The World of Multicellular. Oleg Seriy
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Название: The World of Multicellular

Автор: Oleg Seriy

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9785449330222


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      Are you sure?

      It’s my job to be sure in things others have not a slightest idea of.

      Then how come these Dreamers don’t exist if you’ve just told me that they did exist and left our world long ago?!

      I won’t tell you that.

      That was the end of our conversation. In that world nobody was thinking of anything. They were just wagging their tongues, taking everything on trust and never asked questions… Well, their brains were absolutely nonfunctional. Or rather not everyone’s? Anyway, I hadn’t yet met other representatives of this world. But if such thinking people exist they should make the world go around. «I should try and find some of them», – I thought.

      Sphere 2. Space apple

      Soon I saw a little fairy fluttering not very far away. I ran up to her:

      – Hey, fairy! – I said.

      – Hi, stranger, – she replied, putting something into her basket.

      – Tell me please, who I am?

      – But don’t you know it?

      – Well, I think I guess.

      – So?

      – I’m Abragadabra, – I said proudly.

      – He’s Abragadabra.

      – Ha-ha…

      – Nah!

      – He saw Abragadabra!

      Now there were not less than ten fairies around me. They appeared from a nearby flowerbed and at the moment they were looking at me with interest, smiling and giggling. I liked feeling someone flirting with me. Their presence calmed me down.

      – So you want to tell me that I’m not Abragadabra?

      – Exactly. You’re not.

      – Thank God, I just thought… Anyway, thanks. But who am I instead?

      – You’re Lucifer.

      These words did little to comfort me. It was not me but Shaitan who always claimed to be Lucifer.

      – I’m Lucifer?

      – He’s Lucifer!

      – Yes…

      – He is…

      – Lucifer… A cool guy!

      – Well, then I’m the Devil?

      – No, mate, you’re an Angel of Light. That’s what being Lucifer implies.

      – Then Lucifer isn’t Satan?

      – Yes, he is. He has a lot of names.

      – He has a Legion of names.

      – And every name is Him.

      – Well, let’s go to the Universarium, – said the Chief Fairy (she had a brighter cloak) and pulled my hand. We went through a garden up to stealthy rooms and halls. When my legs stopped supporting me she began to drag me on the floor. Besides, I became more flexible, like a chewing gum. Thank God it didn’t occurto her to blow and pop me! She seemed so little and fragile but she was easily dragging me. How strong she must have been! I didn’t feel pain but it was rather uncomfortable. Her grasp was very strong and I couldn’t free myself from her fingers, no matter how hard I tried. But to be honest I didn’t try hard. I liked being dragged like this. At least, I didn’t have to do anything.

      Then we appeared in a great hall where little creatures were having a kind of meeting. They were very thin but they had enormous round eyes… Or rather oval. I quietly took the place nearby and began to listen.

      – Well, what are we doing here today? – askeda spectacled Jinn with a pointer, smiling. More than everything he looked like their chief or a teacher. And then everybody chorused:

      – We are studying underdeveloped planets and civilizations!

      They shouted so loudly that I jumped and decided not to sit back for a while.

      – This is our professor, – explained Fairy, – he made an exchange with Academy and came to our Universarium. He masters quantum physics, mechanics, interplanetary philosophy, transgalactic logics and psychology… Now sit down.

      I sat down. To be honest, I would have sat down from what I had just heard even without her request.

      – And with whom did he do an exchange?

      – With Luis Laporré, the creator of the art gallery.

      – That gallery which has blank sheets of paper instead of pictures?

      – These are not blank sheets of paper, you little fool. Luis creates white pictures. This art takes a very long time to master. You don’t know anything about it.

      At this very moment Teacher spoke. Everyone was listening to him very attentively. When I heard his voice it seemed to me that it resounded inside my head, in my brain.

      – Today there are newcomers among us. They have just arrived at the Space Port 666 in Sector 13. Please state your names and the place you are from.

      – My name is Amalgon, I came from Sirius.

      – My name is Zoran, I’m from Orion.

      – I’m Lauly. From Pleiad.

      – And my name is Mary. I came from the Earth.

      «She is from the Earth… It can’t be so…", – the creatures said surprisingly in an under voice.

      – Well, let’s greet our newcomers, – everybody clapped their hands. – So, which planet are we going to study today? – Jinn asked.

      – The Earth and people inhabiting it! – chorused the hall.

      – All right then, – calmed them down Jinn, – you all know that The Fifth Race people are absolute morons.

      – We agree! People are backward creatures, – said all the students in unison. They replied as though they were one organism. I couldn’t find an explanation for that, but not thatI very much wanted.