A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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СКАЧАТЬ Prior, foregoing, antecedent, previous, precursive, precedent, earlier, Introductory, preliminary, former.

      ANT: Posterior, later, subsequent, consequent, succeeding.


      KEY: Anticipate.

      SYN: Forestall, prejudge, expect, foretaste, apprehend, prevent, prearrange, prepare, prejudge, meet, obviate, intercept, forecast.

      ANT: Remember, recollect, remedy, recall, undo, cure, misapprehend.


      KEY: Anticipation.

      SYN: Prevention, expectation, forestallment, awaiting, preoccupation, preconception, foresight, forethought, foretaste, prelibation, preclusion, pregustation, antepast, forecast, provision.

      ANT: Surprise, unpreparedness, Un-expectedness, inexpectation, actual_enjoyment, non-expectation, realization, consummation.


      KEY: Antipathy.

      SYN: Repugnance, dislike, hatred, detestation, contrariety, aversion, distaste, uncongeniality, antagonism, hostility, opposition, abhorrence.

      ANT: Sympathy, kindliness, congeniality, fellow-feeling, affinity, harmony.


      KEY: Antiquated.

      SYN: By-gone, quaint, old-fashioned, obsolete.

      ANT: Fashionable, modish, stylish, modern.


      KEY: Antique.

      SYN: Archaic, ancient, ancestral.

      ANT: Modern, recent, new-fangled.


      KEY: Antithesis.

      SYN: Contrast, opposition, contradiction, antagonism.

      ANT: Identity, sameness, convertibility, coincidence, coalescence.


      KEY: Anxiety.

      SYN: Care, trouble, eagerness, disquiet, apprehension, carefulness, diffidence, solicitude, misgiving.

      ANT: Carelessness, ease, confidence, contentment, acquiescence, contentedness, apathy, light-heartedness, nonchalance.


      KEY: Anxious.

      SYN: Solicitous, careful, uneasy, concerned, restless, watchful, disturbed, unquiet.

      ANT: Without_care, careless, inert, ease, unconcerned, calm, composed.


      KEY: Apace.

      SYN: Rapidly, fast, astride, eagerly, ahead, expeditiously, speedily.

      ANT: Slowly, imperceptibly, leisurely, creepingly, crawlingly, sluggishly, tardily.


      KEY: Apart.

      SYN: Aloof, away, separately, secret, asunder, privately, aside, secretly, separate.

      ANT: Close, together, united, along_with, hand_ill_hand.


      KEY: Apartment.

      SYN: Room, chamber, hall, lodging, berth.

      ANT: Resident, dweller, lodger, occupant, inmate, tenant, housebuilding.


      KEY: Apathy.

      SYN: Indifference, insensibility, {unfeelingness_in_company}, insusceptibility, unconcern, sluggishness, hebetude.

      ANT: Anxiety, care, eagerness, interestedness, sensibility, susceptibility, sensitiveness, irritability, curiosity.


      KEY: Apathetic.

      SYN: Unfeeling, stoical, cold, frigid, indifferent, impassive, insensible, insensitive.

      ANT: Anxious, careful, sympathetic, sensitive, susceptible.


      KEY: Ape_\v.\.

      SYN: Mimic, imitate, simulate, personate, represent.

      ANT: Not_to_imitate, vary, modify, change.


      KEY: Aperture.

      SYN: Opening, gap, chasm, fissure, cleft.

      ANT: Closure, blocking_up, seclusion, imperviousness, blank_wall, shutting_up.


      KEY: Apex, [See ACME].


      KEY: Aphorism.

      SYN: Adage, apothegm, maxim, saying, precept, rule, proverb.

      ANT: Lecture, exhortation, dissertation, disquisition.


      KEY: Apiece.

      SYN: Distributively, individually, separately, severally, analytically.

      ANT: Collectively, together, accumulatively, indiscriminately, confusedly, synthetically.


      KEY: Apocalypse.

      SYN: Revelation, manifestation, unveiling, exhibition, divestment, exposure, disclosure.

      ANT: Concealment, suppression, obscuration, veiling, shrouding, eclipse, envelopment.


      KEY: Apocryphal.

      SYN: Obscure, doubtful, unauthorized, unauthentic, spurious, legendary, uncertain, unauthenticated, unverified.

      ANT: Palpable, accepted, authorized, authentic, genuine, current, undisputed, verified, attested.


      KEY: Apologue.

      SYN: Fable, fiction, parable.

      ANT: Precept, history, narrative.


      KEY: Apology.

      SYN: Defense, justification, plea, exculpation, excuse, vindication, acknowledgment, confession.

      ANT: Charge, imputation, impeachment, offense, incrimination, СКАЧАТЬ