Friendship Fails of Emma Nash. Chloe Seager
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Название: Friendship Fails of Emma Nash

Автор: Chloe Seager

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Книги для детей: прочее


isbn: 9780008221188


СКАЧАТЬ remotely friendly terms with Hannah Condom.

      Please can I go home now? Please???

       posted by EditingEmma 19.06

       I’ve Given Up

      Just an official post to declare the friend mission is ABORTED. All day I had to stay well out of Hannah Condom etc.’s orbit. I did really well until after last bell, when I saw Hannah walking down the corridor. I started running in the opposite direction, only to bump into bloody Anika Khatri coming the other way. She gave me a look like I was a real freak and by the time I got past her Hannah had caught up, and she gave me a look like I was a mass murderer.

      That is two out of three girls on the list I’ve not only failed to make friends with, but actually actively pissed off. How am I so terrible at this?! How do I have any friends at all? Was it all a fluke? Or was I just better at speaking to people, age eleven? Is that it now? Is all my friend-making done forever??! Oh my God. This is AWFUL.

      Seriously though?? What happens when Faith goes backpacking? When Gracie gets a swanky job in New York? When Steph starts procreating with Andy? WHO WILL I TALK TO?!

      Maybe I could convince Steph and Andy to let me live in their shed, if I promise to be very quiet and not to scare their children with my unwashed hair and glazed eyes.

      Definitely not going in tomorrow. One day back was more than enough.

       posted by EditingEmma 08.36

      Mum wasn’t a fan of the whole ‘I’m not going back in on my second day’ thing, so here I am. Sigh. It’s probably for the best. It’s the first fashion show meeting tonight and now that I bugged Ms Parker about joining, I’m definitely going to have to turn up.

       posted by EditingEmma 16.01

      So, I am currently at my first, official after-school activity. Waiting for Ms Parker to arrive to commence the voluntary captivity. I feel weird and not at all like myself, like Stefan Salvatore when he gets the taste for human blood after 150 years.

      WHO AM I?

      Anyway, this new, pod-person Emma, who stays at college more than thirty seconds after the bell rings, sat down next to Crazy Holly (who is also helping out with the fashion show). Holly carefully unwrapped a carved lemon from some tin foil and offered me a piece. I respectfully declined. Then she said, ‘So why are you here?’

      ‘I like making clothes,’ I said.

      She nodded profoundly.

      ‘That’s what they told me to say, too,’ she said and winked.


       posted by EditingEmma 18.07


      I can’t believe I’m saying this but…I think I might have actually…had fun? At school? At school when I didn’t have to be there?

      For a while I watched people leaving out the window, going back to their homes, walking towards their freedom, and I felt quite wistful and helpless… Like I was the guy in Shawshank Redemption, wrongfully imprisoned for a crime and left to rot. I sort of had the urge to call out, ‘I’M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE. I WANNA GO HOME!’ But then Ms Parker arrived and began chatting about the plans for the show, and it actually all sounded really cool.

      There were about twenty-five of us and we went around the circle introducing ourselves and dividing out roles. I didn’t really recognize anyone except Holly, but the guy who sat next to me was nice. He had very ‘high-fashion’ hair and shoes and managed to look sort of preened in a way that I can never achieve after three hours getting ready, never mind after a day at school.

      ‘Hi,’ he said. ‘I’m Charlie.’

      ‘Hi,’ I replied. ‘I’m Emma. What teams are you going for?’

      ‘Design.’ He shrugged, as if there were no other answer.

      ‘Oh cool!’ I said. ‘Me too!’

      Then he showed me a pair of paisley trousers he’d been working on and how he’d stitched the seam to be curved like the paisley. A cool trick, which I made a mental note to steal for future designs.

      ‘Did you make this?’ he asked, pointing to my top.

      ‘I did.’

      ‘I really like the buttons.’

      ‘Why thank you.’

      It was SO NICE to be able to talk to people who were really interested in making clothes, too. As I explained my choice of buttons I waited for him to raise one eyebrow sceptically, or to shout ‘Why didn’t you use CHOCOLATE buttons’ and try to fit a whole pack in his mouth, like Steph did the other day. But no… He listened to me, explaining my choice of buttons, as if it were a legitimate and interesting thing to be speaking about.

      This must be what Steph feels like when she’s with her football team talking about the offside rule, rather than trying to explain it to my unconscious, sleeping body.

      Anyway, I volunteered for design and social media. Holly kept putting her hand up for every single team and eventually Ms Parker said, ‘Are you sure that’s not too many, Holly?’

      ‘I can handle the heat.’ She shrugged.

      I’m actually really, really excited. If I get design team then I get to make fifteen outfits for the show and people will actually BE LOOKING AT MY DESIGNS. ON A RUNWAY. (Even if it is just some wooden planks cobbled together by Holly, that will probably collapse.)

      When I was leaving Ms Parker said, ‘It’s really nice to see you doing something other than gazing out the window and nodding, Emma.’ And she smiled at me. It made me feel a tiny bit sickened at first, but then really happy. I like Ms Parker. And for once, she wasn’t exasperated with me!… Maybe she could be my new BFF?

      Emma Nash @Em_Nasher

      Would it be weird to make a friendship bracelet for a teacher?

      Steph Brent @Brentsy

      @Em_Nasher Yes

       posted by EditingEmma 19.16


      So I know I said I wasn’t going to mention the unmentionable person, but looking back at that last post feels somewhat disingenuous, because, unfortunately, that very same unmentionable person walked in right in the middle of the meeting.



      Ms Parker had just mentioned that people in lighting and set could ‘maybe’ use a strobe light, and Holly got so СКАЧАТЬ