Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ a limited liability company 1873. d. Pendleton 3 Nov. 1881. Journal of iron and steel institute, No. 2, 1882 657–58.

      BARNSTON, James. M.D. Edin.; professor of botany in McGill college Montreal. d. Montreal 28 May 1858 aged 28.

      BARON, James. b. Blackburn 1817; ed. at Stonyhurst; held professorships at Prior Park Bath and the Luso-British college Lisbon; kept a school at Lytham in the Fylde, Lancashire for many years from 1849. d. St. Helens 23 Feb. 1883.

      BARON, John. b. St. Andrews 26 May 1786; ed. at Univs. of St. Andrews and Edin., M.D. Edin. July 1805; physician at Gloucester 1807–33; phys. of Gloucester infirmary 1809 to 21 Feb. 1833; lived at Cheltenham 1833 to death; F.R.S. 13 Feb. 1823; author of Enquiry illustrating the nature of tuberculated accretions of serous membranes 1819 and 2 other books on Tubercle Life of Edward Jenner, M.D. 2 vols. 1838. d. 1 St. Margaret’s terrace, Cheltenham 2 Oct. 1851. Pettigrew’s Medical portrait gallery vol. 2 (1840) 12 pages, portrait; Taylor’s National portrait gallery iii, 43–44 (1847), portrait.

      BARON, John. b. Blackpool 2 Sep. 1807; entered the Society of Jesus at Hodder 21 Sep. 1827, master of the school in London 1831–32 and 1833–35; ordained priest at Stonyhurst 19 Sep. 1841; vice rector of Mount St. Mary’s college 17 Oct. 1848 and rector 17 Oct. 1851–1854; missioner at Wakefield 1854–70. d. Holywell 11 July 1878.

      BARR, David. Entered Bombay army 1803; col. 24 Bombay N.I. 4 July 1844 to death; L.G. 11 Nov. 1851. d. Cheltenham 21 Nov. 1862 aged 78.

      BARR, Henry James. b. 8 April 1815; ensign 8 Bombay N.I. 22 May 1834; lieut. col. Bombay staff corps 18 Feb. 1861 to death; L.G. 1 Oct. 1877. d. Apsleytown, East Grinstead 17 May 1881.

      BARR, Rev. Hugh. b. Bridge of Weir, Renfrewshire 2 April 1825; an apprentice tailor; studied at Univ. of Glasgow; an agent of Glasgow city mission; minister of United Presbyterian church at Kingskettle 28 Sep. 1854 to death. d. Kingskettle 9 Nov. 1873. Too late for martyrdom Memorials of the Rev. Hugh Barr by Rev. T. Dunlop 1875, portrait.

      BARR, James. b. Kilbarchan near Paisley 1779; a friend of Robert Tannahill the poet who has immortalized him as “Blithe Jamie Barr”; harmonized a few airs as glees; well known at various glee clubs in Glasgow; went to America 1834; living at Govan near Glasgow 1859.

      BARR, Robert. b. 3 Sep. 1794; attorney at Leeds 1823; coroner of Leeds 1824; clerk to the Leeds borough magistrates 3 Dec. 1836 to death. d. Mount Pleasant, Leeds 18 Oct. 1871.

      BARR, Samuel. b. Glasgow 1807; a self taught musician of strong native genius; his song “Naebody kens ye” possesses much merit; author of Art of singing at first sight simplified 1847. d. Glasgow 16 May 1866.

      BARRALLIER, Francis Louis. Ensign in New South Wales corps (afterwards 102nd foot) 14 Aug. 1800; surveyed Bass’s Straits in the Lady Nelson schooner 1801–1803; attempted to cross the Blue Mountains 1802; captain 101 foot 6 July 1809 to 7 Jany. 1817 when placed on h.p.; made an elaborate survey of island of Barbadoes 1812–17; captain 73 foot 4 Oct. 1831 to 9 Aug. 1833 when placed on h.p.; brevet lieut. col. 9 Nov. 1846. d. 24 Bedford square, Commercial road, London 11 June 1853 aged 80. New South Wales general orders 1791–1806; Sydney 1802–1806 the first book printed in Australia; United Service Mag. 1853 part 2, p. 632.

      BARRATT, Alfred (eld. son of James Barratt of Manchester, solicitor). b. Heald Grove near Manchester 12 July 1844; ed. at Sandbach and Rugby where he gained 29 prizes; a commoner of Balliol college Ox. 1862; won the first Balliol scholarship 1862; gained unprecedented distinction of 5 first classes 2 classical, 2 mathematical and 1 law and modern history; fellow of Brasenose coll. 1867; Eldon law scholar 1870; barrister L.I. 26 Jany. 1872; sec. to the Oxford university commission 1880; author of Physical Ethics or the science of action 1869. d. 18 May 1881. Physical Metempiric by the late A. Barratt 1883, portrait.

      BARRAUD, Henry. b. 1811; painted many portraits with horses and dogs, also subject pictures such as ‘The Pope blessing the animals’ 1842; exhibited at British Institution and Society of British Artists 1831–68 and at R.A. 1833–59; his pictures ‘We praise thee O God’; ‘The London Season’; ‘Lord’s cricket ground’; and ‘The lobby of the House of Commons’ have all been engraved or autotyped. d. London 17 June 1874.

      BARRELL, Justinian. Entered navy Aug. 1791; commander 21 March 1815; captain 19 March 1852; the last surviving officer of Lord Howe’s victory of 1 June 1794. d. Holloway 23 Nov. 1869 aged 87. O’Byrne (1861) p. 52.

      BARRETT, Apollon Marie Rose. b. South of France 1804; pupil of Vogt at Conservatoire, Paris 1823; solo oboe player at the Odéon, and at Opéra Comique 1827, and at Italian Opera in London 1829–74; professor of the oboe at R.A. of music; author of A complete method for the Oboe. d. Paris 8 March 1879.

      BARRETT, Rev. Basil Richard (7 child of John Briant Barrett of Milton house near Abingdon). b. Milton house 11 May 1781; sent to St. Omer’s college Aug. 1790; joined the refugees from Douay college at Crook hall, Durham June 1795; ordained priest about July 1806; lived at Froidemont in Belgium an establishment for the care of invalid priests; author of Pretensions to a final analysis of the nature and origin of sublimity, style, beauty, genius and taste 1812; The life of Cardinal Ximenes 1813 and of a work in manuscript entitled A mathematical treatise showing how the circle can be squared. d. Froidemont 3 May 1858. Gillow’s English Catholics i, 144 (1885).

      BARRETT, George. b. Exeter 9 June 1794; made his début on the stage at Park theatre New York as one of the children in Dunlap’s version of The Stranger 10 Dec. 1798; stage manager of Bowery theatre N.Y. 1828; acting manager of Broadway theatre N.Y. 1847; the best light comedian in America, known as “Gentleman George”; took farewell of the stage at Academy of Music N.Y. 20 Nov. 1855. d. New York 5 Sep. 1860.

      BARRETT, Henry Michael. Member of company of T.R. Liverpool; made his début in London at Drury Lane theatre as Falstaff in Henry the Fourth 31 Dec. 1850; played at Sadlers Wells, Drury Lane and Princess’s theatres; played Polonius in Hamlet at the Princess’s 15 June 1871. d. in a cab on his way home from the theatre 15 June 1871 aged 68.

      BARRETT, James William (brother of Rev. Basil Richard Barrett). The first Roman catholic admitted a solicitor after passing of the act by which Roman catholics were enabled to practise as solicitors in England; one if not the last of the survivors of the English college at Douay. d. Speen hill near Newbury, Berks. 20 Feb. 1864 in 88 year.

      BARRETT, Rev. John Casebow. Ed. at Ch. Ch. Ox.; B.A. 1833, M.A. 1837; P.C. of St. Mary’s district parish, Birmingham 1837 to death; author of God’s claims upon youth’s obedience 1838; Minister’s trials 1846; Papal aggression 1850; Psalms and hymns for the church service 1853. d. St. Mary’s vicarage, Birmingham 26 Feb. 1881 aged 70.

      BARRETT, Lucas (eld. son of George Barrett, of London, ironfounder). b. London 14 Nov. 1837; ed. at Royston, Univ. college school, Ebersdorf in Germany and Trin. coll. Cam.; curator of Woodwardian museum Cam. 1855; delivered many lectures for Professor Sedgwick at Cam. 1856–58; director of geological survey of Jamaica March 1859 to death; comr. for Jamaica at International Exhibition 1862; F.G.S. 1855 when only 18; F.L.S. 5 April 1860; author of 11 papers on natural history and geology; drowned while diving at the Caps outside Port Royal harbour, Jamaica 19 Dec. 1862. Proc. of Linnæan Society (1863) 31–34; I.L.N. xlii, 188 (1863), portrait.

      BARRETT, Michael. A stevedore; lived in Glasgow; member of Fenian brotherhood; fired a barrel of gunpowder close to the wall of the Clerkenwell House of Detention, London 13 Dec. 1867 which killed 4 persons СКАЧАТЬ