The World of Multicellular. Oleg Seriy
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Название: The World of Multicellular

Автор: Oleg Seriy

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9785449330222


СКАЧАТЬ you want to tell us about how people appeared?

      – You never touched the subject…

      – That sounds great!

      – I never told you about that but today I will, – said Jinn and went on. – Just imagine the world so wonderful that it can hardly be real. It is so fantastic that it’s impossible to describe it, so rich and beautiful, but only in termsof Good as this world is a mere Kindness. It is free from malice, hatred, pain, disappointments and tiredness, grieves and troubles… Everything is perfect in this world. Everyone gets everything he needs and he doesn’t have to give anything in return. It is only God the Creator who bestows his love to a Legion of Angels (beneficiaries) through their leader (intermediary) – Supreme Angel Lucifer.

      – You mean the Angel of Light? – asked the children.

      – Exactly. I am speaking about the Light Giver. The Angels were not able to get God’s love without Lucifer because his love is very powerful and it would have burned them. That is why God used Lucifer as a vessel in which he could pass his love to the Angels.

      Teacher took a hologram blackboard and beganto paint on it with his finger.

      – It should be mentioned that Lucifer was created by God together with the other first Angels but his power was second only to that of God, his creator. Moreover, Lucifer is the First Angel. Even Michael and Gabriel were created later and therefore they were less powerful than Lucifer. However, there are some ways to reach the power equal to the Creator’s and even exceeding it but we are not talking about that now. We should remember that our Creator, like us, always invents new ways that is why only the most deserving can excel him… But where was I, kids?

      – You were saying that Michael and Gabriel were created after Lucifer.

      – Oh yes, that’s it… I was telling you about the place where the Angels lived. This place was called Eden, or Paradise. Their life was very peaceful, free from any troubles. Lucifer was still getting God’s love but he was eager to obtain more of it. Other Angels including Michael and Gabriel got God’s love through Lucifer who was then the first after God and the closest to Him… But then God decided to create something new, even more magnificent.

      – Did he? – asked the children in great surprise.

      – Oh yes, he did. Till that moment Lucifer had been the most beautiful and the most impeccable God’s creation. Buta new idea came to God and it upset the Light Giver. God decided to create a human to resemble himself, that is to replicate himself with people.

      – Is it like a copying machine?

      – Yes, it is… At first, though, God didn’t want to create several people because that would make it difficultto manage them. Just Him and a Human – that is what he desired. And he succeeded in it. The first person created by God was called Eve – that was a woman! She was so beautiful and perfect that even God himself, the Great Critic, could not find any flaws with her. She was pure and clear – oh yes, she was wonderful. And as she was created to resemble God, she became a new God and all the Angels including Lucifer, the Light Giver and Supreme Angel, appeared in the earlier phase of the evolution than the Human. After Eve was created, Lucifer started getting just half of God’s love. Another half of love was now given to Eve. But the Light Giver wanted to obtain the infinite amount of love and even 100 per cent didn’t satisfy him. The Light Giver understood that people would some time occupy higher position in the hierarchy than the Angels even though now they had no experience at all. But the other Angels remained unaware of that until Lucifer told them. In terms of Good he gave them the truth but in terms of Evil he created chaos. But the God foresaw it.

      – You want to say that God planned it initially? Are we right?

      At this very moment I realized that it was Shaitan, as large as life. Only he could be dressed like Jinn and could look like him. But that signified nothing.

      – Well, yes, initially he managed to plan almost everything. When he was creating the Light Giver he gave hima bit of rebelliousness against himself, Great God and Paradise Creator. God created Evil as an alternative to Good and hided Evil inside Lucifer when he created him. Well, I’m getting off the subject. The history of mankind started with God creating Eve. It wasn’t a matter of other people that time.

      – But why? Why did God create Eve? – asked the children.

      – Well, it is rather simple. God got tired of ruling Paradise on his own and out of pure curiosity he created a copy of himself but in a woman’s body. He wanted Eve to become his lover and his wife. In other words, God created Eve only for himself, for satisfying his own desires. And God fell in love with her. He loved his creation most passionately but due to absence of experience and, consequently, absence of memory, Eve didn’t share his feelings. God was very upset. He did everything to win her love – he gave her flowers and sweets, he invented various delicacies and entertainments, he complimented her and gave her all possible attention, including regular kisses, caress and sex. But it was like making love to a log because Eve still didn’t feel anything towards him except respect and therefore she was unable to give God what he desired so much – Love. He had been giving his love to others for so long that he hoped it would be Eve who would compensate for this love, giving her Love to him, the Great God and Creator. On the other hand, he understood that he gave her his priceless gift – freedom of choice which even his Angels didn’t possess!

      – So Angels didn’t have freedom of choice while humans did?!

      – Exactly. However, not humans but a human because God created only one human – Eve. The Angels had freedom of choice only in terms of which kind deeds they could choose between, that is all. The choice between Good and Good – it is like a feast where every dish is French fries. You can choose which plate you will eat from but nevertheless it will be still French fries. Another matter was Eve. She had freedom of choice, like God himself. She could choose between Good and Evil, between helping and refusing help, between doing and not doing, desiring and not desiring… The moment God created Eve a new impeccable element appeared in the system. The previous system and the Universe equilibrium were disturbed and a tiny particle inside the Light Giver was activated. He had been created by God for this particle, and it was called Evil.

      – Where did all this take place?

      – And why did God create a female to resemble himself, not a male?

      – First I will answer the second question and you try to ask me questions in turn. You are not Unicellular! —there was a silence. – Well then. God created a woman because only women can give birth to new Gods. He wanted to have a child, you see?

      – Yes, we do…

      – And a male cannot give birth to a child because his organism is not fit for it. But if you want to ask me a question from the previous course concerning people’s backwardness which will be whether God is gay or not, then I will tell you that he isn’t gay. He is heterosexual and it is normal. That’s as it should be. Everything else is just abnormal divergences of the moronic mankind. But we are not talking about that now. As I haveto answer your first question, let me tell you about СКАЧАТЬ