Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom. Nikolay Starikov
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Название: Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom

Автор: Nikolay Starikov


Жанр: История


isbn: 978-5-459-01703-8


СКАЧАТЬ you look at it, it is good when someone else is fighting instead of you. This country buys weapons and equipment, food and other goods. During wars prices always grow, factories always work at their full capacity, the economy develops – and all of this happens to the country which is not at war, of course.

      But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that gold flows in the right direction. In order to start a 'printing machine' on a global scale, to get an unprecedented emission of hard currency flowing, it was necessary to eliminate the possibility of creating a currency secured by gold. For this purpose it was required to use up practically all the world's reserves of the yellow metal. Such a possibility could be provided by a world war and preparations were being made. A new hegemony of a global currency was to crown an unprecedented war, where any power capable of resistance would be ground to dust. Millions of Europeans were to perish so that all nations would agree to abandon their sovereignty.

      But there was one problem. The advantages of standing aside and joining the fight at the last moment were too obvious. As well as the disadvantages of a gruelling war. Therefore, there would be no fools willing to start a war. Everyone wanted to be 'second'. So, what should be done in such a situation? One should help someone else to be 'first'…

      Practically everyone must have heard of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Have you ever wondered why all other treaties are called treaties and only the treaty of non-aggression between Germany and the Soviet Union persistently called a pact? And why Western historians and our liberals keep trying to paint this document and the story of its execution black? Because this pact crossed out the scenario of a world war drawn up in London. History started developing in a completely different direction. By a miracle the Anglo-Saxon world retained its hegemony over the planet; this miracle was Hitler's unrestrained Anglophilia…

      But let us move on to the facts. When you next hear someone say that Stalin is to blame for initiating the Second World War, that it is the pact with Hitler that helped it to begin, remember that these are all lies.[96] If one studies the facts scrupulously enough, one will realise that it is simply impossible to blame the USSR for initiating the Second World War. Therefore, one could only assert the latter maliciously or out of ignorance.

      It was not until 1st April, 1939 that Hitler, who had had no plans for a war against Poland, ordered them to be drawn up.[97] Fall Weiss, which was accepted ten days later, specified the date of the strike against Poland – 26th August, 1939. That means that in April, when there had been no negotiations between the USSR and Germany, Hitler was already planning to destroy Poland and was planning to do so in August. The text of Hitler's plan contains the following phrase: 'Russia's interference, if it were capable of it, would still be very unlikely to help Poland…'[98] This suggests that in April 1939 Hitler saw the USSR as his potential enemy. What does it mean? It means that when setting the date of the beginning of the war, the Führer was not guided by signing a pact with Russians. What is more, no one in Germany could even have dreamt of such a pact back in April 1939. The USSR signed the non-aggression treaty with Germany on 23rd August, 1939. It would seem that it should have let Hitler off the leash and one would have expected the Germans to proceed with their plans concerning Poland straight away. And yet, they did not. Two days after executing the treaty with the USSR, the German leader altered his plans and changed the planned date of attacking Poland. On 25th August, 1939, Hitler postponed the invasion until 1st September, 1939. After signing the pact in Moscow, Hitler changed the date of the beginning of the war. AFTER that! Thus, we can see that in defining the date of the first strike Hitler was always guided not by his arrangements with the USSR but by completely different motives.

      And now let us try to dot all the is and cross all the t's. Let us pose one direct question: did the non-aggression treaty executed between Hitler and Stalin make defeating Poland easier? The honest answer is: it certainly did. And now let us pose another direct question: would Hitler have declared war on Poland without a non-aggression pact with the USSR? The facts say unequivocally that he would have done. Preparations for war were going at full speed and did not depend on negotiations with the Kremlin.[99]

      Now, another couple of questions. What is the main task of the leader of any nation? Is it the prosperity of their own country and people or the prosperity of a different country and people? What is more important for this leader, saving their own people from participating in a war and avoiding aggression from another country or 'world peace'? There can be only one honest answer: the head of state is obliged to use all possibilities to avoid aggression against their country. And this is a duty of every head of state.

      So, what country should have Joseph Stalin thought of and cared for: the USSR, Poland or another country?

      It was the USSR, and the USSR alone, that Stalin had to protect against aggression. The fate of Poland, which was an overtly anti-Russian state and before April 1939 was even planning to join Germany in a war against Russia, was not his concern. This country had its own government to worry about its fate. And this government believed the promises of England and France and did everything it could to make the war between Germany and Poland happen.[100]

      The non-aggression pact between Germany and the USSR was a brilliant manoeuvre performed by Russian diplomats who thus managed to ruin the game of the Anglo-Saxons completely and avoid an offensive operation against the Soviet Union. The fact that Hitler did later attack Russia is not due to an error or a mistake made by the Soviet government but an irrational, unpredictable and fundamentally stupid act on the part of the Fuhrer.[101] A war pursued by our country on two fronts against Japan and Germany, as was planned in London, never happened at all. Stalin managed to change the future scenario drawn up by the Anglo-Saxons and not become the first to fight and, consequently, to bleed. This is the main reason why the treaty signed by Molotov and Ribbentrop became the most hated diplomatic document in Western historiography.

      Since we are on the subject, let us dispel a couple of the nastiest myths about this treaty.

      Myth One: signing a treaty with Hitler's Germany was something out of the ordinary. This is not true. Pacts, or treaties with Hitier, by August 1939 had been executed by England, France, Estonia and Latvia. The list can be continued. And the first country to do it was, in fact, Poland. In 1934 she signed a non-aggression treaty with the German Chancellor, Adolf Hitler. So, while Poland was the first to sign such a treaty, the USSR is the last one on the list. Therefore, there was nothing special in signing a treaty with Germany. In 1939 it was a nation recognised by the global community and at its head was one of its leading politicians. By conclusion,the USSR had the full moral and judicial right to sign a non-aggression treaty with Germany.

      Myth Two: there were 'secret protocols' to the treaty signed between Moscow and Berlin. Firstly, having secret articles or secret treaties is a common diplomatic practice of any era. They have been signed by lawful monarchs and presidents and not only by villains and dictators. For example, the treaty between Russia and France of 1894 signed by Emperor Alexander III and the French president was completely secret. Russian tsars and French presidents knew its contents but the French Parliament was not familiar with its articles. The agreement of 1905 between the USA and Japan was just as secret. The two countries divided spheres of influence in Asia based on the results of the Russo-Japanese war. Japan abandoned its aggressive intentions concerning the Philippines, while the States recognised the right of the Japanese to append Korea.[102]

      Secondly, it was not only Russia and Germany but also other countries that had secret protocols within their treaties in 1939. For example, the guarantees given to Poland by Britain in April that year were also accompanied by a secret protocol.СКАЧАТЬ


Do not help those who lie to you – they always try to draw you into the field of emotions and not facts. Take a small step – say the there was no Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, there was just a non-aggression treaty between the USSR and Russia.


Please note that Hitler, according to historians, was going to conquer the whole world but for some reason half a year before the beginning of the war he still had no plans to attack Poland which would be the starting point. The Fiihrer will start the war without any aggressive plans against England or France. This is a rather strange aggressor, is it not? Or Hitler was for some reason convinced that London would not protect Poland.


NarochnickayaN. A., Falin V.M. The Score of the Second World War. Who started the war and when? Moscow: Veche, 2009. P. 76


It was not by accident that I give you a brief story of swift rapprochement of Germany and the USSR in August 1939. Dates are essential here. This is what the chief of the German Army General Staff, France Haider, wrote in his diary on 15 August, 1939: 'No changes are expected until the evening of 19 August. No changes in operation of public transport until 22 August… The cancellation of the party rally should be kept secret… The location and time of strikes, the date of the surprises remain unchanged'. (Haider E War private journal of Generaloberst Frans Haider… [United States] : A.G. EUCOM, 1947.). That means that the Germans were working hard on preparing their offensive operation against Poland. Despite the fact that on 15 August, 1939 there was no pact with Russians – there was not even a draft, no negotiations are being held. There was nothing and yet the German military machine was actively preparing for war. Even on 4 August there was no certainty that Stalin would change his opinion concerning Germany. This shows in the cable from the German ambassador, Schulenberg, from Moscow: "The Soviet Government is actually more inclined to improve the relations between Germany and the USSR, but the old mistrust towards Germany is not yet extinct. My general impression is that the Soviet Government is determined to sign an agreement with England and France…' We can read this… in Churchill's book. (Churchill W. The Second World War. Volume 1: The gathering storm. London: Cassell, 1964). But contemporary liars in history only try to sound plausible to the ignorant. They appeal to emotions. But once you open a book, even by Churchill, who was not particularly friendly to Russia, all accusations dissolve as mist in the morning. Do not believe liars in history. Read books and judge for yourself.


Not only were the Polish not preparing to protect themselves against Hitler but they were actually planning an attack themselves. But all their fortifications were on the Russian border, not German. For more information on what the Polish government did to ruin their own country see: Starikov N. Who Forced Hitler to Attack Stalin? St. Petersburg: Piter, 2010 (In Russian).


In my next book, if I have enough time and am in sufficient health, I will write about the reasons for the tragedy that happened on 22nd June, 1941.


Narochnickaya N. A., Falin V.M. The Score of the Second World War. Who started the war and when? Moscow: Veche, 2009. P. 27.