Friendship Fails of Emma Nash. Chloe Seager
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Название: Friendship Fails of Emma Nash

Автор: Chloe Seager

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Книги для детей: прочее


isbn: 9780008221188


СКАЧАТЬ was uncomfortable.

      I got there at five thirty and I’m home at seven thirty. That should tell you something about how awkward that was.

      When I finally knocked on the door (after lingering on the path for a good fifteen minutes), Gracie opened it and looked a little bit surprised to see me.

      ‘Hi?’ she said, questioningly.

      ‘Hi,’ I said.

      But she didn’t let me in.

      ‘We did say I was coming over, right?’ I asked.

      ‘Oh, yeah, right,’ she said, and finally moved aside.

      I took off my shoes and we both stood for a while.

      You could have heard a pin drop.

      ‘So, um, how are you?’ I asked.

      ‘Oh, good,’ she said. ‘You?’

      ‘Yes, good. I’m good.’ I gave a forced smile.


      ‘So, um, this is the living room…’ she said.

      I was about to point out that I’d been here A MILLION times before, but I didn’t, because then I’d actually have to come up with something else to talk about. So I just nodded.

      ‘Nice,’ I said.

      And before I knew it, I was being taken on a tour of her house.

      A TOUR OF HER HOUSE. A house that I basically GREW UP IN.

      Eventually, we stopped in the kitchen.

      ‘So, this is the kitchen,’ she said.

      Yes, I threw up in that vase, I thought.

      ‘Would you like a biscuit?’ she asked, holding out the tin.

      ‘Oh, no thanks, but thank you for offering,’ I said.

      … No thanks?!

       Thank you for offering?!

      WHO AM I?!?!

      I SO wanted the biscuit…but I was in this weird polite mode. As soon as I’d said no, I regretted it.

      ‘Shall we, um, play a board game?’ Gracie asked. I was still staring wistfully at the biscuit tin.

      ‘Er, yes, that sounds delightful,’ I said.


      Then we went into the living room to play board games (which I let her win, obviously, because I value my life). It was all very…cordial. Almost stiff. Sort of like we were well-behaved Victorian children.

      I guess nothing really bad happened, but it just never felt natural. I kept checking the clock and it wasn’t moving. Except it was moving, because I could hear it ticking. There were the kind of awkward silences you can actually hear and we had to keep reviving the conversation with small-talk CPR. The whole time I was thinking about the biscuit.

      Eventually, her dad caught me raiding the biscuit tin with a crazed look in my eye. I gave some excuse about having to leave and quickly got out of the house.

      Now I’m walking home in disgrace, pulling crumbs out of my hair.

       Evidence: Friend dates can be just as awkward as romantic dates.

      Seriously, I was nervous about this…but I really did think friend-dating would be easier!!! I mean, I know for a fact that Gracie’s not going to lunge at my face when I’m least expecting it, or attempt to cuddle me when I’m trying to consume snacks. The threat of teeth bumping has been removed. I don’t have to worry about whether my hands are sweaty or whether I’ve eaten garlic. And still, with all of that stuff gone, I can barely have a coherent conversation?! With someone I’ve known and hung out with nearly every day for five years?!

      How is that even possible?!?!

      Ugh, one failed attempt to make a new friend and one failed endeavour to hang out with an old one. This whole ‘spread the platonic love’ thing is NOT going as planned. Now I feel lonelier than ever.

       posted by EditingEmma 17.07

      Faith got back from holiday yesterday, so we’re all going out to see some fireworks.

      ‘Do you know if Claudia’s coming?’ I asked Steph.

      ‘I asked Faith, she said it’s too soon.’

      ‘Eugh, WHAT.’

      ‘They have only been on two dates…’

      ‘But…but…I want to her meet her!’

      ‘I think your eagerness is only making it less likely.’

      ‘What?! I can be cool!’

      ‘Yeah, the twelve hundred pictures I have of you photobombing me and Andy really prove that.’

      ‘Point taken.’

      ‘Andy’s coming anyway, and a couple of his mates.’

      ‘Does that mean Meathead Babs?’ I asked, with trepidation.

      ‘Unfortunately, yes,’ she answered.

       posted by EditingEmma 20.18

       At the Display

      Having so much fun watching the fireworks. At least I would be, if it wasn’t for Meathead Babs’ loud guffawing.

      ‘What is so funny about fireworks?!’ I whispered to Steph.

      ‘I have no idea,’ she said.

       posted by EditingEmma 20.27

      Mystery solved. Just heard Babs say on the phone, ‘No really, mate, they looked exactly like your jizz, that time we ate all that food colouring at Gav’s.’

       posted by EditingEmma 23.37

       A Breakthrough Moment

      Back home now, and I think I might have actually had a breakthrough moment with Gracie!!

      All evening, I thought I saw her looking a bit uncomfortable at times. My first clue was when Steph and Andy were in front of us, using a filter where Steph’s head looked GIGANTIC and Andy had four noses, and Gracie smiled but didn’t laugh. I mean, if someone isn’t laughing at face-contorting СКАЧАТЬ