Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ apology for renouncing infidel opinions of Jonathan Barber 1859.

      BARBER, Jonathan. b. England 1784; M.R.C.S.; practised in Scarborough and London; went to United States about 1820; taught elocution in Yale and Harvard Univs., became the best teacher in America; lectured on phrenology; went to Montreal 1836; resumed medical practice as a homœopath about 1845; professor of oratory in McGill univ. Montreal down to 1862; author of The Elocutionist 1829; A grammar of elocution 1830. d. near Montreal 11 May 1864.

      BARBER, Mary Ann Serrett (daughter of Thomas Barber). Wrote many articles in the Church of England Magazine and Charlotte Elizabeth’s Christian lady’s magazine; edited Children’s Missionary magazine afterwards called The Coral Missionary mag. 1847 to death; author of Redemption in Israel or narratives of conversions among the Jews 1844, The sorrows of the streets 1855, Castle Rag and its dependencies or the sins and sorrows of the poor 1858, Du Bourg or the Mercuriale 1851 and many other books. d. 9 Sussex sq. Brighton 9 March 1864 aged 63. Bread-winning or the Ledger and the Lute an Autobiography by M. A. S. Barber 1865.

      BARBER, William Henry. b. about 1807; clerk to Messrs. Scoones of Tonbridge, Kent, solicitors 1819–36; established Literary and Scientific institution there 1837; solicitor in London 1837; partner with Merrick Bircham; founded The legal discussion society, sec. and treasurer; founded with Lord Brougham and George Birkbeck, Adult instruction society; tried at Central Criminal Court April 1844 for uttering a will of one Anne Slack knowing same to be a forgery when sentenced to be transported for life; arrived at Norfolk Island 9 Nov. 1844; moved to Tasman’s Peninsula March 1847 on breaking up of Norfolk Island establishment; granted conditional pardon by royal warrant dated 12 Nov. 1846 and a free pardon 3 Nov. 1848; arrived in Paris May 1848 and in London Nov. 1848; applied for his annual certificate as a solicitor 31 Jany. 1849, certificate refused him 6 July 1850; petition for inquiry and redress presented to House of Commons 5 April 1852; granted a certificate 21 Nov. 1855; practised in London, ceased to practice 1862. The case of Mr. W. H. Barber, 8 ed. 1853; Central criminal court, minutes of evidence by H. Buckler xix, 778–850 (1844); I.L.N. iv, 80, 249 (1844), 2 portraits.

      BARBOUR, Robert. b. Renfrewshire 1797; one of the merchant princes of Manchester down to about 1864 when he retired; member of the first Synod of English Presbyterian church about 1834; endowed at cost of £12,000 a chair which bears his name in Presbyterian college; purchased Bolesworth castle near Chester 1857; sheriff of Cheshire 1866. d. Bolesworth castle 17 Jany. 1885, will proved at Chester 14 April 1885, value of personalty upwards of £472,000.

      BARCLAY, Andrew Whyte (son of John Barclay, captain R.N.) b. Dysart, Fifeshire 17 July 1817; ed. at high sch. and univ. of Edin.; M.D. 1839; studied at Caius coll. Cam. 1843, and St. George’s hospital, London; M.B. 1847, M.D. 1852; medical registrar at St. George’s many years; F.R.C.P. 1851, examiner, councillor and censor, Lumleian lecturer 1864, Harveian orator 1881, treasurer 1884; fellow of Royal Med. and Chir. soc, pres.; assistant phys. at St. George’s 1857, phys. 1862–82; the first medical officer of health at Chelsea 1856; author of Manual of medical diagnosis 1857 3 ed. 1870. d. Whitney Wood, Stevenage, Herts 28 April 1884. British Medical Journal i, 932 (1884).

      BARCLAY, Arthur Kett (eld. son of Charles Barclay of Bury hill near Dorking, Surrey 1780–1855). b. 20 June 1806; ed. at Harrow; head of firm of Barclay, Perkins and Co., brewers; built an observatory at Bury hill 1848; F.R.G.S. 1840, F.R.S. 3 June 1852; paralysed 1855. (m. 20 Dec. 1836 Maria Octavia dau. of Ichabod Wright of Mapperley, Notts). d. 20 Nov. 1869.

      BARCLAY, Charles. b. 26 Dec. 1780; M.P. for Southwark 1815–1818, for Dundalk 1826–1830 and for west Surrey 1835–1837; head of firm of Barclay, Perkins and Co.; pres. of Guy’s hospital; sheriff of Surrey 1842; F.R.G.S., F.S.A. d. Bury hill, Surrey 5 Dec. 1855.

      BARCLAY, Hugh b. Glasgow 18 Jany. 1799; member of Glasgow faculty of procurators 1820; sheriff substitute of West Perthshire 1829, and of Perthshire 1833; sheriff of Perthshire 1883 to death; author of A digest of the law of Scotland 2 vols. 1852–53 4 ed. 1880; Thoughts on Sabbath schools 1855; The Sinaitic inscriptions 1866. d. Early bank Craigie near Perth 1 Feb. 1884.

      BARCLAY, Right Rev. Joseph (only son of John Barclay of Strabane, co. Donegal who d. 9 Dec. 1845). b. Strabane 12 Aug. 1831; ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin 16 Oct. 1849 to 1854, B.A. 1854, M.A. 1857, LLD. 1865, D.D. 1880; C. of Bagnalstown 1854–58; missionary at Constantinople 1858–61; incumbent of Ch. Jerusalem 1861–70; R. of Stapleford, Herts 29 March 1873; bishop of Jerusalem June 1879 to death, consecrated in St. Paul’s 25 July 1879, installed 24 Feb. 1880; held 2 ordinations and 5 confirmations; author of Talmud, Selection of treatises translated from the Mishna 1878. d. the bishop’s palace, Jerusalem 23 Oct. 1881. Joseph Barclay a missionary biography 1883, portrait.

      BARCLAY, Lydia Ann (dau. of Robert Barclay of Clapham). Edited Selections from the writings of Patrick Livingstone 1847; Memoirs and letters of Richard and Elizabeth Shackleton 1849; A journal of the life and gospel labours of John Conran 1850. d. Cockermouth 31 Jany. 1855 aged 55. A short memoir of L. A. Barclay by Wm. Hodgson, junior 1855; A selection from the letters of L. A. Barclay 1862.

      BARCLAY, Sir Robert, 9 Baronet. b. Dungannon 1819; succeeded 14 Aug. 1839. d. Dungannon 19 May 1859.

      BARCLAY, Robert (younger son of John Barclay, a minister in Society of Friends who d. 11 May 1838 aged 41). b. Croydon 4 Aug. 1833; a manufacturing stationer in London 1855; patented March 1860 an indelible writing paper for prevention of forgery; author of The inner life of the religious societies of the Commonwealth 1876, reissued 1877 and 1878. d. Hillside, Reigate 11 Nov. 1876. Sermons by Robert Barclay with a brief memoir edited by his widow 1878, portrait.

      BARCLAY, Very Rev. Thomas (son of Rev. James Barclay, minister of Unst, Shetland). b. Unst June 1792; ed. at King’s coll. Aberdeen, M.A. 1812; taught elocution at Aberdeen; a parliamentary reporter for the Times 1818–22; licensed by presbytery of Lerwick 27 June 1821; ordained 12 Sep. 1822 to parish of Dunrossness, Shetland; minister of Lerwick 13 Dec. 1827; clerk of the synod of Shetland 27 Apl. 1831; minister of Peterculter Sep. 1843, and of Currie July 1844; principal of Univ. of Glasgow 13 Feb. 1858 to death; one of the best Scandinavian scholars. d. the college, Gillmore hill, Glasgow 23 Feb. 1873. Scott’s Fasti Ecclesiæ Scoticanæ pt. v, 422, 426.

      BARCLAY, William. b. London 1797; miniature painter; made many copies from works of Italian masters in the Louvre Paris; exhibited portraits and copies in water-colours at the Salon 1831–59 and at Royal Academy 1832–56. d. 1859.

      BARDELIN, Auguste de. b. Aix in Provence; member of the Garde-du-Corps of Louis xvi; emigrated to Italy, Germany and Belgium; taught French and Italian at Norwich about 1792–1814; accompanied Louis xviii to Paris 1814; lived there till 1848 when he went to Provence. (m. 1815 or 1816 Miss Sutton). d. Nice 8 May 1852 in 85 year.

      BARDIN, George Gregory. Chief inspector of machinery afloat 6 Aug. 1870; C.B. 15 Aug. 1868. d. about May 1875.

      BARDSLEY, Sir James Lomax (2 son of Edward Bardsley of Nottingham). b. Nottingham 7 July 1801; ed. at Univs. of Glasgow and Edin.; M.D. Edin. 1823; physician at Manchester 1823 to death; physician to Manchester royal infirmary 1824–43; member of Manchester medical society 1834, pres. 1838–42 and 1845–47; knighted by the Queen at Buckingham palace 8 Aug. 1853; F.R.C.P. 1859; lecturer on principles and practice of physic at Royal school of medicine Manchester 1825–43; author of Hospital facts and observations 1830 and of the articles Diabetes and Hydrophobia in the Cyclopædia of practical medicine 1833. d. The Orchard Greenheys, Manchester 10 July 1876. Photographs of eminent medical men ii, 95–98 (1868), portrait.