Legends, Tales and Poems. Bécquer Gustavo Adolfo
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Название: Legends, Tales and Poems

Автор: Bécquer Gustavo Adolfo

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ accented syllable, they form a diphthong, e.g. hablaba^is, amara^is.

      This diphthong is easily dissolved.

      (3) If a weak vowel is followed by a strong vowel after the accented syllable, they form a diphthong, e.g. histor^i^a, ans^i^a.

      Ex. De la brisa nocturna al tenu^e soplo, p. 192, LXXV, l. 6.

      The diphthong may, however, be dissolved, e.g. estatu|a, tenu|e, nadi|e.


      If three vowels belonging to the same word are contiguous, one of them must be accented. There are then three possible arrangements.

      (i) Three contiguous vowels of a word with the accent on the first, e.g. tráeos.

      (ii) Three contiguous vowels of a word with the accent on the second, e.g. creia, buey.

      (iii) Three contiguous vowels with the accent on the third, e.g. rehuí.

      Each of the above arrangements has two combinations of accented and unaccented vowels to which the rules for diphthongs may be applied. In (i) there will be a combination of two vowels with the first accented, plus a combination of two vowels after the accent. In tráeos, for example, the a and e would probably be in separate syllables by b (1) (a), and eo would probably form a diphthong by c (1). Tráeos would, then, probably be a dissyllable.

      In (ii) there will be a combination of two vowels with the accent an the second, and one of two vowels with the accent on the first. In creia, for example, the e and í would be in separate syllables by b (2) (b), and the í and a would probably be in separate syllables also by b (2)(a). Therefore, creia would probably be a trisyllable. In cambiáos the i and á might form one syllable or two by b (2) (d), and the á and o would probably be in separate syllables by b (1) (a). Therefore, in cambiáos the combination iáo might form a dissyllable or a trisyllable.

      In (iii) there will be a combination of two vowels before the accent, and one of two vowels with the second accented. In rehuí, for example, the e and u might be in the same syllable by a (1), or in separate syllables by dieresis by a (1) (a), and the u and í might be in separate syllables or not by b (3) (b). Therefore, rehuí might be a monosyllable, a dissyllable, or a trisyllable.

      Other combinations of three vowels may be analyzed in a similar way, as may also combinations of more than three vowels, e.g. creíais, etc.


      Between the contiguous vowels of separate words there may occur synalepha (which corresponds to diphthongization within a word), or hiatus (which is similar to diaeresis within a word).

      Ex. Abre^una^eternidad, p. 178, XXXVI I, l. 22. ¿Á qué me lo decís? lo sé^:^es mudable, p. 179, XXXIX, l. 1. [Synalepha.]

      Ex. Como la onda^azul, en cuya cresta, p. 173, XXVII, l. 16. [Hiatus.]

      The vowels contracted by synalepha are each pronounced, except when the same vowel is repeated, when only a prolonged sound is heard, as in onda^azul or sé^es above.

      Synalepha may join into a single syllable two, three, four, and even five vowels. The union of two vowels (diphthongal synalepha) and the union of three vowels (triphthongal synalepha) are the most common.

      A pause due to a break in sense does not prevent synalepha. Mute h is disregarded in the verse and does not prevent synalepha.

      Ex. Capaz de encerrarlo, y apénas ¡oh^hermosa! p. 164, I, l. 10.


      a. Synalepha takes place between two contiguous unaccented vowels belonging to separate words.

      Ex. Abre^una^eternidad, p. 178, XXXVII, l. 22.

      b. Synalepha occurs when the final vowel of the first word is accented.

      Ex. Te ví^un punto, y, flotando ante mis ojos, p. 169, XIV, l. 1.

      c. Synalepha usually occurs when the initial vowel of the second word is accented, especially when the first word ends in a weak vowel, and also in the combinations aá, oá, oa, eá, eó, eé.

      Ex. Me parece^en el cielo de la tarde, p. 169, XIII, l. 11.

      NOTE: Synalepha is possible with the other combinations, but hiatus is preferable even with the above combinations, in a syllable on which the rhythmical accent falls (see under Rhythmic Accent).

      Ex. Despierta, hablas, y al hablar, vibrantes, p. 174, XXVII, l. 23.

      Ex. Como la ola que á la playa viene, p. 178, XXXVII, l. 19.


      a. There is always triphthongal synalepha when a is the middle vowel; or when o or e is the middle vowel, except in the following combinations, aoa, aoo, ooo, aea, aeo, oea, oeo.

      Ex. Silenciosa á expirar, p. 178, XXXVII, l. 20.

      b. There is never triphthongal synalepha when an accented weak vowel stands between two strong vowels. Therefore the conjunctions y and ú prevent triphthongal synalepha.

      Ex. Y de purpura y oro la matiza, p. 168, IX, l. 4.

      c. There may be triphthongal synalepha when í (y) is the middle vowel, if u precedes it, or i follows it.

      Ex. Fuí diestro, fuí valiente, fuí arrogante. Cervantes.

      d. When u is the middle vowel there may be synalepha if i follows it. The construction is very rare.

      e. There is no synalepha with a word beginning with hue.

      Ex. Mucho nuestro huesped tarda. Tirso de Molina.

      f. In the following cases the groups of vowels which would usually make triphthongal synalepha are pronounced in two syllables:

      (1) When the first word of the group ends in two vowels which do not form a diphthong.

      Ex. Que aún tení|a^abiertos, p. 187, LXXIII, l. 2.

      (2) When the two initial vowels of the second word do not form a diphthong.

      Ex. Tú, sombra^a|érea que, cuantas veces, p. 170, XV, l. 7.

      (3) When the first word ends in a diphthong and the second begins with a vowel in a constituent syllable (i.e. a syllable on which the rhythmical accent falls).

      Ex. Tan gran designio honra tus audacias.

      If the accented vowel is not in a constituent syllable synalepha may occur.

      Ex. Mientras la cencia á descubrir no alcance, p. 165, IV, l. 13.

      (4) When the first word ends in a single vowel, and the second word begins with a diphthong in a constituent syllable.

      Ex. Tú, proceloso austro que derribas.

      (3) and (4) might well be considered as cases of hiatus.


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