Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ frequently to Quarterly journal of Education from about 1831; great friend of Lady Noel Byron; author of Little lessons for little learners 1833 (in monosyllables) and 14 subsequent editions; The value of time 1834 and 14 other books. (m. John Barwell of Norwich, wine merchant 1798–1876.) d. Norwich 2 Feb. 1885.

      BASDEN, James Lewis. Ensign Scotch brigade 12 Jany. 1800; lieut. col. 89th foot 6 July 1838 to 16 June 1843 when he retired on full pay; C.B. 26 Dec. 1818. d. Newton villa, Westbourne grove, London 22 May 1856.

      BASEVI, James Palladio (son of George Basevi of London, architect 1794–1845). b. 23 Feb. 1832; ed. at Rugby, Cheltenham and Addiscombe; 2 lieut. R.E. 12 Dec. 1851, captain 15 Feb. 1861; assistant in great trigonometrical survey of India 18 Jany. 1856, surveyor 1st grade 1 April 1866 to death. (m. Charlotte Louisa, she was granted a civil list pension of £100 29 April 1874). d. at east end of Changchenmo valley in the Himalayas 17 July 1871. Journal of Royal Geog. soc. xlii, 163–67 (1872); Monthly notices of Royal astron. soc. xxxii, 109–11 (1872).

      BASHAM, William Richard. b. Diss, Norfolk 1804; clerk in a bank; studied at Westminster hospital; M.D. Edin. 1834; M.R.C.P. 1838, F.R.C.P. 1850, Censor 1864–66 and 1873 and Croonian lecturer 1864; phys. to Westminster hospital 1843, and lecturer on medicine 1849–71; author of On dropsy connected with disease of the kidneys 1858, 2 ed. 1862; Renal diseases 1870; Aids to the diagnosis of diseases of the kidneys 1872. d. 17 Chester st. Belgrave sq. 16 Oct. 1877.

      BASIRE, James. b. 1796; engraver; engraved some pretty plates of Sussex country houses. d. London 17 May 1869.

      BASS, Charles (first cousin to Wm. Evans Burton the comedian). b. London 5 March 1803; manager of Caledonian theatre Edinburgh about 1829; acted at the old Park theatre New York 1844–45; director of the American Dramatic fund; resided at Hamilton, Upper Canada; published Lectures on Canada 1863. d. Hamilton 5 May 1863. Morgan’s Bibliotheca Canadensis (1867) 20–21.

      BASS, Michael Thomas (eld. son of Michael Thomas Bass of Burton-on-Trent, brewer 1760–1827). b. Burton-on-Trent 6 July 1799; brewer at Burton; M.P. for Derby 1848–83; introduced and carried a bill by which house-holders might require street musicians to quit neighbourhood of their houses; built and endowed church of St. Paul at Burton; gave to town of Derby a large recreation ground, public swimming baths, a free library opened 28 June 1879 and an art gallery. d. Rangemoor Burton-on-Trent 29 April 1884. Fortunes made in business ii, 407–50 (1884); Graphic xxix, 457 (1884), portrait; I.L.N. lxxxiv, 440 (1884), portrait.

      BASSANO, Alfred. b. 25 June 1826; ensign 32 foot 3 April 1846; commanded the troops in China 28 July 1877 to 3 June 1878; M.G. 12 Dec. 1877; C.B. 24 May 1873. d. 2 Inverness place, Bayswater 12 Sep. 1882.

      BASSET, Frances Basset, Baroness. b. 30 April 1781; succeeded 5 Feb. 1835. d. Tehidy park, Redruth, Cornwall 22 Jany. 1855.

      BASTARD, James Stokes. 2 Lieut. R.A. 15 Nov. 1800; col. 9 Nov. 1846 to 20 June 1854; L.G. 24 Jany. 1857. d. Charlton 10 June 1871 aged 87.

      BATCHELDOR, Thomas (2 son of Robert Batcheldor of Cholesbury, Bucks, farmer). b. 23 July 1796; student of Gray’s Inn 14 Nov. 1827; practised as a conveyancer; registrar of Eton College 1827 to death; chapter clerk to dean and canons of Windsor 1843 to death; steward of the courts of Eton College; F.S.A. 21 June 1855. d. The Cloisters, Windsor Castle 24 July 1866.

      BATE, William Thornton (son of Wm. Bate, governor of Ascension island). b. 1820; ed. at royal naval college Portsmouth 1833–35; midshipman R.N. 1835; mate of the Blenheim 74 guns 19 March 1841; captain of the Actæon surveying vessel 6 Feb. 1857 to death; F.R.A.S. 9 March 1849; killed at storming of Canton 29 Dec. 1857. Memoir by Rev. John Baillie, 3 ed. 1862, portrait.

      BATEMAN, Charles Philip Butler (son of Nathaniel Bateman, Captain R.N.) b. Wormley Herts 1776; Captain R.N. 25 Sep. 1806; Admiral on h.p. 18 June 1857. d. Corston near Bath 23 Nov. 1857.

      BATEMAN, Colthurst. b. 2 Oct. 1780; sheriff of co. Kerry 1832–40. d. Sherborne 2 Aug. 1859.

      BATEMAN, Hezekiah Linthicum. b. Baltimore 6 Dec. 1812; an actor 1832; played in the leading juvenile business; manager of the St. Louis theatre 1855–59; first appeared in England at Adelphi theatre, London 12 June 1865 as David of Ruthin in Geraldine; lessee of Lyceum theatre, London 11 Sep. 1871 to death; produced The Bells a version by Leopold Lewis of Erckmann-Chatrian’s Le Juif Polonais 25 Nov. 1871, and Hamlet 30 Oct. 1874 which ran till 29 June 1875, the longest run on record. (m. 10 Nov. 1839 Sidney Frances Cowell). d. Rutland lodge, South place, Knightsbridge, London 22 March 1875.

      BATEMAN, James. b. Lancaster 9 Oct. 1805; entered Society of Jesus at Mont-Rouge, France 7 Sep. 1826; ordained priest 24 Sep. 1836; a Spiritual Coadjutor 2 Feb. 1845; rector of St. Aloysius’ college Lancs. 13 March 1858 to Nov. 1861; missioner at Blackpool 1865, at Bournemouth 1874 and at Newhall 1877 to death. d. Newhall 17 June 1879.

      BATEMAN, John. b. 1792; Sheriff of Kerry 1820; M.P. for Tralee 7 Aug. 1837 to 12 March 1838. d. 1863.

      BATEMAN, Joseph (son of William Bateman of Selby, sailor). b. Selby 4 March 1797; clerk in Board of Excise, London 1829–46; assistant solicitor to the Excise 4 July 1846 to 6 Jany. 1849 when department of stamps and taxes was amalgamated with the Excise; barrister L.I. 27 Jany. 1847; author of The general turnpike acts 1828, 4 ed. 1852; Precedents of private acts of Parliament 1829; A practical treatise on the law of auctions 1838, 6 ed. 1882; The laws of Excise 1843, 3 ed. 1865. d. Walthamstow, Essex 10 Nov. 1863.

      BATEMAN, Sidney Frances (dau. of Joseph Cowell of New York, comedian 1792–1863). b. New York 29 March 1823; author of a drama called ‘Self’ produced at People’s Theatre St. Louis 6 April 1857; Geraldine or the master passion produced at Philadelphia 1859, afterwards at Adelphi theatre London 12 June 1865; lessee of Lyceum theatre 22 March 1875 to Aug. 1878, of Sadlers Wells theatre 1879 to death, rebuilt the interior and opened it 9 Oct. 1879. (m. 10 Nov. 1839 Hezekiah Linthicum Bateman). d. Taviton st. Gordon sq. London 13 Jany. 1881.

      BATEMAN, Thomas (only child of Wm. Bateman of Middleton by Youlgreave, Derbyshire 1787–1835). b. Rowsley 8 Nov. 1821; made an extensive series of excavations in the tumuli of Yorkshire, Staffordshire and Derbyshire; fellow of Ethnological society; author of Vestiges of the antiquities of Derbyshire 1848; Ten years diggings in Celtic and Saxon grave-hills 1861; contributed largely to antiquarian periodicals. d. Lomberdale house near Bakewell 28 Aug. 1861. Reliquary ii, 87–97 (1862), portrait; Journal Brit. Archæol. Assoc. xviii, 362–7 (1862).

      BATEMAN, Thomas Hudson. Barrister M.T. 24 Nov. 1815; comr. of bankrupts for Halifax; judge of borough court, Lancaster. d. 1881.

      BATEMAN, Thomas Osborne (4 son of Richard Bateman, sheriff of Derbyshire who d. 1821). b. Foston hall, Derbyshire 1 March 1809; ed. at Newark gr. sch., Harrow and St. John’s coll. Cam.; B.A. 1834; student at Lincoln’s Inn; restored ancient stained glass windows in Morley church 1847; bought Hartington hall Derbyshire from Duke of Devonshire 1857; built mansion of Breadsall Mount 1864; author of many pamphlets and letters. d. 14 Jany. 1874. Reliquary xv, 97–101 (1875).

      BATES, Rev. John Ellison. Ed. at Ch. Ch. Ox.; student of Ch. Ch.; rowed No. 3 in Oxford boat against Cambridge 1829; B.A. 1831, M.A. 1833; P.C. of Ch. Ch. Litherland Jany. 1842; P.C. of Ch. Ch. Hougham in Dover 1844 to death. d. Priory Gate 17 Feb. 1856.

      BATES, Joshua (only son of Colonel Joshua Bates of Weymouth near Boston СКАЧАТЬ