The Key to Eternal Life. Trayana Harizanova
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Название: The Key to Eternal Life

Автор: Trayana Harizanova

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9785005188410


СКАЧАТЬ who was Nostradamus in a past life?

      – Yes, in 2012 a boy was born in Russia who was Nostradamus in his previous life… Only he could decrypt what was written then…

      – How interesting! How many secrets exist on this planet!

* * *

      On January 3th, 2013, a miracle happened! My friend Vessy’s mother, Aunt Tsvetanka, was walking! She was bedridden, but after Igor’s sessions and with the help of a masseur, she started walking! Igor told her at the beginning that she would walk, but she did not believe him. That’s why God made me meet Vessy just when she needed help… There’s nothing accidental!

      When I think about how many people Igor has helped, I believe that the time will come when God will give him so much energy that he would be able to heal people from the first time, as Christ healed.

      The next day, Vessy invited Igor and me to dinner in gratitude that her mother was already walking. That’s why God sent him to them at Christmas – they needed his energy. That day, Vessy let me read Vanga’s Prophecies. The book was written and published on the occasion of the prophetess’ 100th birthday. When I took the book in my hands, my eyes suddenly filled with tears, my breathing quickened, I cried and immediately received information: you must continue the path of Vanga! This happened several times, and when I looked at Vanga’s picture, I felt as if I was connected to her. Maybe one day I will remember who I am and why my life is like this, and not another. And again so many tears flowed from my eyes, as if they were coming from my soul, as if I already knew that I have to continue Vanga’s way of helping people.

      A few days later, I shared with Igor my strong impressions of the book about Vanga. I told him how Vanga talked about Bulgaria and Russia 40 years ago, that Russia is our mother and that we should follow her because she has always helped us and will continue to help us. “We can only rely on her! Russia is the gateway to Bulgaria!” – Vanga said this in the presence of Lyuben Georgiev, Yanka Takeva and Professor Dimitar Filipov in 1994. Vanga also said that we are blood brothers with the Russian people, that the Russian people love us, always ready to help us and that Europe will not help us. I thought about these words, said many years ago and shared my thoughts with Igor:

      – Probably that’s why we are so close with you and you always support me? You knew about me 12 years before we met. You probably knew that one day we should help unite Bulgaria and Russia?

      – Yes, that is…

      Therefore, when in 2007 I saw how the Russians are buying real estates in Bulgaria en masse, I said to myself that we will become the 16th republic of Russia. This is also written in the book about Vanga. I wonder who paid serious attention to this or believed what Vanga said? To most people, all this still sounds very mysterious.

      That is why my task and mission on Earth is to help the Bulgarian people and to continue Vanga’s mission. When I read Igor’s book, I found a very interesting passage:

      “God is one, no matter the way we call him, and before God we are all equal. There is an old Indian teaching – the “White Brotherhood”, which will spread all over the world, it will be printed in new books and everyone will read it. This will be the “New Bible”! This was said in a conversation with the Russian writer Vladimir Sidorov. And more: “A new teaching will appear, thanks to it the people will purify their souls. A young, handsome and strong man will spread it all over the world, but he has not appeared yet” (conversation with Boyka Tsvetanova).

      I just glanced at Igor and realised that Vanga was talking about him – and she still didn’t know who this messenger of God would be. I continued reading aloud:

      – “All the apostles – Vanga says, – are now on earth because the time of the Holy Spirit has come, but the greatest mission is entrusted to the apostle Andrew – he is preparing the way for Jesus Christ and, as he commanded, he will return to Earth in white clothes, when chosen people feel in their hearts the Return of Christ.” (Conversation with the Russian writer Valentin Sidorov.)

      I looked at Igor and saw tears in his eyes. He took a small icon of St. Andrew from his pocket and handed it to me:

      – So the Apostle Andrew is your teacher. You are the happiest person, you communicate with Christ and God every day!

      I was amazed. Yes, I knew that Igor was sent by God on a mission to save the planet from disaster and that he succeeded, but so far I just could not fully realise the importance of what is happening around me.

      I kept reading. It was written that Jesus Christ was training and preparing for his new mission and would return in the middle of the New Age. The New Age is beginning and all the religions that have existed on the planet for 3—4 thousand years will disappear because they are no longer needed and interfere with the Pleiades who sent us Christ. The Pleiades take care of us. They are already here, among us, and people can see them. (from a conversation with Petar Bakov.)

      I looked at Igor again and asked:

      – And who are the Pleiades?

      – This is a civilisation that was here many thousands of years ago, even before Lemuria, and now they are HERE again. They have done good and evil here on Earth, now they are correcting their mistakes.

      – So, they sent you here? Did I understand correctly you are here to correct their mistakes?

      – Yes, I am here to save the planet from destruction, this is my task.

      – So that’s why we were shown our meeting 12 years ago so that I could write a book about you and let people know about you?

      Tears glistened in his eyes. I asked:

      – And does your family know about this?

      He did not answer.

      Even 18 years ago, Igor knew everything he had to do for his mission on Earth. In the most incredible way, I was given the information I received from the book about Vanga, which coincided with everything I learned about Igor. A coincidence? Hardly? This book came to me just for that! At our first meeting, Igor told me: – “You are the future Vanga, but in a stronger form and your mission is: to help awaken the Bulgarian people.”

      – Why me?

      – Who else? This is your task one day you will remember that this is your mission. You were already predestined in heaven… I, for example, remembered all the rebirths through the epochs: where I lived, what I was like. You will also remember.

      I thought and said:

      – So that’s why God gave me a longer time to meet with you to give me more energy and knowledge?

      – Yes, absolutely true.

      – So, my mission is not so easy – to continue Vanga’s mission. Most people in Bulgaria never understood why the Divine Forces sent Vanga to us. What was her goal? She helped thousands of people. Now I must continue her work, now with new energy and in a stronger form. Yes, I believe I can do it! I know and believe that people will develop more and more spiritually. I received this providence from the Light. Yes, my Master was sent here on a huge mission – to save a planet from disaster. In Revelation, in the dictation of November 26th, 2012, it is written that 5,000 people saved the Earth from disaster – for the first time СКАЧАТЬ