A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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СКАЧАТЬ Fall, recede, relapse, decline, fail.


      KEY: Amount \n.\.

      SYN: Total, aggregate, sum, whole, quantity, totality, equality.

      ANT: Failure, decrease, deficiency, portion, instalment, deficit, insufficiency.


      KEY: Ample.

      SYN: Large, bountiful, liberal, copious, spacious, roomy, diffusive, full, complete, sufficient, plentiful, abundant,.

      ANT: Narrow, niggardly, insufficient, stingy, scant, mean, stint, bare.


      KEY: Amplification, [See AMPLIFY].


      KEY: Amplify.

      SYN: Enrich, enlarge, increase, augment, multiply, dilate, develop, swell, expatiate, expand, discuss, unfold, extend.

      ANT: Retrench, amputate, curtail, condense, abbreviate, epitomize, gath, er, collect, sum.


      KEY: Amplitude, [See AMPLE].


      KEY: Amputate.

      SYN: Prune, lop, curtail, clip, remove.

      ANT: Extend, enlarge, augment, elongate, amplify, t_rain, trail, develop, pra_duce.


      KEY: Analogy.

      SYN: Relation, resemblance, proportion, similarity, similitude, coincidence, affinity, comparison, parity.

      ANT: Disproportion, dissimilarity, disharmony, irrelativeness, heterogeneousness, incongruity, inaffinity.


      KEY: Analysis.

      SYN: Dissection, separation, anatomy, segregation, decomposition, resolution, partition.

      ANT: Composition, synthesis, aggregation, combination, coalition, amalgamation, coherence.


      KEY: Anarchy.

      SYN: Disorder, tumult, rebellion, riot, misgovernment, insubordination.

      ANT: Order, subjection, government, organization, control, law.


      KEY: Anatomy.

      SYN: Dissection, division, segregation, analysis, resolution, dismemberment.

      ANT: Synthesis, collocation, organization, union, construction, structure, form, body.


      KEY: Ancient.

      SYN: Old, antiquated, oldfashioned, antique, obsolete, old-time, aged, primeval, primordial, immemorial, time-honored.

      ANT: New, young, modern, juvenile, upstart, fresh, parvenu.


      KEY: Ancillary.

      SYN: Assistant, subservient, promotive, auxiliary, accessory, conducive, available, useful, applicable.

      ANT: insubservient, redundant, inappropriate, irrelevant, alien, inoperative, unconducive, adverse, counteractive, obstructive, impertinent, preventive.


      KEY: Anew.

      SYN: afresh, again, repeatedly.

      ANT: Of_old, continuously, uninterruptedly.


      KEY: anfractuosity.

      SYN: Tortuousness, ambiguousness, angularity, ambiguity, circumlocution, disjointedness.

      ANT: Straightforwardness, directness.


      KEY: Angelic.

      SYN: Pure, ethereal, spiritual, lovely, heavenly, seraphic, rapturous, divine.

      ANT: Foul, hideous, demoniacal, diabolical, hellish, fiendish.


      KEY: Anger \n.\.

      SYN: Ire, incentment, vexation, grudge, pique, exasperation, indignation, enmity, displeasure, irritation, passion, spleen, gall, resentment, rage, animosity, fury, choler, wrath.

      ANT: Peace, peacefulness, peaceableness, appeasement, forgiveness, goodwill, patience, forbearance, reconciliation, conciliatoriness, mildness.


      KEY: Anger \v.\.

      SYN: Enrage, vex, kindle, fret, ruffle, chafe, infuriate, exasperate, provoke, irritate, incense, wound, inflame, imbitter.

      ANT: To_appease, compose, forbear, allay, soothe, calm, conciliate, heal.


      KEY: Angry.

      SYN: Wrathful, irate, resentful, ireful, incensed, furious, irascible, choleric, moody, nettled, touchy, sullen, piqued, excited, provoked, raging, chafed, hasty, hot, exasperated, indignant, passionate.

      ANT: Peaceful, forgiving, forbearing, calm, good-tempered, unresentful.


      KEY: Anguish.

      SYN: Pain, pang, wound, sorrow, distress, grief, discomfort, torture, excruciation, agony, torment.

      ANT: Ease, pleasure, enjoyment, ecstasy, rapture, relief, solace, comfort, assuagement.


      KEY: Animadversion.

      SYN: Rebuke, disapproval, censure, blame.

      ANT: Praise, approval, encouragement, eulogy.


      KEY: Animate.

      SYN: Enliven, Inspirit, instigate, quicken, exhilarate, embolden, rouse, revivify, cheer, gladden, stir, prompt, incite, stimulate.

      ANT: Dishearten, deter, cow, stifle, depress, damp, deaden, discourage.


      KEY: Animated.

      SYN: Boused, excited, inspirited, exhilarated, enlivened, vivacious, stirred, lively, brisk, enlivening, inspiring, spirited.