The Key to Eternal Life. Trayana Harizanova
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Название: The Key to Eternal Life

Автор: Trayana Harizanova

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9785005188410


СКАЧАТЬ days passed when, reading the book about Vanga, I suddenly wanted to pray and cry. I became very sad because so few people do not know the truth about life on Earth and I wished everyone to live together and love each other, to have supreme justice and understanding – Love and Light! I cried for the Bulgarian people that very few people develop spiritually. Over the years, Vanga has been very accurate in speaking the truth simply.

      Everything in the book is true, but everything is said as if with the help of some code that needs to be decoded. Everything was transmitted through it by the Supreme Mind. She always told people, “Don’t envy anyone! Don’t be greedy! If you have two shirts, give one to your fellow – it is human. People must love each other so that there is no jealousy, envy, because they destroy you and your loved ones. Be kind and honest. Good defeats evil only with Faith and Love.

      It is said very correctly, but it takes time for people to realize and apply it in life. As my acquaintance from Stara Zagora, Valya, had once told me: “Only with Faith and Hope I have changed my life for the better. There comes a time when you must change, it is never too late to start all over again. I prayed to God for a husband and a child, I wanted to have a wonderful family and a life full of love and understanding because I felt ready for it. And everything happened because I sincerely believed… Everything happened the way I wanted, because I was ready for that.” If people started to change, at least a little bit every day, then life on Earth would be wonderful! This requires Faith and Love and most importantly – Will and Desire. It is very important for parents to be ready to have children, to know how to raise them properly. Parents themselves must be impeccable: to be ready, not to drink, not to smoke, not to lie, to treat their children with respect and most importantly – to feel them…

      Unfortunately, most parents do not know how to behave with their children, how to treat them properly. They are often shouted at and the children panic. This is just one example of many, but we will discuss this topic another time…

      I would like to go back to the period when I was freeing myself from the Ego – from my selfish qualities, which, of course, all people have. After healing my kidneys and stomach, my Master reduced my Ego to a small size and left me to fight it alone. I really wish he had destroyed it completely, but my job was to deal with it alone. I had to learn not to take insults from anyone, not to get angry, not to be jealous, not to be evious, to think only positively. Even if someone hurt or insulted me, I had to forgive him immediately and release the tension from the situation, but I had to do it from the heart, i.e. to get rid of the insult radically.

      How to do this, you ask? With a lot of work and work on yourself, using your iron will, GOOD AND GOOD. Yes, the task was not easy at all, but I tried my best to succeed and get rid of the so-called SELFISH HUMAN QUALITIES, which prevented me from moving forward and hindered my development. I felt unhealthy during the purification. I went through everything: flu, runny nose, sore throat. For the first time, I decided not to use antibiotics and, literally, I managed to get back on my feet in three days.

      My Master told me that this is a normal process in cleansing the body of negative energy, anger, malice, etc., and it seemed to me that my Ego was dying… If antibiotics were resorted to at such a time, it will give them the effect of anaesthesia, i.e. the process will be stopped and the negative energy will remain in the body. This means that in a certain period of time a person will get sick again and, which is much more serious – the subsequent diseases will be much more severe.

      As I freed myself from my Ego, at times I was very nervous, constantly feeling anxious (the ego was afraid it was time to leave). I asked my Master:

      – Where did this second Ego come from in me? How did this happen?

      – This is an old man who is 200 years old, left over from the period when you lived in Russia in the early 19th century. Then you were a rich noble lady, you played the piano, you had a big house and a lot of servants. Then your great pride appeared – the Ego PRIDE. The time has come to get rid of the Ego PRIDE the most difficult thing is to fight with your Ego.

      Igor could have destroyed it very easily, but he did just do it partially so I can harden my character and fight it myself.

      While I was praying in the church in front of the icon of Jesus Christ, I saw how the icon began to move now to the left, now to the right.

      – Yes, it is now very easy to move from one vibration to another, because now the Earth is closest to Heaven.

      – Something interesting is constantly happening to me, miracles are happening around me. Several times, I have already seen the icons in the church swaying to the left and to the right, and at times, my Ego gets annoyed and afraid of destroying it. I don’t need this Ego, it just bothers me. How do you think life is designed to work here on Earth?

      – We are just an experiment here.

      – I feel that you and I will be the first people to live forever.

      – Yes, that is…

      – And I also feel that I will be able to get rid of my Ego very quickly.

      – Yes, it is already on his knees, I see it. You have to beat it.

      – To win?!

      – Yes, your Higher Self must defeat your Ego. It should.

      – I know I am strong and I can handle it. Yes, and you give me the energy I need every day.

      – Yes, I give you a very strong energy that the Ego cannot resist.

      Suddenly, even though I was breathing deeply and hard, I felt my air run out. This is not the first time this has happened to me in the last month.

      – There is a little more left. Of course, I can destroy it in a second, but you have to defeat it yourself. Your Higher Self must defeat it.

      People know about the Ego, but no one wants to work on themselves. This may seem like a fairy tale to you, but it is the truth. There are many hidden truths that no one wants to reveal. The story of the Ego is interesting. People need to know that there is an Ego in every person. When we try to be better, nobler, more honest, more selfless, working and freeing ourselves from the bad qualities of our character, we are able to free ourselves from the Ego, to start all over again and become what we really are.

      I was very grateful to my Master for the great support and his energetic help, thanks to which I was free from the Ego. On the other hand, the Ego made me angry with Igor every day because I felt his strong energy. I was constantly offended, I was dissatisfied all the time and, believe me, it was very difficult for me to deal with jealousy, dissatisfaction, impatience.

      These qualities, which are formed in the character of man for many years, are not at all easy to suddenly clear forever in a day or two, even a month. This requires CONSTANT WORK, patience and humility.

      How many people do you know who have freed themselves from their Ego? How many people do you know who try to be better every day than yesterday? Think about it – the key is in you.

      I, of course, apologized to my Master and asked him for forgiveness for my unworthy treatment of him (this is because of the Ego!), I promised that I would not take insults again. No more time for insults, I rise to the top in the spiral of perfection of consciousness. I knew that СКАЧАТЬ