The World of Multicellular. Oleg Seriy
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Название: The World of Multicellular

Автор: Oleg Seriy

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9785449330222


СКАЧАТЬ smiles, if you please! – said a two-meter-high Toothy.

      And he showed all his ninety-two teeth. My Flier leaned his head out of nowhere and quickly smiled for five times. Then Toothy said: «Now it’s your turn!» and stared at me.

      You should pay for the access.

      I glanced at Shaitan.

      – Do as you were told to, – Shaitan told me. —I’m not exactly in the mood to smile, – and he looked away.

      – But I have no more money on me, – I told Toothy. – I gave everything I had to that bloke… whatever his name is… Flier or something? He wiped…

      – Shut up! – Shaitan cried.

      I had no chance to finish the sentence. At first I even wanted to point to Flier who had wiped his ass with my money but he wasn’t there. Toothy wasn’t interested in Shaitan as much as he was in me. «They have probably got acquainted with him already, – I thought. – Or he has a travel card».

      – Well, perhaps you have imagination, any dreams or ideas? – Toothy asked.

      – Don’t talk to him, – Flier warned me, appearing again out of thin air. – He wants to take what you appreciate most. It’s energy, you see?! Five smiles! – He told me and smiled again to Toothy showing all his perfect teeth.

      – It’s not necessary to smile for six times, – said Toothy, – five will be enough to enter. But if you want to smile instead of that one you brought with you, then I have to tell you it’s no way. We will fine you. And exile you to the Camp where you will smile till the end of life. Or rather till its start.

      – But can one smile intentionally, I mean, on purpose? – I asked Flier.

      – We always do it, – said Flier and added, – if you don’t smile right now, Toothy will eat you up.

      And Toothy smiled cunningly.

      It was like a kick in the arse or like a burr under my saddle. The world changed at once for me. I even noticed all its papier-mâché decorations… Then I smiled quickly for five times and they let us in. I didn’t have the least desire to know whether anything like that had ever happened before. In a moment the door through which we came closed behind us and we found ourselves in the opposite side of the hall, far from Toothy. I gavea sigh of relief…

      – Well, you see, – said Flier, – smiles are our main force, – and then he asked: «You are not from here, aren’t you?»

      «Tell him that you are indeed from here», – demanded Shaitan who had already possessed me again. Or does he constantly possess me now? Does he like it?! I had to obey.

      Well, it seems to me that I’m indeed from here but I didn’t realize it before.

      All right, – he replied, – let’s go.

      So we proceeded on our way.

      We saw an art gallery in front of us. There were no pictures there. To my left and to my right, above and below – the walls, the ceiling and even the floor were covered with frames screwed upon them. There were a great number of various frames – from the plainest to the most exquisite but I didn’t care much. What I really did care was the fact that inside the frames there were sheets of white paper instead of pictures.

      What is it? – I asked.

      It’s an art gallery, – Flier told me.

      But there are no pictures there! – I exclaimedin puzzle.

      Why do you think so?! Look around! There are plenty of pictures there!

      But I can’t see any pictures, just blank sheets of white paper. In the frames.

      Firstly, these are not blank sheets of paper, they are clean. Unlike that paper you gave me last time. And secondly, are there any other art galleries except like this one?!

      And we proceeded with walking. And the further we went, the more I had the impression that in fact we were going only nearer. And then I suddenly thought that I was wrong. And then that I had the right impression again. In the end I decided to aska question.

      How was this world created?

      Don’t you know? – asked Flier. – Well, you are really dull. Our world was created by smiles. There were the Three First Smiles who originated it.

      And how did they appear? – I asked.

      What does it matter? – frowned Flier and suddenly vanished with a great bang leaving me absolutely puzzled.

      He rolled himself up into a tube despite the fact that he was very plump. And then the roll he made became very thin and soared in the sky. «Probably that’s his magic cloak?» – I thought. And then I fell under the impression that Flier wasn’t thinking of anything. Anything at all… Like our politicians… in the world I came from. But maybe at the moment I was not in this new world but in my own? Anyway, I existed – it was clear. And maybe I was just a loony and Flier wasn’t a Flier at all, he was just a keeper who thought that I was Napoleon? Well, anyway. Let’s drop it. The point is that I felt good. And it was the most important thing. But let’s assume that at the moment I was indeed in this world, in the world created by the Three First Smiles. And if I believe it’s True, then Truth will believe in me. And I was right.

      In front of me I saw women breasts. There were not two of them, as I was used to, but much more. A naked woman body was standing in front of me and there were no black squares in the area of breasts and pubis like they show on TV; a horizontal row of breasts occupied all the space. They had beautiful shape and were at the right height. It was wonderful. I walked around the statue and then I realized that it was not just a woman, it was a barrel of the «Field of Dreams» game. Moreover, that day it was not just a barrel, it was a small milk plant. But I wasn’t thirsty, I was hungry and I used this plant as a barrel. I grasped one of the nipples with my right stronger hand, stroked it and then pulled it horizontally. The barrel began to spin… The whole body, however, remained immobile but the girl smiled prettily. Her smile gave that odd sensation you feel when you look at Mona Lisa on the famous picture or Einstein who pulled out his tongue on his photo in orderto show the others his attitude to himself… I was ready to shout «Bonus!» when the bonus appeared by itself. It came out of the dark room that had never been opened.

      A-a-a-a-a-a! There you are! Our new Hero! —exclaimed a man in a velvet cloak. On his chest where the heart would have been a fylfot-like cross was painted. He was approaching me very quickly. Sometimes it even seemed to me that he was flying… Like when gravity-free. Then he vanished and appeared again. I wanted to call Shaitan as he always helped me out of trouble but he didn’t happen to be there at the moment. I had to act on my own.

      I am СКАЧАТЬ