].


      KEY: Apply.

      SYN: Adduce, use, employ, allot, dedicate, devote, exercise, apportion, direct, engage.

      ANT: Disuse, divorce, discard, supersede, alienate, remove, misapply, misdirect, divert, misappropriate, misemploy.


      KEY: Appoint.

      SYN: Fix, determine, instal, allot, order, prescribe, institute, employ, apportion, apply, designate, assign, intrust, invest, ordain, arrange.

      ANT: Reverse, cancel, recall, withdraw, reserve, withhold, retain, undo, suspend, disarrange, disappoint.


      KEY: Apportion.

      SYN: Assign, deal, allot, grant, share, divide, dispense, administer, distribute, appoint.

      ANT: Reserve, retain, refuse, withhold, assume, resume, cancel, divert, suspend, reapportion, reappoint.


      KEY: Apportionment, [See APPORTION].