Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom. Nikolay Starikov
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Название: Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom

Автор: Nikolay Starikov


Жанр: История


isbn: 978-5-459-01703-8


СКАЧАТЬ Poland, the English were dropping leaflets over German territory. Over the first month of the war they dropped 18 million leaflets. This was how the British helped Poland. The English wanted to stay 'second' and avoid fighting themselves.


Gladkov T. His Majesty the Agent. Moscow: Pechatnye tradicii, 2010.



Apparently, Lehmann's supervisors had diplomatic cover and were deported from Germany together with all Soviet diplomats. This by itself provides food for thought. We were so convinced that there was no threat coming from Germany that there were no other ways of contacting this agent!





We will mention in passing what the author of the memoirs said about England's attitude towards the Reich: '…In England there was no sign of negative or hostile feeling towards the Third Reich. On the contrary, the press did its best to avoid what the Nazis called 'stigmatisation. The only exception was the communist newspaper 'Daily Worker' which was, however, impossible to buy at any stand… The Brown Book of the Reichstag Fire and other anti-Nazi books were normally only sold under the counter and could not be seen in big book shops.' (Putlitz W. G. Unterwegs nach Deutschland. Erinnerungen eines ehemaligen Diplomaten. – Berlin (Ost): Verlag der Nation, 1958). At the time Hitler was the favourite and the most promising project of the English who was expected to attack Russia in was written, nothing was sold. Freedom of speech in operation. There were no books on Hitler's crimes but in the same year, 1936, the Anglo-German Fellowship was founded in London. Its only task was to spread the ideas of friendship and cooperation with the Third Reich among the English public. Such organisations do not appear on their own without being sanctioned by government. Just look at it, is this not interesting? When there was no Hitler, there were no ideas of friendship and cooperation with Germany, and once Hitler came to power the British authorities became eager to be friends with Germany.


In the history of recruiting Soviet spies by foreign special services, in the majority of cases it happened abroad, where the Soviet spies were working under a diplomatic or a different type of cover. One of the most famous examples – Suvorov-Rezun, who got into a honey trap. Typical.

141 – Original: Putlitz W. G. Unterwegs nach Deutschland. Erinnerungen eines ehemaligen Diplomaten. – Berlin (Ost): Verlag der Nation, 1958.


Ibid. P. 260.


Lord Vansittart was the Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign Office.


Putlitz W. G. Unterwegs nach Deutschland. Erinnerungen eines ehemaligen Diplomaten. – Berlin (Ost): Verlag der Nation, 1958.


Putlitz W. G. Unterwegs nach Deutschland. Erinnerungen eines ehemaligen Diplomaten. – Berlin (Ost): Verlag der Nation, 1958.




The USA went even further than that. At the beginning of the war with Japan, the Americans imprisoned not only Japanese citizens but even American citizens of Japanese origin. And they kept them in jail until the autumn of 1945, that is until the very end of the Second World War.


Putlitz W. G. Unterwegs nach Deutschland. Erinnerungen eines ehemaligen Diplomaten. – Berlin (Ost): Verlag der Nation, 1958.




While Ribbentrop was in prison during the Nuremberg Trials, as a result of which he would be hanged, he managed to write some memoirs. Speaking about his trip to Moscow, he wrote the following: 'At first, I suggested sending another authorised representative to Moscow, and the first person I thought of was Goering'. (Ribbentrop J. Ribbentrop memoirs. London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1953). This very interesting evidence tells us several things. Firstly, Goering indeed was ready to depart at any moment, and secondly, that Hitler decided to keep him for the negotiations in Great Britain. The circumstances could have rapidly changed.


Paul Schmidt did not fly in the same Junkers as Ribbentrop but on board a different aircraft.


Schmidt. P. Hitler's interpreter. Macmillan, 1951. P. 140.


Ribbentrop J. Ribbentrop memoirs. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1953.