The World of Multicellular. Oleg Seriy
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Название: The World of Multicellular

Автор: Oleg Seriy

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9785449330222


СКАЧАТЬ of Multicellular

      Oleg Seriy

      Translator Anna Belokonova

      Editor Liudmila Seraya

      Proofreader Avrora

      Cover designer MaRiCaBo

      © Oleg Seriy, 2018

      © Anna Belokonova, translation, 2018

      © MaRiCaBo, cover design, 2018

      ISBN 978-5-4493-3022-2

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      by MaRiCaBo without Oleg Seriy

      published by PROEKT – EDEM with the help of Ridero

      © Copyright 2011 MaRiCaBo without Oleg Seriy

      Translated by: Anna Belokonova

      * * * * *

      PROEKT – EDEM & Ridero Edition, License Notes

      This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Ridero and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard workof this author.

      * * * * *



      Sphere 1. Cuckoo! I’m here!

      Sphere 2. Space apple

      Sphere 3. Bloody hell!

      Sphere 4. In searchof the lost happiness

      Sphere 5. I’m goingto get you

      Sphere 6. Lucifer’s adventures


      This is a brutal fairytale created by Brute who dwells in one of the ghettoes of the Universe. But you will not meet him in this incredible book. The place where he lives is unavailable for common people. Only gods can find him. A lot of unicellular pass Brute every day without even noticing him. To find him and to get to know him better – that is what Multicellular Gods can do. And they do it.

      «When everyone start talking about peace and safety, that will be their end».

      Michel Nostradamus

      «What are you talking about, mate? On the UN website the words «Peace and Safety’ are written right on the home page, under the logo! (See Their days are numbered».

      Oleg Seriy

      «I wrote two and a half million symbols of reasonable or rather unreasonable text in order to create this book, this fairytale… There is one big advantage of fairytales —they present all the characters in their real appearance, without any masks and pretences. Our splendid world is also a fairytale».

      Written by MaRiCaBo (not featuring Oleg Seriy).

      The creatures die but the stories live forever. And this is one of those everlasting stories…

      It commenced the day we were in session, though without mandates, in the Diamond Restaurant&Casino. By the way, they still haven’t paid me for advertising. In fact, everything was a bit different as one of us yet had a mandate, but let’s forget about it. My name was the Devil but the friends called me Lucifer. Very often they even didn’t have to invite me – I usedto come of my own accord. The idea is that I am an Angel of Light who has become a Satan. The idea is that I am already here, down on the Earth.

      And there was her, sitting opposite me. They called her She-Wolf. That wasn’t her real name, actually; she just didn’t want me to mention it in this book. But deep inside she is a Lonely She-Wolf. And as this is a fairytale, she will also be presented in her real appearance. Like all the others. Without masks, without any farce and showing off. She made a very beautiful flower of napkins for me. Can you imagine? Of napkins. Lovely red and white napkins… But still it was so beautiful… That flower made me lose my head completely though the others thought that it was perfectly safe on its usual place. It was a new papier-mâché illusion. Everybody said that it was the most beautiful flower she had ever made before. Panther who was sitting next to us sprayed it with her perfume. What a lovely scent it was! She-Wolf just appeared from under the table. She had stopped doing her dirty business. I stopped trembling with orgasm too.

      That evening and that night are now far backin the past but the flower still exists in my present. It hasn’t learned to travel through time. And it stayed here… And along with it stayed all those wonderful recollections. In the present. Here and now… Its maddening scent… The flower is lying now in front of me on the table… That day I told She-Wolf she would find herself in the World of Multicellular. And it happened so. It is much betterto be here and now than in the World of Unicellular that existed before. By the way, have I mentioned how I called the flower? Niversace! And it doesn’t matter that you will not find about it anymore in this foolish book. Did I say «foolish»? Well, in a good sense of the word, providing of course that «the good sense» is an appropriate expression here.

      Sphere 1. Cuckoo! I’m here!

      I am a dreamer and this world has been createdby my imagination. This world is mine… Its technical name is «The World – 2» but its real name is «The World of Multicellular». It is not exactly the world my readers expected to see after having read about the World of Unicellular. Or rather, it is completely different. It is the World of Multicellular in the World of Unicellular, that’s what it is!

      «If you reckon that I close the window to prevent the chill, you are mistaken. I do it because I don’t want a Leprechaun to fly into… What? Leprechauns don’t fly? Are you sure?»


      This is the kindest book in the Universe. And my kindness is not easy to deserve. I congratulate you on this holiday – the Eternal Kingdom of Eden.

      Yours sincerely, MaRiCaBo.

      But let us continue. Usually people use a hairdryer for drying their hair. But I instead use my hair to dry a hairdryer. And indeed, I don’t have a hairdryer anymore. I even don’t exist anymore. I am a hairdryer myself. And I’m hair myself. Moreover, I’m a hologram, like you.

      With such a thought, I leaned back on the God’s chair in order to settle myself more comfortably in front of the hall full of TV sets, to backwind the reality like a tape andto watch my life once again. First of all I pressed rewind button and went to have sex which is not at all worse than the usual one when you use СКАЧАТЬ