Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom. Nikolay Starikov
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Название: Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom

Автор: Nikolay Starikov


Жанр: История


isbn: 978-5-459-01703-8


СКАЧАТЬ future of the country. It is from the new king that he got his title – the Duke of Marlborough. Can we be quite sure that he did not get anything else as a reward?[54]

      The new king started a new period of economic growth in England. Here we should ask ourselves one thing: why was it during this new reign that the British economy started to prosper? The people had been working like mad before but their living standards were not any different from the rest of Europe. In the middle of the 17th century, for example, England produced 4/5 of all the European coal. Metallurgy developed a lot during the period. So did shipbuilding, potter trade and hardware manufacturing. But production of fabrics turned out to be a real national craft for England. Export of fabrics accounted for 80% of the total export.[55] Britain also went as far as prohibiting export of wool which had been exported before and thus became a country which supplied external markets with finished woollen goods.[56]

      These goods, however, did not make the English rich. The country's economy was just another economy at the time. And all of a sudden there came prosperity. Contemporary British historians and politicians like William III a lot. And they tell us that it was during his reign that the Bill of Rights was passed which became the basis of the new political system of the country. This is a typical trick used by demagogues and manipulators – in order to prove a certain statement they simply omit some of the facts. They need to demonstrate that it is the Parliament and the system of elections and nothing else that brought prosperity to the Albion. People of today have a modern image of elections and they cannot picture them in a different way. And when they find out that back in 1690 England already had a democratically elected parliament they immediately realise that Russia was lagging behind by centuries. But actually we have nothing to worry about. Those who are trying to manipulate our opinions choose not to mention that there was no such thing as universal elections of a democratic parliament – only those who had at least 200 pounds in money or real estate had the right to vote.[57] And the country with a population of 20 million people had only 250 thousand who met the requirement. These were the gentlemen who voted, and a lot of those people made their fortunes by trading slaves and owned 'talking cattle', as slaves were called back then, themselves. Women were not to take part in the elections at all.[58]

      What other good things are normally mentioned about King William? It was during his reign that the English East India Company was founded which later became an instrument of conquering and looting of colonies. But the English will turn to looting their colonies later, gold and diamonds from dependent lands will flow into the Empire later. But the country's prosperity started before all that. So, what was the economic miracle that took place in Britain?

      The story of William's way to the English throne is rather dubious. He was helped by money and the betrayal he bought with it. Who could give him the required amount? Back then kings borrowed money from people whom these days we would call bankers. So, once in power, the King signed the Bill of Rights, a legislative act designed primarily not to grant universal and equal voting rights but to restrict the King's authority. It was not about freedom and democracy for everyone. British bankers and slave owners thought about no one but themselves. This was their protection against the King potentially changing his mind. Since, if we go deeper we can find information on the number of bankers who took part in the project called 'The Bank of England'. 'In 1694 forty merchants found the Bank of England'.[59] The number of partners is minimal and the temptation is great. Throughout the course of English history people were executed frequently and in big numbers. Forty merchants together with their relatives would not be a big problem. A plot is discovered, people are beheaded and their property is confiscated. And if there is no plot, it is just an insignificant detail. Three hundred years later historians would say that those were difficult times. There are conspiracies everywhere. Similarly, the founders of the new Bank were sent by the Catholic party and the French king in order to weaken England during the fight with its rivals.[60] And the king simply had to take severe measures…

      However, history is indeed written by the victors. And the 'printing machine' has been striding successfully around the world for three hundred years since it was first used. And it has its own heroes. For example, American president Woodrow Wilson, who signed the decree on establishment of the American Federal Reserve System, is portrayed on the bill with the highest value in the world of 10,000 dollars. Contemporary British historiography likes William III too, for the fact that during his reign bankers achieved agreement with the royal power. He got funds for fighting for the throne and a share in the 'money printing machine' whereas they got a private emission centre in Britain. It was the first printing machine in the history of mankind that enabled its owners to conquer the world using its amazing features. And then, having conquered the world, to write history and make heroes out of those who made creation of such a machine possible. And dead heroes are always easier to deal with then living ones – they can be spoken for, explained for and they will put up with everything and remain silent. Similarly, King William III, apart from this dark story of coming into power, has a dark story of passing away. His death was just so well-timed…

      But we will come back to it later. I would like to draw your attention, dear reader, to one particular fact. Great Britain remained the leading sea power for centuries until the baton was taken by another Anglo-Saxon nation – the USA. Incidentally, at the times when the Bank of England was founded Britain's military capabilities were lower than those of its primary rival. 'French marine forces in 1689 and 1690 exceeded those of England and Holland altogether'.[61] That means that Britain was far from being the Ruler of the Seas – back at the end of the 17th century this title rightly belonged to France. French Corsairs based in Dunkerque ruined English trade completely.[62] Their English counterparts did not manage to achieve such results. In 1690 during the Battle of Beachy Head, the French defeated the English fleet having sunk twelve of their ships. Twenty ships more were exploded by the English crews themselves. Who remembers this defeat today? Instead, everyone remembers the greatest victory achieved by Admiral Nelson near Cape Trafalgar. How many ships did the heroic Brits sink in that epic batde? Just one![63] And seventeen more ships – led by French Admiral Villeneuve – surrendered. History is written by the victors…

      And yet the English did take the lead in the size and capacity of the fleet. And it happened exactly at the beginning of the 18th century. So, what was it that helped them? Let us remember what was required back then in order to build a great number of latest ships. Just as today, money was everything. A fleet is obviously an expensive thing to maintain. The cost of its construction exceeds the cost of developing land forces by many times. The exhausted English economy 'all of a sudden' found the enormous amounts of money required to build a fleet. Where from? It is the money derived from issuing paper money and using the secret bankers' know-how that was engaged to obtain military supremacy for the country where the printing machine took roots.

      It is in that period that the main principles of the British policy were established – not to let another strong power appear in Europe and try to use others to fight. A lot has been written about it. But you will not find the main principle of the British policy in any reference books – not to let there be another strong emission centre. Always follow the same standing rule – your currency should be stronger, more reliable, more convenient, more in-demand than any other currency in the world. As early as the end of the XVII century the founders of the Bank of England understood something that everyone realised to be right only today. It is not a strong economy that makes a currency the strongest on the planet. On the contrary, it is a strong currency that makes the country's economy strongest. Make your money the most important money in the world and everything else will come to you itself. The conclusion is rather obvious – weakening rival countries is required to weaken СКАЧАТЬ


Betrayals of top military officers and their participation in takeovers normally have very firm material basis which works perfectly with personal dislike of the person to be taken over and secret grudges. John Churchill, in his youth, was a page-boy of the heir to the throne. Later on, the heir became James II and John Churchill became a general and a baron. And then betrayed his benefactor.


World History // English Revolution. M.: AST, 2000. P. 8-9.


This practice of the English should be actively used. As even now, at the beginning of the 20th century Russia still has not dared to act as decisively in certain sectors of its economy where unprocessed raw materials are still exported.


In those times annual income of 20 pounds was considered very high. Therefore the Bank of England did not issue bank notes with a value of less than 20 pounds (not to waste any effort on change). The majority of the population did not use the products of the Bank of England and did not even come across it.


In France women voted for the first time in 1945. And what about Russia? It happened earlier. The Bolsheviks made the right to vote universal.



Back then the front line was defined by religion. France and Spain supported Catholics who were being exterminated in England. England, in its turn, supported Protestants all over Europe.


Mohan A. T. The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783. Dover Publications Inc., 1988.


Green J. R. History of the English people. IndyPublish, 2008.


Vorobyevsky Y. Judas Order. Betrayal does not cancel victory. Moscow: Rossiysky pisatel, 2009. P. 95.