Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ a duel with another officer; inspector general of hospitals 7 Dec. 1858 to 19 July 1859 when placed on h.p.; maintained assumption of manhood down to her death. d. 14 Margaret St., London 25 July 1865 aged 73. Medical times and gazette ii, 227, 293, 350 (1865).

      BARRY, James (brother of Sir Charles Barry, R.A.) Head of firm of Barry and Hayward of Queenhithe wholesale stationers about 1830 to death. d. Eliot Bank, Forest Hill 3 Jany. 1885 in 93 year.

      BARRY, James Hugh Smith. b. 1816; sheriff of Cheshire 1846; formed a fine collection of antique sculpture and more than 300 pictures at Marbury hall near Northwich. d. Dec, 1857. Waagen’s Galleries of art (1857) 406–13.

      BARRY, James Redmond. b. 1789; one of foremost of southern Irish leaders in struggle for Catholic emancipation; inspector general of Irish fisheries; a comr. of Irish fisheries about 1830–75; claimed ancient title of Viscount Buttevant 1825. d. Glandore co. Cork 18 June 1879.

      BARRY, Right Rev. John. b. Barony of Forth, co. Wexford about 1799; studied at Charleston; ordained in cathedral of St. Finbar 24 Sep. 1825; pastor of church of the Holy Trinity at Augusta, Georgia 1826–54; vicar general of diocese of Charleston and superior of the theological seminary 1844; vicar general of diocese of Savannah 1853; bishop of Savannah 1857 to death; consecrated in Baltimore cathedral 2 Aug. 1857; sailed from New York 2 July 1859. d. Convent of the Brothers’ Hospitalers of St. John of God at Paris 19 Nov. 1859. R. H. Clarke’s Lives of deceased bishops ii, 551–54 (1872).

      BARRY, John O’Brien Milner. b. 1815; B.L. Univ. of Paris 1834; M.D. Edin. 1837; L.R.C.S. Edin. 1838; M.R.C.P. 1859, F.R.C.P. 1876; physician at Laugharne, at Totnes and at Tunbridge Wells 1852 to death; author of essays on ‘Cystine’ and ‘Leucocythemia’ in the Medical Archives 1858–60. d. Tunbridge Wells 15 Sep. 1881.

      BARRY, John Thomas. b. 1789; entered house of Allen Hanbury and Barry of Plough court, Lombard st., chemists and druggists about 1804, one of the managers; introduced method of evaporation in vacuo for preparation of medicinal extracts; an original member of Pharmaceutical Society 15 April 1841. d. Hornsey March 1864.

      BARRY, Martin (brother of the preceding). b. Fratton, Hants 28 March 1802; studied medicine in Univs. of Edin. Paris, Erlanger, Heidelberg and Berlin; M.R.C.S. Edin.; M.D. Edin. 1833; F.R.S. Edin.; F.R.C.P. Edin.; ascended Mont Blanc 16 Sep. 1834 being 16th ascent then made; F.R.S. 13 Feb. 1840; royal medallist 30 Nov. 1839; made important discovery of presence of Spermatozoa within the ovum 1843; house surgeon Royal maternity hospital Edinburgh 1844; lived abroad 1849–53; author of Ascent to the summit of Mont Blanc 1836; Researches in embryology 3 series 1839–40. d. Beccles, Suffolk 27 April 1855. Edinburgh Medical journal i, 81–91 (1856); Proc. of Royal Society viii, 577–82 (1855); Annual Monitor for 1856, pp. 13–18.

      BARRY, Philip. b. 1789; 2nd lieut. R.E. 10 Feb. 1809; col. R.E. 17 Feb. 1854 to 13 Jan. 1855; M.G. 13 Jany. 1855. d. Guernsey 17 April 1869.

      BARRY, Sir Redmond (3 son of major general Henry Green Barry of Ballyclough, co. Cork who d. 14 May 1838 aged 68). b. Air hill, co. Cork 1813; ed. at Hall place Kent and Trin. coll. Dublin, B.A. 1837, LLD. 1876; called to Irish bar 1838; went to Sydney 1839; comr. of court of requests at Melbourne 1842; solicitor general of Victoria 1850; judge of supreme court of Victoria 25 Aug. 1851; chancellor of univ. of Melbourne 7 May 1853; pres. of trustees of Melbourne public library 1856; knighted by patent 24 May 1860; represented colony of Victoria at great exhibitions in London 1862 and in Philadelphia 1876; LL.B. and M.A. univ. of Melbourne 1863; administered government of Victoria 3 Jany. 1875 to 10 Jany. 1875; K.C.M.G. 30 May 1877. d. Melbourne 23 Nov. 1880. Men of the time in Australia (1878) 10–11.

      BARRY, Thomas. b. Ireland; performed with Samwell’s circus 1842; clown to the ring at Astley’s amphitheatre London 1843–48 and 1851–56; kept the Clown tavern 40 Bridge road, Lambeth 1848–50 and March 1856 to 1857. (m. Mrs. Campbell of City of London theatre). d. 26 March 1857 aged 47. bur. Norwood cemetery. Autobiography of Baron Nicholson (1860) 348–52; H. Valentine’s Behind the curtain (1848) 76–78; I.L.N. v, 193 (1844), portrait, xxiii, 460 (1853), portrait.

      BARRY, William Whittaker (3 son of Rev. Henry Barry, R. of Draycott Cerne, Wilts who d. 10 Aug. 1850 aged 60). Gained first law studentship awarded by the Inns of Court Jany. 1853; barrister L.I. 30 April 1853; author of A treatise on the statutory jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery 1861; A walking tour round Ireland in 1865 by an Englishman 1867; A walking tour in Normandy [anon.] 1868. d. on the Krimmler Tavern pass in the Tyrol 1 Oct. 1875.

      BARRY, William Wigram (brother of Sir Redmond Barry). b. 28 May 1827; 2 lieut. R.A. 1 May 1846; col. 1 Oct. 1877 to death; brigadier general Bombay 23 July 1877 to 4 April 1879; M.G. 1 May 1880; granted service reward 1 Oct. 1882; C.B. 28 Feb. 1861. d. Hotel Royal, Naples 19 April 1883.

      BARRYMORE, Mrs. (dau. of Mr. Adams). b. 1783; dancer at the old Royal Circus now Surrey Theatre, London 1803; the most graceful dancer in London for some years; her power of pantomimic expression as the dumb girl Finella contributed much to success of Auber’s opera Massaniello when first produced at Drury Lane 4 May 1829; made her début in America at the Park Theatre, New York 21 Aug. 1831; taught dancing at Boston to 1846. (m. William Barrymore of London, dramatist who d. Boston 16 Feb. 1845). d. London 6 Jany. 1863.

      BARSTOW, James Pulteney (eld son of Nathaniel Barstow, of Wetherby, Yorkshire). Barrister G.I. 18 Nov. 1824; bencher 1 May 1854; treasurer 30 Jan. 1856. d. Sandgate, Folkestone 8 Sep. 1873.

      BARTER, Charles. Worked in Royal botanic gardens, Kew 1849–51; foreman of Royal botanic society Regents Park 1851–57; botanist to Niger expedition under W. B. Baikie 1857 to death; author of The Dorp and the Veld or six months in Natal 1852. d. Rabba on the Niger 15 July 1859.

      BARTER, Richard. b. Cooldaniel, co. Cork 1802; M.R.C.S. 1828; Physician of Dispensary Inniscana, Cork; opened St. Anne’s water cure establishment at Blarney; set up the first hot-air baths in Ireland, also the first hot-air baths without vapour—the so-called Turkish bath. d. Blarney 3 Oct. 1870. Recollections of the late Dr. Barter, Dublin 1875.

      BARTER, Rev. Robert Speccott (youngest son of Rev. Charles Barter V. of Cornworthy near Totnes, Devon, 71 years who d. 26 April 1846 aged 97). b. Cornworthy 3 July 1790; ed. at Tiverton gr. sch. Winchester and New coll. Ox.; B.C.L. 1815; commoner tutor at Winchester to Dec. 1814; tutor of New college 1815–30 when he resigned; Bursar 1817, Poser 1817, Sub-warden 1820; Warden of Winchester 18 May 1822 to death. d. College st. Winchester 8 Feb. 1861. Rev. H. C. Adams’s History of Winchester college (1878) pp. 322–42.

      BARTER, Rev. William Brudenell (elder brother of the preceding). b. Jany. 1788; ed. at Tiverton, Westminster and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1809, M.A. 1813; Fellow of Oriel coll. 1811; tutor in family of Lord Carnarvon; R. of Highclere, Hants 1825 to death; R. of Burghclere, Hants 1825 to death; published many letters and pamphlets on the topics of the day. d. Burghclere 16 Nov. 1858.

      BARTH, Heinrich. b. Hamburg 16 Feb. 1821; ed. at Univ. of Berlin; a lecturer in the Univ.; went with James Richardson to Central Africa 1849, returned 1855; C.B. 17 Nov. 1858; foreign associate of Royal Geographical Society; pres. of Geographical society of Berlin; professor extraordinary at Univ. of Berlin; author of Travels in North and Central Africa 1857. d. Berlin 25 Nov. 1865. Journal of Royal Geog. Soc. xxxvi, 134–36 (1866); Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie ii, 96–99 (1875).

      BARTHELÉMY, Emanuel. Shot a gensdarme in Paris; condemned to the galleys for life, set free 1830; greatly distinguished himself in revolution of June 1848; fled to England 1848; shot Cournet СКАЧАТЬ