Easy Way to Get And Stay Slim. Mindset For Weight Loss. A. Ovechkin
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Название: Easy Way to Get And Stay Slim. Mindset For Weight Loss

Автор: A. Ovechkin

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9785449871503


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      What if it is not the first day of her diet? What if it is the twentieth day? No thoughts, only instincts. She hasn’t made any decision yet. Zina closes the door, turns on water. She has come here to wash the dishes.

      – ☺

      Just one last piece!

      – Nobody sees or hears what she is doing. Zina sits down in front of the hamburger and looks at it. The hamburger looks back at her. Nietzsche wrote: “And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.”

      So, the “abyss” is gazing into Zina. What is she thinking about at this moment?

      – I’ll eat only half of the hamburger. It won’t change anything.

      – Exactly!

      Everybody knows: half of a hamburger can’t ruin your life.

      She thinks: “No, I shouldn’t do it.”

      Zina has so-called withdrawal syndrome. She takes half of the hamburger and thinks: “I’ll finish this piece – and stop eating.”

      – Then she takes another hamburger, and then the third one…

      – Wait a little, of course, it will happen, but a little later! ☺

      Zina starts chewing hamburger and… How does it taste?

      – Amazing…

      – It is magnificent! Zina got a blackout. She is totally out of order. Now all her thoughts are about…

      – Potato.

      – Why about potato? Zina is like a vampire, who has tasted the blood and then attacks anyone to get more… ☺ She tried the hamburger, and now her mind moves to the plate or to the pot with eight hamburgers! “Oh my… I cooked them by myself! Maybe…”

      Zina grabs another hamburger, thinking: “It is the last one!” She stuffs it into her mouth (as if someone rushes into the room in a minute and takes away all hamburgers) and starts to chew it ravenously!

      At this moment, she has a blackout. Her mind shuts off.

      As participants of our sessions say, Zina meets Mr. Eating Frenzy! Of course, together they could eat all eight hamburgers! ☺ If eight hamburgers are too much for her, then, when devouring the sixth hamburger and feeling it getting caught in her throat, Zina starts to curse herself.

      – Silly idiot.

      – Yes, I believe you! I think you are honest. You speak from your heart! What else did you say?

      – Why have I eaten so much?

      – You sound too intelligent: “Why have I eaten so much?”

      Imagine a forty-year-old person who has just devoured eight hamburgers. She is alone in the kitchen. She has just ruined his diet. No doubt, the woman would use some bad words. One of participants from another group assumed: “Well, she said to herself: “Oh, what a spineless piggy I am!”

      – Do you believe it? Do you think Zina would say this?

      – Dummy, idiot!

      – What other names would she call herself in such a case? Perhaps some domestic animals?

      – Pig!

      – Pig. Yes, it’s possible. Maybe some horned animal then?

      – Cow.

      – Cow!

      – ☺

      – All the other words she uses should be bleeped…

      – ☺

      – …cause I’m sure she kicked herself to the fullest. What does she feel? What emotions is she experiencing?

      – She feels guilty.

      – Precisely. Of course, she feels guilty. Is she hurt?

      – She suffered for so long…

      – Moment of weakness – and she ruined everything. 

      – Yes! Is she angry?

      – Yes.

      – So, what does she feel finally?

      – She feels sorry for herself.

      – Of course. Self-pity. Zina knows how to comfort herself. Some sweets will help a lot! No, Galina, hamburger won’t work in this case. It’s hard to comfort yourself with a hamburger.

      – ☺

      – She raises her hand like this… and throws it down!

      – Fine!

      – Screw it!

      – Life is ruined, all labor is for nothing. Everything is rotten. Zina opens fridge, buffet… As you remember, she bought lots of food recently, so her food reserves are huge! Zina eats one treat after another, comforting herself, searching for relief from negative emotions. Actually, she was going to eat some sweets.

      – ☺

      – Instead, she ate up… Much more than she planned. Reflexively. Sweets and chocolates jump into her mouth one after another! Zina opens her mouth, and they jump into it – hop-hop! The next moment she sits in her chair, cursing herself: “How could you…” She calls herself bad names: “Idiot, pig, cow, dummy…” She is angry and offended. And she blames herself again! It’s late evening, almost night. Her family is sleeping, and Zina is “washing dishes” in her “favorite” room.

      – ☺

      – Then she can’t eat anymore. Her stomach is full. Of course, she decides that…

      – Again.

      – It’s time to lose weight. 

      – It’s time to lose weight.

      – ☺

      – Zina goes to her bedroom, thinking that all she needs for success is another diet, cause this one was “improper”. Besides, she feels guilty. She failed the diet! Zina blames herself. Therefore, she has to wash the guilt away. With blood or something! Zina feels that she has to be punished! She has to do something.

      Do you have any ideas? What can wash the guilt away? What should she get?

      – Punishment!

      – Hunger!

      – Yes, as an option!

      Hunger. СКАЧАТЬ