Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom. Nikolay Starikov
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Название: Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom

Автор: Nikolay Starikov


Жанр: История


isbn: 978-5-459-01703-8


СКАЧАТЬ know, after the Battle of Waterloo Bonaparte surrendered to the English and was sent to the island of Saint Helena where he died of stomach cancer. There were, however, suspicions that he had been poisoned. In order to find out what the truth was, remaining Napoleon's hair was examined. Arsenic settles in tissues and as it accompanies poisonings, the examination would either prove or refute the poisoning theory. The results prove that the great French emperor was indeed poisoned with arsenic. The quantity of poison in Napoleon's hair is 38 times as high as the limit that a human body can withstand.[75] As of today, the fact that Bonaparte was poisoned is 100% certain but apparently books about this man will keep saying that he died of natural reasons for centuries. So, who poisoned him? He was poisoned systematically – Napoleon's death was not sudden. He was given poison repeatedly. I should remind you that Bonaparte was guarded exclusively by the English, and at the time he was the main enemy of the Albion who had managed to shake the world hegemony of Britain together with the world hegemony of the Bank of England.

      And before Napoleon it was Louis XIV who was by far the most wanted villain for the Anglo-Saxons. And bacterial misfortunes started happening in his family with a surprising frequency. After the Sun King's son died of smallpox, it was his grandson, the Duke of Burgundy who became the heir to the throne. But he did not keep the title for too long. In early February, 1712 his young wife died in strange circumstances. She was in fever for several days. The princess could not sleep and doctors did not leave her for a moment. What was happening to poor Marie-Adelaide was unknown. Nothing would help her – neither blood-letting, popular back then, nor opium.[76] She was never properly diagnosed. The poor woman suffered so much that the heir was not even allowed near her so that he would not hear her shrieks. And later on, he was even asked to move to a different room as the princess was dying straight above his. On 12th February 1712 the Duchess passed away. And several days later it was her heartbroken spouse, the heir to the throne, the Duke of Burgundy who was covered in spots. The pain all over the Dauphin's body soon became intolerable. According to himself, it felt like everything was burning inside him.[77] Six days later, on 18th February 1712, the Duke of Burgundy died. The reason was unclear.

      He left two infant orphans, one of whom became the heir to the French throne. And this time germs, bacteria and viruses demonstrated amazing selectivity. For some reason they aimed to attack only the heirs to the French throne. The five-year-old Duke of Brittany and his three-year-old brother, Duke of Anjou, fell ill just two weeks after their parents had died. Did they contract the disease from them? No, they did not. The children were diagnosed with scarlet fever whereas their parents died of a strange fever which looked like measles.[78] Can you see the logic? As soon as one becomes the heir to the throne, one gets fatally ill and will die imminently. Having been the heir for as little as 17 days, the infant duke died on 8th March 1712.

      This was the third heir of the 74-year-old Sun King who died within a short period of time. The three-year-old boy who got infected together with the heir hovered between life and death for several days and was considered hopeless. They say that the King ordered to find some sort of an antidote and, eventually, the child survived.[79]

      Mathematics is a precise science. History surrenders here. To solve a mathematical problem we are given precise data, otherwise nothing will work out. In case of history we have altered and retold stories and no data whatsoever. Were the Sun King's relatives poisoned? To answer this question we need to know how many servants accidentally fell out of the window, quitted the job all of a sudden or drowned in the nearest pond around that time. How many cooks were hanged or died in the prime of their lives whilst on duty. Who of the court nobility and those who were close to the victims suddenly and mysteriously solved all their financial problems. How many Surgeons in Ordinary to the King choked on a steak or froze to death in the forest following an accidental fall off their horse. We need to know whether anyone else died in the Royal Palace or was the epidemic always confined to the heir to the throne. But we do not have that information at our disposal…

      What would you do if you were an old king whose heirs are dying one by one? Would you become more cooperative during negotiations? The question is difficult and everyone decides for themselves. The Sun King agreed to negotiations. The Treaty of Utrecht was signed in 1713 which consigned the eleven years that France spent fighting to waste.[80] After that, the heirs to the French throne stopped dying. The five-year-old infant, the Sun King's great grandchild and the future Louis XV, became the heir. An infant Dauphin by a 74-year-old king, who can die of old age any moment. Should the King die, who will protect and help the child? France would have found itself in a very tough situation if it had not been for the handsome 28-year-old Duke of Berry, the second grandson of Louis XIV and the heir's uncle. It was him that the elderly king entrusted with looking after the country and the young king. And… yes, your guess is right, the Duke of Berry died very soon, too. He was injured while hunting and hit the saddlebow very hard.[81] It is usually said that he fell off his horse and died. Allegedly, he broke his neck or spine. But this is not true. The poor duke died on 4th May 1714 after a four-day-long illness. Now it is more common to say that he died of internal injuries caused by the fall.[82] Could this have happened? Yes, it could have unless another participant of turbulent politics of the time had not died in a similar way having fallen off his horse…

      After the accident that happened to his grandson Louis XIV lost interest in life. Fearing further accidents, he went as far as to change the law. Previously, only children born by the queen could be the heirs to the throne. Louis XIV had several illegitimate children. The King legitimated them and put them at the top of the royal hierarchy straight after the princes of the blood. A couple of months later, Louis XIV especially stipulated the following: should the legitimate kin be extinct the new princes would be able to inherit the throne. He knew who was trying to destroy his family and realised that the series of deaths was not incidental and more deaths could follow.

      In 1715 the Sun King passed away. End of story, it would seem. However, it was just the beginning. Less than a year after the old King's death, the shareholders of the Bank of England proved to be right in their suspicions. Someone tried to steal their know-how, their invention, in a most impertinent way. To copy it, just as sly Chinese manufacturers copy the looks of famous car brands. It turned out to be impossible to keep the secret of the 'printing machine'. Its advantages and amazing simplicity were obvious. Instead of the complicated procedure of extracting gold and silver there came the simple process of printing money. France, which lost in the war due to 'credit deficiency', decided to create its own 'printing machine'. In 1716 a Scotsman called John Law received a patent for opening a private bank with the right to issue bank notes that could be exchanged for metal.[83]

      The French king, Louis XV was a still a child and obviously was not very interested in financial issues. His Regent, Philippe II, Duke of Orleans, on the other hand, seized on this brilliant idea. He ordered that bank notes were to be accepted as payments as well as coins. In 1718 Law's bank was renamed into Banque Royale.[84] Although, essentially, it was the same 'joint stock company' where shares were divided between cunning bankers and the Royals. From now on the military and diplomatic rivalry between England and France also takes a secret financial turn. Two groups of bankers who received two different governmental protections were fighting each other for the right to uncontrollably print unsecured money. And through that to rule the whole world.

      But we have been distracted. Let us go back to the French attempt to clone the 'English idea of paper money. The story of rapid development of England during the reign of William started repeating itself in France. It is not surprising – your personal economy will immediately flourish as well if your find a briefcase full of money in the street. The Central Bank СКАЧАТЬ






The baby, future King Louis XV, survived thanks to the fact that at his age he was still partially breast-fed, and poisoning him was slightly more difficult.


The English achieved all their goals: they weakened France and stopped Austria from strengthening. And having agreed with the French candidate for the Spanish throne Philip V, they managed to get a formal prohibition for him to become the next French king. It meant that Spain and France could not merge into one superpower. By the way, this is when England obtained an important part of the Spanish territory – Gibraltar. And apart from that, the Isle of Menorca and the French territories in North America (the land around Hudson Bay and Newfoundland). But the most important English acquisition was the Asiento. This was the exclusive permission to sell slaves from Africa to Spanish territories. England became the only country entitled to do slave trade. And it did a good job and brought slavery overseas. Wherever the British came, it is slaves who started working. Another story, which we will leave beyond this book, is white slaves of the English. They were mostly Irish. English laws did not provide for any punishment for a murder of an Irishman committed by an Englishman. Because an Irishman living in Ireland occupied by the English was a second class person even being free. Because the Irish were Catholics, whereas England was Protestant, and even more than that – it had its own Anglican church.

The English did not forget Russia either: English money and diplomatic support helped Sweden, making it pursue wars with Russia until 1721. And Charles XII who strived to achieve peace, died very promptly after returning to Sweden in 1718. He was killed by a stray bullet in a trench during an operation in Norway. Do you recognise the style? His sister, Ulrika Eleonora, stopped peace negotiations and continued the war for three more years.




Do pay attention that the idea came from a Scottish banker again.
