The World of Multicellular. Oleg Seriy
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Название: The World of Multicellular

Автор: Oleg Seriy

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9785449330222


СКАЧАТЬ an archived file?

      – That’s it. Lucifer stayed always in Eden and watched God and Eve having sex for there were no relationship between them…

      – How come there was no relationship between them? There can’t be sex without relationship, can there? – asked space children in great surprise.

      – That’s a rhetorical question, darlings… Anyway, Lucifer saw that Eve wasn’t enjoying the process; she didn’t feel love towards God and he pretended not to notice it. He tried to convince himself that some day she would fall in love with him. This feature in him resembled that of a human so much… Well, in fact he was human…

      – God was Human?!

      – Surely he was! Remember he created Eve to resemble himself? How could she resemble not a human being if she was a human herself? God created a copy of himself. He created herto resemble a human that dwelled in him…

      – God is Human! How strange!

      – Then a human being is God?

      – Of course, but on one condition.

      – What condition?

      – If a human being develops his divine capabilities.

      – And if he doesn’t?

      – Then he is an animal. Any more questions?

      – No, please, go on with your story.

      – Well, sure enough, it is my story, too, because I’m also human… The time wore on but Eve didn’t fall in love with God… And one day a forbidden fruit which people call an apple appeared. This forbidden fruit was very sweet indeed.

      – How do you know?

      – I tasted it myself… Temptation – that is its gist. Well, Lucifer was so much in love with Eve that, despite the God’s order not to tangle with the Human, Lucifer, often referredto as the Serpent in the Holy Bible, started a relationship with her. He was an experienced Angel and knew perfectly well how to seduce a woman. And he did it. Eve also felt strong passion and attraction towards Lucifer; in fact, she fell in love with him. A spark ignited between them and then they had passionate sex. No wonder that they compared Lucifer with a tree; he was the first among the Angels and therefore he had his roots deep in the earth… But let’s get back to the subject. God didn’t witness them making love. At least, Lucifer couldn’t see him and Eve who was at the moment on the peak of excitement couldn’t see him, too. But then they felt remorse because they had disobeyed the God’s order. Therefore they made themselves something like loincloths to cover up their private parts. God couldn’t fail to notice that as everybody used to go absolutely naked before. God went berserk. You know, he had rather frequent sex with Eve but she couldn’t get pregnant because she didn’t love him. But scarcely had she betrayed God with Lucifer when she got knocked up, as people would say. In other words, she became pregnant. It was a shock for her. She was strong and brave like God but she was absolutely inexperienced. She felt ashamed and betrayed but at the same time she felt love. Unlike Lucifer, Eve was born strong as God endowed her with this quality when he created her. But power without experience and, what would be worse, without weakness is a horrible destiny. Chaos! Lucifer, however, was born very weak but he managed to become strong due to his daily practices; he was eager to improve himself. Besides, he was experienced and battle-seasoned. Eve had to become weak, and so did all her descendants. That is why mankind was later called «fallen», or «nephilims».

      – But we thought that nephilims are something different…

      – Well, some people think that nephilims are only fallen Angels but in fact they are earthmen – fallen people and Angels.

      – But why Lucifer got interested in Eve?

      – You know, kids, Lucifer was a great admirerof love he got from God. He used to get all the love before God distributed his love between all the Angels according to the hierarchy. But now it was a matter of a Human! When God created Eve, the first Human, the Angels and people – two civilizations —had to share his love. But they didn’t share it equally. Eve was the only human being; she was inexperienced and lacked knowledge. Straight after she was created she was placed in a special «comfort zone». And she got at once half of God’s love though she had done nothing to deserve it. It was the same amount of love that the Angels were now given, the Angels who fought in battles, who sacrificed their blue blood and constantly improved themselves in order to get God’s love. They sacrificed themselves for this love, can you imagine it?

      – But what happened to the tree you mentioned before?

      – This tree consists of two parts. The first part is a tree itself and the second part is its reflection. There are two trees but in fact it is just one tree. The first tree is called Tree of Life and the second is known as Tree of Knowledge. On the first tree Good was dominant and on the second – Evil. Eve lacked Tree of Knowledge as she needed to come to know the world and its inhabitants and she needed to get experience. On the other hand, Lucifer needed Tree of Life while Eve had it aplenty. So, Eve and Lucifer were just like two equal drops of water, two sides of the same coin. Eve was a pure emotion and Lucifer was the truth and triumph of reason. That’s what they were. And they are among us.

      – Where? – the kids started looking around in agitation.

      – They’re not necessarily here, in this room. I mean they exist in our world. However, our room is also a part of the world, so maybe Lucifer, Eve or someone else is among us now. But the probability is rather low, I would say.

      – But still it is!

      – Yes, it is… Well, let me continue my history lesson. You understand that the new God or rather the embryo that was now inside Eve was an unwanted child. Neither Eve no Lucifer was planning to give birth to that child. God didn’t want it either. At least he didn’t expect a new God to be not his child.

      – But why do you reckon that God didn’t expect Eve to give birth to a child from Lucifer?

      – Because he made a terrible row with her. His rage was so violent that even the world staggered when he found out everything. And then it was darkness. Complete darkness. God turned off all the lights and everything went dark.

      – How do you understand darkness, Master?

      – Yes, what’s its main idea?

      – Well, its main idea is that you can’t summon it intentionally; it appears only when all the lights are turned off. That is why only light switches exist. There are no dark switches!

      – And what happened next?

      – Darkness made God absolutely ignorant to his wife Eve, to their sexual relationship; to the child she was bearing and to everything else. God acted as a real Human: he gave an order to punish Lucifer strictly and to send Eve away. He was very angry with Lucifer. But the Light Giver was smart enough as he was triumph of reason. He organized СКАЧАТЬ