The Key to Eternal Life. Trayana Harizanova
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Название: The Key to Eternal Life

Автор: Trayana Harizanova

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9785005188410


СКАЧАТЬ that I am developing spiritually and clearing myself of negativity, I feel very happy to be going through such a period of trials that make me stronger, more confident, and more ambitious. God, thank you for that! Sometimes the trials were very hard, but I managed. I became a much earthlier person. I began to notice things that hadn’t impressed me at all before. God removed all those people around me – my acquaintances and friends who lived in illusion and lie. Earthlier, more ordinary and natural people appeared in my life – most of them spiritual, who, like me, had gone through great tests and knew what deprivation was. Financially, the first year was very difficult. Then, depending on my awareness of change, I had different moments of ups and downs… All the new people that came into their lives were destined to meet me and none of them was accidental. Everyone had a mission or we needed each other. In life, everything is like a BOOMERANG: what you give, you receive, as you treat others, so they will treat you. Keep this in mind and treat others the way you would like them to treat you. All this is Sacred Geometry. One should always strive to help people, no matter the situation.

* * *

      Here is an example with a family from Serbia. Their daughter Andrea was in a coma at the hospital. Igor told me that when he first went to the hospital, he saw her soul hanging from the ceiling. After the first session, Igor told the mother that in a few days her daughter would get out of bed and shout, “I want to go home!” After the fifth session, Andrea’s mother called Igor and said that everything had happened as he had said. Igor returned the daughter’s soul to the body and thus saved her life. Andrea even started eating little by little every day. She came out of the dagger on the 13th day, thanks to the energy given to her by Igor. All the doctors were shocked when this happened, and Andrea shouted, “I want to go home.” In most cases, people remain in a coma for a very long time, but Igor performed a miracle and immediately returned her soul. This is his energy – Divine that works miracles – saves human lives. No doctor, surgeon or professor has such qualities. Every disease is formed in our physical body on an energy level. Igor has this gift from God to clean with his hand every human disease that appears. In Cyprus, he cured many people of cancer (I have personally witnessed this).

      On this topic, I can add that at this stage of the development of medicine it is suggested to people that CANCER is an incurable disease and CHEMOTHERAPY is prescribed for its treatment. This is one of the most dangerous types of treatment for the human body.

      Instead of helping, chemotherapy destroys all human organs, destroys every cell in the body, hair begins to fall, a person dies faster. It’s all a monstrous scam and it’s all about money. My Master Igor helped many people in Cyprus by healing their diseases and seeing their future. I witnessed how his treatment was a great success with those who believed that he could cure them. Unfortunately, the disease quickly returned to those who doubted and treated Igor with distrust. In such situations you must have FAITH, HOPE and LOVE. And people always want a miracle to happen – right now! It takes a lot of patience, both for life changes and for the fight against the disease. An example in this area is the world-famous American writer Louise Hay, who had cancer and cured herself. She discovered the real cause of the disease and managed with FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE to finally remove it from her body.

      And what is Cancer?

      This is energy from insult, malice, pride, which accumulates for years from the energy body then to the physical body, due to unforgivable insult to someone. The root of this insult spreads and concentrates in the human body in different places and forms CANCER.

      If one can understand why this happened and find the cause (key), then one can heal alone. Remember: CANCER is ENERGY and is treatable – it’s just an unforgivable insult. Only prayers and, of course, liberation from FEAR help. You can get rid of any disease on your own, as long as you believe. I will tell you a secret. If something hurts (no matter what – arm, leg, eye, kidneys, etc.), start repeating over and over again: I RELEASE MY PAIN IN… (EAR, LEG, EYE, KIDNEY, etc.). Or say to yourself: “I am completely healthy – the disease disappears forever.” By repeating these words to yourself, you automatically start a new program and begin to get rid of pain and disease in your body. In this world, anything is possible. Having said that, I am sharing with you my personal experience, not something taken from other books.

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      Almost everything written in this book reflects real events in my life. For example, there was a very difficult situation in our family with my brother. He had very serious problems with his leg. Two stents were placed on each leg to help disperse the blood into the body. The stents were often clogged and he had difficulty walking. I will never forget how on September 18th, 2012, my mother called me in Cyprus and said that the situation with my brother was very serious. She told me that he could not walk and had difficulty breathing. I immediately called Igor with a request for help. He asked for a picture of him. The next day, Igor reassured me and said that he had cleared the disease from the photo and that my brother would soon be running and even playing football. He promised to contact my brother by phone when he will go to Bulgaria to help him even more. My brother soon recovered.

      I believed that my brother’s salvation was Igor’s doing.

      And what happened in the treatment of my kidneys? My kidneys hurt a lot and I couldn’t walk. Igor gave me a session that lasted about 40 minutes. During the session, Igor received a vision: he turned two energy crocodiles on their backs and released them into the Nile River in Egypt. One of them appeared because of my insult and malice towards a friend in Egypt, and the other – because of insults and malice towards Igor. At the same time, I felt how strong Divine energy was being transmitted to me, and I also heard someone telling me that Igor would cleanse me of negative energy forever and that he would make me a big Star. I will be in Bulgaria – Miracle Woman, the woman – angel. At the same time, I received a vision that Igor had almost reached the level of God, and I was standing one step lower. It was like the truth. After the session, he told me that he was cleaning my kidneys for the last time and that I should never allow myself to be angry and insulting others again. It was time to learn! After this healing, I tried not to offend anyone, not to get angry for no reason, not to get angry, and at the same time I worked very hard on my character and the habits created by my EGO. The time has come to get rid of THE MALICE AND OFFENSES.

      Believe me, this was the most difficult task. Each time I prayed to GOD to give me energy, strength, hope so that I could get rid of these negative qualities. I visited the Convent near Limassol, where there was a miraculous icon (I have already told you about this). This time I prayed for about 15 minutes and gradually began to feel that the Holy Virgin Mary had possessed my body and controlled it. On the way out of the monastery, I took holy water with me. When I left with the car, 8 pigeons appeared in front of me on the road, as in the fairy tales. I immediately stopped the car, waited a few minutes and they flew. A few days later, when I met my Master, I asked him to interpret my vision in front of the icon.


      – For the first time I see such an interesting picture. The Virgin Mary protects you, she gives you a lot of energy, and pigeons are a very good sign.

      I also asked if he had ever seen his body running like a skeleton in front of his car.


      – In 1998, my wife and I saw something similar. She is also clairvoyant, but I am much stronger than she is. I have been devoting my energy to our planet for 18 years, which is why I live on the island of Cyprus. It is always warm here and there is no snow. I have already completed my task very successfully. By distributing my energy every day, I saved the planet from destruction. That was my mission.

      I listened СКАЧАТЬ