Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ 5 July 1857. Kaye’s Sepoy war in India ii, 513–70, 678 (1870).

      BARNARD, John. Fellow of King’s coll. Cam. 1818 to death; F.S.A. 3 May 1855. d. King’s coll. Cam. 16 Nov. 1878 aged 84.

      BARNE, George Huxley (2 son of John Barne of Tiverton). ed. at Magd. coll. Ox; barrister L.I. 17 Nov. 1866; attorney general of Jamaica March 1874 to death. d. Kingston, Jamaica 8 March 1876.

      BARNES, Christopher Hewetson. b. 7 Feb. 1833; 2 lieut. Bengal artillery 9 Dec. 1852; lieut. col. R.A. 31 Dec. 1878 to death; commanded R. A. in Egypt to death, d. Cairo 28 Sep. 1884. I.L.N. lxxxv, 373 (1881), portrait.

      BARNES, George Carnac (eld. son of Ven. George Barnes 1784–1847, archdeacon of Barnstaple). ed. at Westminster 1833–35; comr. of the Cis-Sutlej States; foreign sec. at Calcutta 1861 to death; C.B. 18 May 1860. d. Hazareebagh, Bengal 13 May 1861.

      BARNES, James. Lieutenant Royal horse guards 29 Aug. 1811 to 3 Nov. 1814 when he retired; major in command of Radnor Militia 15 Feb. 1828 to 21 March 1846. d. Portishead near Bristol June 1853 aged 64.

      BARNES, James Hindmarsh. ed. at Charing Cross and Westminster Ophthalmic hospitals; M.R.C.S. and L.S.A. 1857; L.R.C.P. Edin. 1860; practised in London; visiting surgeon to the workhouse hospital, Liverpool 1874; superintendent registrar 1874 to death; author of Notes on surgical nursing. d. 57 Pembroke place, Liverpool 19 March 1880 aged 47. Medical Times and gazette i, 387 (1880).

      BARNES, John (son of Thomas Barnes of Newcastle, coal viewer, who d. 1801). b. Walker colliery near Newcastle 12 Aug. 1798; in the Soho works of Boulton and Watt 1813–15; studied at univ. of Edin. 1815–17; manufacturing engineer with Joseph Miller in London 1822–35, made many engines for French steamers; constructed the Sophia Jane the first steam vessel ever employed in Australia 1831; manager of the works at La Ciotat near Marseilles 1845 to death; much improved the French steam navy; M.I.C.E. 1823. d. La Ciotat 24 Sep. 1852. bur. Long Benton near Newcastle. Min. of proc. of Instit. of C.E. xii, 140–48 (1853).

      BARNES, Mary (dau. of Mr. Greenhill). b. London; acted in the provinces as Miss Simpson; acted at Haymarket and Drury Lane; made her first appearance in America at the Park theatre New York 17 April 1816 as Juliet; a great actress in tragedy, melodrama and pantomime; took farewell of the stage 2 Nov. 1841. (m. John Barnes a comedian who d. 28 Aug. 1841 aged 60). d. Vandam st. New York 26 Aug. 1864 in 84 year.

      BARNES, Ralph (4 son of Rev. Ralph Barnes, archdeacon of Totnes, Devon who d. 20 May 1820 aged 87). b. 14 July 1781; ed. at Exeter gr. school; admitted attorney 25 Nov. 1802; practised at Exeter 1802 to death; chapter clerk there 15 Sep. 1810; sec. to bishops of Exeter April 1830 to death; author of An inquiry into equity practice 1827; The papal brief considered with reference to the laws of England 1850; edited Bishop Lacy’s Liber pontificalis 1847. d. Bellairs, Topsham road, Exeter 22 Feb. 1869. Reg. and mag. of biog. i, 306–308 (1869); Law Journal iv, 140–42 (1869).

      BARNES, Rev. Richard William. b. Comercolly, Bengal; matric. from Edmund hall Ox. 27 June 1829, B.A. of Queen’s coll. 1834, M.A. 1841; R. of Dunchideock, Devon 1841–45; P.C. of East and West Looe, Cornwall 1845–49; V. of Probus, Cornwall 1849 to death; Preb. of Exeter Nov. 1853 to death; author of Public opinion considered in letters between one of his friends and R. W. Barnes 1855; Let well alone or removal of blemishes from church and state, by Alazon 1860 and many sermons. d. The Sanctuary, Probus 27 May 1885 aged 74.

      BARNES, Robert. b. Manchester 1800; cotton spinner there with his brother Thomas Barnes; mayor 1851; gave £10,000 to Royal infirmary Sep. 1869; founded Convalescent hospital at Cheadle at cost of £40,000, and a certified industrial school at Heaton Mersey at cost of £20,000. d. Oakley, Fallowfield Manchester 25 Dec. 1871.

      BARNES, Samuel C. b. Ireland; went to the United States 1830; principal of a school at Brooklyn 1830–67; originator and secretary of East Brooklyn savings bank. d. Brooklyn 18 Feb. 1873 aged 60.

      BARNES, Thomas. b. Wigton, Cumberland 1793; ed. at Univ. of Edin., M.D. 1817; M.R.C.S. 1815; physician at Carlisle 1817; leading phys. in north of England down to 1850; founded Cumberland infirmary and Carlisle fever hospital; F.R.S. Edin. 1830. d. Bunker’s hill near Carlisle 31 March 1872.

      BARNES, Thomas Wilson. The best chess player in London for a short period; an original whist player; reduced his weight from 16 stone to 7 stone 8 lbs. in 10 months Aug. 1873 to June 1874 by banting. d. Cambridge st. Eccleston sq. London 20 Aug. 1874 aged 49. Westminster Papers vii, 99–100 (1874), portrait.

      BARNES, William Augustus. Pantomimist in London; made his first appearance in America at Philadelphia 4 Dec. 1846 as Grimaldi in pantomime of Magic Pills; played clown in pantomime of William the Conqueror at Olympic theatre London 26 Dec. 1848; pantaloon at Drury Lane theatre; photographer at 6 North st. Smith sq. Westminster; committed suicide at 6 North st. by taking cyanide of potassium 17 May 1868 in 59 year.

      BARNETT, Charles (only son of major general Charles Barnett 1758–1804). b. Stratton, Beds. 31 Oct. 1796; ed. at Putney and Em. coll. Cam., fellow commoner 1815; sheriff of Beds. 1821; master of Cambridgeshire hounds many years from 1829; a great short horn breeder. d. Stratton park, Beds. 20 June 1876. Baily’s Mag. xi, 55–58 (1866), portrait.

      BARNETT, Charles James. M.P. for Maidstone 1832–1835. d. 12 Chichester terrace, Brighton 31 Dec. 1882 in 85 year.

      BARNETT, Charles John. Captain 3 Foot Guards 26 Oct. 1820 to 26 Oct. 1826; consul at Warsaw 31 May 1833; consul general in Egypt May 1841 to 17 Aug. 1846. d. Round Oak, Englefield 4 Aug. 1856 aged 66.

      BARNETT, Edward. b. 1799; entered navy 3 Feb. 1811; captain 20 June 1846; admiral on h.p. 1 Aug. 1877. d. 14 Woburn square, London 7 Sep. 1879.

      BARNETT, Henry N. Dramatist and critic; edited Sunday Times 13 years; occupied at one time the pulpit in South place vacated by J. W. Fox, M.P. d. Hammersmith 6 Jany. 1872 aged 42.

      BARNETT, Humphrey. Acting manager at Lyceum theatre London 1862; acting manager for J. C. M. Bellew at St. George’s hall, Regent’s st. d. 24 Loudoun road, St. John’s Wood 30 April 1874.

      BARNETT, John. Ensign 71 foot 25 Nov. 1813; lieut. 23 foot 1819–22; lieut. col. of 3 West York militia 28 Feb. 1846 to death. d. the Linen hall barracks Dublin 24 Feb. 1855.

      BARNETT, Morris. b. London 16 Aug. 1799; lived in Paris; acted at Brighton and Bath; made his first appearance in London at Drury Lane 1833 as Captain O’Cutter; wrote and performed title rôle in Monsieur Jacques, a musical piece which created a furore at St. James’s theatre 1837; played at Princess’s theatre; musical critic of Morning Post and The Era nearly 7 years; gave a series of farewell performances at Adelphi theatre 1854; wrote many dramas best known being The Serious family, Lilian Gervais and Married and unmarried. d. Montreal, Canada 18 March 1856. Actors by gaslight (1838) p. 137, portrait; I.L.N. xxv, 305 (1854), portrait.

      BARNETT, Robert. b. Macclesfield 1818; an industrious arranger of instrumental music. d. Windsor Oct. 1875.

      BARNHAM, Hildebrand Barry. Ensign 15 foot 19 Nov. 1807; captain 28 Dec. 1832 to 1839 when he retired. d. 13 Camberwell park, London 12 July 1885 in 95 year.

      BARNINGHAM, William. b. Arkingarthdale near Richmond, Yorkshire 1826; a blacksmith; employed on Paris and Rouen railway 1843; began a foundry at Manchester with 3 of his brothers which failed; a manufacturer of railway switches and crossings at СКАЧАТЬ