Friendship Fails of Emma Nash. Chloe Seager
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Название: Friendship Fails of Emma Nash

Автор: Chloe Seager

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Книги для детей: прочее


isbn: 9780008221188



       posted by EditingEmma 11.07

       I Don’t BELIEVE This

      I just saw Crazy Holly posting about an email she’d got from the school, and how excited she was to try out her designs for ‘banana shoes’ in the fashion show.


      Rang Steph.

      ‘I don’t believe this,’ I said. ‘Did you see Holly’s post?’

      ‘Yeah,’ she said. ‘What do you think banana shoes means? Like, shaped like a banana? Or made out of actual banana?’

      ‘STEPH. Please focus on the matter in hand. I signed up for that, and I’ve not heard a peep!’

      She laughed. ‘Chill out, Emma. They probably just missed you off by accident.’

      ‘Oh yeah sure, an accident. I can’t believe I finally put myself forward for something at school and I’m getting rejected. Rejected by teachers. Seriously, this really is an all-time low. This is psychologically scarring.’

      Steph paused.

      ‘Maybe you just didn’t make the cut, Emma. I mean, when you’re competing against banana shoes…’

      She is so unhelpful. Anyway, I’ve sent Ms Parker a strongly worded email. Let’s see what she has to say for herself.

       posted by EditingEmma 13.15

      Email from Ms Parker:

      Oh, I thought you were joking. Have added you to the list!

      P.S. Don’t even think about missing the first meeting.

      It’s really no wonder ‘the youth of today’ are all struggling with their self-confidence, is it, when the people supposed to be inspiring and encouraging them show so little faith.

       posted by EditingEmma 14.56

       Friendship Progress

      I have just officially received a message from Gracie. Not in ‘Strengthening our Womanly Bonds,’ but in our private thread.

      Our private thread which has not had a message in it since eight months ago, when I asked her if she’d remembered her ingredients for FT, and she said yes, and I said please can I cut off half your avocados and use them as mine, no one will notice, and she said no.

      So do you want to maybe come over later? 14.44

      I’m still looking at the message sitting there. It feels like a message from an alien. But I’m going to say yes. I really, really hope it goes better than last time.

       posted by EditingEmma 22.16

       A Friendship Reborn

      That was a very, very strange evening. But I think…I think it was good. I think it was really good.

      When I first got there it was much the same as last time. We played board games and I continued to let her win. We made small talk. I was just starting to despair that we’d ever be properly at ease with each other alone, and wondering if that magical moment of closeness on Bonfire Night was just a one-off that had disappeared into thin air… When suddenly… it was like we sort of…reverted to our twelve-year-old selves.

      We started flipping through some magazines and Gracie said, ‘Do you think I have weak eyebrows?’

      I snorted.

      ‘Why, do some other eyebrows want to take it outside?’

      She pointed at a picture of Cara Delevingne.

      ‘I’ll never look like her. My eyebrows are so wispy,’ she sighed.

      ‘Well…no,’ I said, ‘but it’s not really the eyebrows. It’s more like your other features and hair and skin tone and everything else about you.’

      ‘Draw me some eyebrows!’ she said, all keen.

      So I drew some eyebrows on her. Then she drew some eyebrows on me.

      We looked ridiculous.

      ‘What do you think?’ Gracie asked.

      ‘I think they look like two giant slugs trying to eat the rest of your face.’

      Then we started drawing beauty moles on each other and did our hair all big and ending up taking pictures of ourselves in our underwear, pouting and pretending to be Victoria’s Secret models. As you do. Then we realized we look absolutely nothing like Victoria’s Secret models and so put the whole ugly incident behind us. But until that point it was really, really fun. I’ve not had that kind of pure, unadulterated sort of fun where time disappears and you’re just doing really pointless, silly things in…well…I can’t actually remember.

      It was sort of like we both sensed we needed to go back in time to before we discovered alcohol, before body hang-ups, before boys and hormones and confusing feelings and just be Emma and Gracie. Emma and Gracie before all those things started getting in the way. It was kind of like…I don’t know, like we were redoing our entire friendship from the beginning.

      When I came back in, Mum said, ‘Did you have a good time?’

      ‘I did, actually,’ I said.

      She looked all smug and annoying. So I reminded her of the message from the ‘doctor’ she got all excited about earlier, who turned out in fact to be not a doctor but a self-professed ‘lurve doctor’.

      Anyway, I feel sort of…giddy?! It’s like I’ve made a new friend, even though we’ve technically been friends for years.

       posted by EditingEmma 21.14

       Does Being A Good Friend Sometimes Mean Being a Bad Friend?

      So Steph came over this evening… And I lied to her.

      I’ve NEVER lied to Steph. Ever. I mean, there was that time she wore flares and I told her they looked good, when flares categorically cannot look anything but disgusting. But I’ve never properly lied to her.

      We were just lazing around discussing what hairstyle Steph should try next (Steph and her sister are constantly changing their hair – at the moment she’s going natural Afro) when she suddenly said, ‘So, what were you and Gracie being so secretive about the other day?’

      My brain СКАЧАТЬ