The Key to Eternal Life. Trayana Harizanova
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Название: The Key to Eternal Life

Автор: Trayana Harizanova

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9785005188410


СКАЧАТЬ that have existed on the planet for 3—4 thousand years will disappear because they are no longer needed and interfere with the Pleiades who sent us Christ. The Pleiades take care of us.

      – In what dimension do the Pleiades live?

      – In the 12th dimension, where the SERAPHIMS and CHERUBIMS live, the superior angels. The Pleiades, who live in the 12th dimension, have returned from the future to the past to correct the mistakes they made before on Earth. I have also returned from the future to the past to save planet Earth from a planetary catastrophe. I came from the FEDERATION OF OUR GALAXY – THE MILKY WAY. There, in the sixth dimension, sits the Government of our Galaxy. I am God who descended into the material body of the third dimension to save planet Earth from planetary catastrophe and to raise Gaia in the fifth dimension, to the place where life is in Paradise – forever.

      When Igor stopped talking, I just looked at him and I felt and couldn’t say anything. Yes, I know how much energy and strength he gives to our planet. Every morning he gets up at 05.30, goes to the sea to meditate and so it is every day for many years.

      His mission is to protect the planet and give it energy. That is why he lives in Cyprus. It is always warm here and the climate allows this mission to be carried out (no snow, no ice). Yes, the Great Teacher – the Godman or, more precisely, the Miracleworker.

      I myself am an example of how he shares his strong energy with me every day. As a Master and Teacher, he constantly supported me and watched me deal with daily difficulties, more precisely, with my Ego, which constantly hindered me. I realised that he was the only person who could energetically help me. When I was offended, when I was angry or dissatisfied, I knew that this was my Ego. The tests in Cyprus were for my good.

      There were times when he stopped helping me because I had to go through fire and water myself to cope. At that time, my Ego was getting angry, but I was strong and I was able to fight it. These are TESTS OF PERFECTION to go up the spiral. Every day my mind awoke more and more with the purity of the vibrations. I once asked Igor:

      – How many people have as strong and pure energy as us?

      – There are no other such people in Cyprus, only we are with you…

      Then I understood why so many of my relatives, friends and colleagues were constantly looking for my company and saying that I had positive energy. They kept telling me about various incidents, as if they were confessing to me. This started to impress me.

      When I come to think of it: I purified myself energetically, mentally and spiritually every day. I prayed to God to forgive me all the transgressions and mistakes I had made, willingly or unwillingly, and so I purified my soul. Every day I tried to be better and more selfless, I tried to help relatives, friends and acquaintances as much as I could. I watched miracles happen to me, my friends and acquaintances… So when we pray, our souls are purified, but only 2% of the people on Earth know about it…


      “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 4: 4—7).

      The Apostle Paul writes, “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him” (Heb. 11: 6).

* * *

      Here is an example of how our planet is protected… My Master told me that on February 15th, 2013, a meteorite fell near the city of Chelyabinsk in Russia. The power of the explosion could have been 30 times greater than the atomic bomb explosion over Hiroshima in 1945. This meteorite did not explode just because the people of Russia had created the dome of “First Love” from one end of the ocean to the other to protect Russia and planet Earth from a GLOBAL DISASTER.

      “No one died.” They were only wounded by broken windows and falling debris. For the past three years, I’ve been protecting the Earth from all the meteorites and asteroids that fly around the planet. So we are completely safe. No celestial object can harm the planet and humanity. Igor told me about this case on February 18th, 2013, and it became so interesting to me that I immediately started looking for information about the meteorite in the Russian news.

      “On February 15th, 2013 at 9:22 local time (7:22 Moscow time) a meteorite flew over the territory of the Chelyabinsk region at the speed of sound in the direction of Chelyabinsk – Chebarkul – Satka.

      A loud explosion, an air shock wave, light electromagnetic radiation and seismic acoustic interference accompanied its passage.

      The lightning was seen in neighbouring areas, as well as in neighbouring Kazakhstan. The shock wave shattered the windows of more than 7,000 buildings. There were no casualties, but more than 1,600 people were injured by shattered windows, and 52 were hospitalized.

      (“15 февраля 2013 года в 9:22 по местному времени (7:22 мск) над территорией Челябинской области пролетел метеорит со сверхзвуковой скоростью по направлению Челябинск – Чебаркуль – Сатка. Его прохождение сопровождалось сильным взрывом, воздушной ударной волной, световым и электромагнитным излучением, сейсмическим и акустическим возмущением.

      Вспышка света была видна и в соседних регионах, а также в сопредельном Казахстане. Ударная волна выбила стекла более чем в семи тысячах зданий.

      ЧП обошлось без человеческих жертв, но постра- дали более 1,6 тысячи человек, главным образом, из-за порезов стеклами выбитых окон, 52 человека были госпитализированы”. )

      I thought, “Lord God! These people have not understood anything, they are just thinking about money!” This is how the world works: materialism has swallowed people’s consciousness.

      I immediately remembered Igor’s account of the fact that 300,000 years ago we were copied by beings from the planet Satan (Nibiru) and that we were an experiment on our planet. I just said out loud:

      – How can people don’t understand that the Key is in themselves!

      Igor answered:

      – From the reptiles remain only two functions: to live and to multiply, and all other talents and gifts of God are destroyed. Everything that happens here on Earth is our tests. This was done on purpose so that at this level of development – in the third dimension, we can realize that we are PART OF THE COSMIC СКАЧАТЬ