The Key to Eternal Life. Trayana Harizanova
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Название: The Key to Eternal Life

Автор: Trayana Harizanova

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9785005188410


СКАЧАТЬ go through this stage of spiritual training, but now at a higher level. Thank you – My Master, who’s with his energy helping me.

      The New Energy is already on the planet. People began to change for the better. For example, the Bulgarian Minister of Finance resigned, probably not wanting to participate in corruption. They also elected a new Patriarch in Sofia.

      Bulgaria needs a spiritual awakening, because there are only 2% spiritually elevated people, all the others develop only materially. We need Hope, Faith and Love. The materialism absorbed Bulgaria. Vanga said, “Love will save the world!”

      People want to have money first and then believe…

      First there must be FAITH IN GOD, and only then God will open all the doors to the material world. There are two ways to make money: from God and from the Dark Forces (dishonest way). Those who have chosen the Dark Path, God will soon clear them and will remain only believers in God. Right now, as I write this book, I am following this path and developing spiritually…

      Spirituality does not mean that you have to go to church all the time. The church is God’s temple, where one can pray and light a candle to commemorate the souls of our deceased loved ones, but in our time churches have become a source of income. They are opened only for liturgies and on holidays. Developing spirituality means believing in our Creator – to develop creatively, to develop our talents and abilities for the common good and, most importantly, to learn to THINK POSITIVELY.

      Statistics show that nowadays people have forgotten about spirituality, or more precisely, they do not want to develop spiritually. They don’t have time for that because they only think about how to make money? For thousands of years, the material world has completely cleansed them of the idea of spiritual development.

      The time has come for truth and revelation. People will have to reconsider their ideas about God and the Supreme Mind. This is natural, because everything they know about the structure of the universe, putting it mildly, is NOT TRUE, but a complete delusion. All this knowledge was presented to us as a mixture of religious dogmas and scientific errors, which affected the spiritual evolution of those who were destined (created) to expand the space of the Higher Mind. As for my tests, which I went through spiritually every day, in the material world, they became more and more difficult and I had to deal with them every day. There were times when I needed a lot of money to pay bills and pay off debts. My income was not enough or late. In general, the situation was dramatic, but I stubbornly believed that everything would be fine and I said to myself: “Stop, everyone will wait. I know and I believe that everything will be fine.”

      I can definitely say that the more I developed spiritually and believed in God, the more difficult my tests became.

      The higher I was climbing the spiral, the harder and more complicated my life was becoming.

      Believe my experience: the more you develop spiritually, believe, pray and think positively, the more often it happens that in those moments when it seems to you that all the doors are closed, God paves the way for you. So, thanks to the energy of my Master, who helped me to be stronger and more confident, I rediscovered myself.

      Igor not only helped me with his Divine energy, but also watched me move up the spiral. Over the last few weeks, I have felt how fast, almost lightning-fast, I have been moving forward. The dictations of the Almighty from February 21—25, 2013 seemed to be written for me… I myself realised that with each passing day my mind awakens from a deep sleep and I realised that we, PEOPLE, are the essences of this planet Earth (as written in the dictation from February 25th, 2013), which carry the divine spark of the Supreme Cosmic Mind.

      The time has come for the awakening of the people.

      “The transition from Darkness (over many centuries) to the Light of New ideas and information about the structure of the universe is a very difficult step – a step that divides people into just people and People-Gods, the idea of which from now on is to serve only First, the Creator, which means personal improvement to the level of Christ Consciousness and, of course, to the ONE spiritual providence of Christhood!”

      Here, in this dictation of February 25th, 2013 (№7), he also writes about Igor Ivanov – about my Teacher:

      “Very soon I will allow My Messenger to say those WORDS that will finally divide the world into righteous and unrighteous, because even in this Great Space of the Supreme Cosmic Mind there are people who have freely chosen their place in this Ocean of Reason and those who continue to trust Unbelief…”

      For the first time in eight years, My Master was mentioned in the Dictations of the Almighty. I knew it was him. When we met, I asked him directly if it was written about him in the Dictations, he only modestly answered: “Yes.”

      – Does Maslov know about you?

      – Not yet.

      How interesting! God chose him for his great mission on earth.

      – How I want all people to appreciate your qualities and abilities…

      – They will appreciate them. There is time for everything…

      I told him how I had been feeling for the last few days:

      – Hot waves hit me, Igor, and at night, I was told I was going to another level.

      – Yes, you have moved to another spiritual level.

      I also told him that I was trying to read the Bible, but it no longer seemed to appeal to me like the Revelations of the Almighty. It is as if everything in the Bible is written in the old way, with old energy, and the Revelations charge me with new energy.

      Yes, the Bible was written when the energy on Earth was different, it was rewritten many times because some parts of the Bible no longer exist. For example, that people are reborn (this chapter was destroyed by the church). They have kept this a secret so that all people on Earth know that we are only born and die. But this is not true. We are reborn on Earth until our SOUL reaches CHRIST KNOWLEDGE, becomes PERFECT AND LIVES IN REST! At the 11th Council of Nicaea, during the reign of the Roman Emperor Justinian, the chapter “Reincarnation – Rebirth” was cut from the Bible.

      – 1600 years have passed since then. Why didn’t they bring it back?

      – Because it is advantageous for the Secular and Religious authorities to rule the Spiritual World. But the time will come, the TRUTH will be revealed and the anger of the people will destroy this structure. It is better to tell the truth now. For example, that the disciples of Jesus Christ also changed the Bible. The betrayal of Judas is also distorted (of all the disciples, Judas was the closest to Jesus, almost a brother). Judas did not betray Jesus.

      I looked Igor in the eyes and said:

      – Easter is coming. How I want all people to know about your knowledge and abilities!

      So, word by word, we came to how fast I climbed the spiral of spiritual evolution in just one year…

      Igor told me:

      – Trayana, I give you homework to write about yourself: about what you were a year ago and what you are now. In which direction have the qualities of your character changed?

      After this conversation, I began СКАЧАТЬ