A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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      KEY: Ailment.

      SYN: Complaint, sickness, illness, disease.

      ANT: Recovery, convalescence, sanity, health, robustness, vigor, salubriousness.


      KEY: Aim_\n.\.

      SYN: Tendency, intent, aspiration, bent, drift, object, scope, goal, purpose, mark, end, design, intention.

      ANT: Shunning, disregarding, disaffecting, overlooking, avoiding.


      KEY: Aim_\v.\.

      SYN: Seek, level, propose, design, affect, intend, mean, purpose.

      ANT: Shun, disregard, disaffect, ignore, overlook, avoid.


      KEY: Airy.

      SYN: Light, ethereal, spiritual, joyous, sprightly, lively, animated, frolicsome, fairy-like.

      ANT: Dull, inert, stony, ponderous, plow, heavy, cheerless, sullen, dolesome, lugubrious, leaden, wooden.


      KEY: Akin.

      SYN: Related, agnate, cognate, homogeneous, similar, consanguineous, congenial, allied, sympathetic.

      ANT: Unrelated, unconnected, foreign, alien, heterogeneous, uncongenial, hostile, unallied, antagonistic, unsympathetic, dissimilar.


      KEY: Alacrity.

      SYN: Quickness, readiness, briskness, activity, cheerfulness, compliance, willingness, promptitude.

      ANT: Slowness, reluctance, repugnance.


      KEY: Alarm \n.\.

      SYN: Apprehension, fright, fear, timidity, consternation, tocsin, war-cry, war-note, reveille, dread, {[af]?}, fright, disquietude, dismay.

      ANT: Confidence, security, quiet.


      KEY: Alarm \v.\.

      SYN: Warn, wake, terrify, intimidate, frighten.

      ANT: Compose, embolden, reassure, rally.


      KEY: Alarming.

      SYN: Terrible, fearful, frightful, portentous, ominous, threatening.

      ANT: Soothing, assuring, encouraging, inviting, propitious, hopeful, alluring, enticing, attractive.


      KEY: Alert.

      SYN: Active, brisk, nimble, prepared, prompt, vigilant, ready, wakeful, watchful, on_the_watch, lively.

      ANT: Slow, sleepy, lazy, absent, unready, oblivious, sluggish, inactive, unwatchful, dilatory, drowsy.


      KEY: Alien.

      SYN: Foreign, strange, undomesticated, inappropriate, irrelevant, impertinent.

      ANT: Pertinent, essential, proper, appropriate, relevant, germane, {[afcin]?}, apropos, naturalized.


      KEY: Alienate.

      SYN: Estrange, abalienate, transfer, wean, disaffect, convey.

      ANT: Conciliate, retain, endear, entail, bind, secure.


      KEY: Alienation.

      SYN: Insanity, aberration, hallucination, derangement, imbecility.

      ANT: Sanity, soundness, sobriety, rationality.


      KEY: Alight.

      SYN: Perch, drop, descend, dismount.

      ANT: Mount, ascend, spring, soar, start.


      KEY: Alike.

      SYN: Resembling, similar, together, twin-fellow, analogous, identical, equal, equivalent, same, homogeneous, akin, equally.

      ANT: Unlike, heterogeneous, apart, dissimilar, variously, differently, unequally.


      KEY: Ailment.

      SYN: Food, sustentation, nutriment, pabulum, victuals, provision, meat, sustenance, nourishment.

      ANT: Poison, bane, venom, starvation, exhaustion.


      KEY: Alive.

      SYN: Quick, living, breathing, warm, lively, vivacious, alert, existing, existent, safe, subsisting, active, brisk, animated.

      ANT: Dead, departed, cold, lifeless, defunct, inanimate, dispirited, du.


      KEY: All.

      SYN: Whole, complete, entire, total, every, integral, perfect, full.

      ANT: {[(preceding)]?}, Some, part.


      KEY: Allay.

      SYN: soothe, alleviate, repress, mitigate, quiet, moderate, appease, compose, soften, pacify, mollify, assuage, tranquilize, palliate, culm.

      ANT: Excite, rouse, aggravate, stir, kindle, fan, impassion, provoke, incite.


      KEY: Allege.

      SYN: Declare, affirm, assert, asseverate, depose, plead, cite, quote, assign, advance, maintain, say.

      ANT: Contradict, gainsay, refute, deny, disprove, neutralize, quash, repel.


      KEY: Allegiance.

      SYN: Subjection, obedience, loyalty, fealty, homage.

      ANT: Disloyalty, rebellion, resistance, disaffection, malcontentment, treason.


      KEY: Allegory.

      SYN: Parable, metaphor, fable, illustration, image.

      ANT: History, fact, narrative.
