A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      ANT: Detach, disunite, separate, remove, disengage, unfasten.


      KEY: Affliction.

      SYN: Trouble, trial, grief, pain, disease, misery, hardship, sorrow.

      ANT: Consolation, relief, alleviation, assuagement, more_(or, positively:), boon, blessing, gratification, pleasure.


      KEY: Affluence.

      SYN: Abundance, plenty, wealth, riches, opulence.

      ANT: Want, scarcity, penury, indigence, poverty, impecuniosity, straitness, lack.


      KEY: Afflux.

      SYN: Accession, importation, augmentation, increase, addition, influx.

      ANT: Decrease, detriment, detraction, diminution, exhaustion, failure, ebb.


      KEY: Afford.

      SYN: Produce, supply, give, yield, grant, confer, bestow, impart, administer, extend.

      ANT: Withhold, deny, withdraw, retain, stint, grudge.


      KEY: Affranchise.

      SYN: Free, liberate, enfranchise, manumit, qualify, open.

      ANT: Enthral, enslave, subjugate, disfranchise, disqualify, close.


      KEY: Affray.

      SYN: Broil, tumult, brawl, melee, fracas, disturbance, uproar, quarrel, strife, wrangle, altercation.

      ANT: Order, tranquillity, pacification, dispersion, quelling.


      KEY: Affright.

      SYN: Startle, astonish, terrify, alarm, dismay, cow, frighten, scare.

      ANT: Encourage, embolden, reassure.


      KEY: Affront.

      SYN: Outrage, provocation, insult, ill-treatment, abuse, wrong, offence, Indignity.

      ANT: Homage, salutation, courtesy, apology, amends, compliment.


      KEY: Afire.

      SYN: Ablaze, alight, burning, ignited.

      ANT: Out, extinguished, quenched.


      KEY: Afloat.

      SYN: Adrift, abroad, at_sea, abroach, loose, distracted, dazed.

      ANT: Ashore, snug, tight, close, fast, collected, concentrated.


      KEY: Afoot.

      SYN: Working, launched, afloat, agoing, inaugurated, started, instituted, established.

      ANT: Uncommenced, Incomplete, projected, proposed, contemplated, designed.


      KEY: Afore.

      SYN: Precedent, antecedent, foregoing, ahead, afront, before, beyond, sooner.

      ANT: Behind, following, subsequently, after, astern, aback, rearwards.


      KEY: Aforesaid.

      SYN: Above-mentioned, stated, forenamed, foregoing, preceding, forementioned.

      ANT: Following, subjoined, aftercited, forthcoming.


      KEY: Afraid.

      SYN: Fearful, apprehensive, timid, timorous, cowardly, fainthearted, cautious, careful, frightened, alarmed, terrified, suspicious, distrustful, anxious.

      ANT: Fearless, inapprehensive, unsolicitous, easy, indifferent, secure, confident, bold, hopeful, eager, reckless, audacious, venturesome.


      KEY: Afresh.

      SYN: Anew, again, frequently, repeatedly, intermittently.

      ANT: Continuously, uniformly, uninterruptedly, unintermittently, connectedly.


      KEY: Aft, {[AsAS-r]?}.


      KEY: After.

      SYN: Behind, following, succeeding.

      ANT: Afore, before, Introducing, preceding.


      KEY: {[A^aiii]?}.

      SYN: Anew, afresh, repeatedly, frequently.

      ANT: Continuously, uniformly, uninterruptedly, unintermittently, once.


      KEY: Against.

      SYN: Over, opposite, abutting, opposing, resisting, despite, across, athwart, counter.

      ANT: With, for, accompanying, aiding, suiting, promoting.


      KEY: Agape.

      SYN: Astare, agog, astonished, curious, inquisitive, entertained, amused, eager.

      ANT: Incurious, listless, lukewarm, absent.


      KEY: Age.

      SYN: Period, generation, era, epoch, date, century, antiquity, senility, eldership, seniority.

      ANT: Youth, infancy, boyhood, childhood, moment, instant.


      KEY: Aged.

      SYN: Old, ancient, antiquated, elderly, senile, patriarchal, primeval, time-honored, olden.

      ANT: Juvenile, youthful, young, upstart, recent, fresh.


      KEY: Agency, [See AGENT].


      KEY: Agent.

      SYN: Doer, performer, actor, force, СКАЧАТЬ