Become Instagram Famous. Alexander Metelev
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СКАЧАТЬ description of how you can monetize your own Instagram account! On these 200+ pages we have gone through every aspect of Instagram monetization and promotion, unveiled the secrets of traffic arbitrage on Instagram, explained the mystery of celebrity accounts and their growth, talked about the blogger phenomenon and public accounts and last but not least – explained the real cases and reviewed the real success stories of people, who already make the money on their Instagram accounts!

      “In this book you will find various recommendations and advice from our experienced authors, arbitrage traffic professionals and others! As for me, I am going to tell you about monetization of your Instagram account, how you can make money out of Instagram and turn your profile into income generator! We wish you pleasant reading and godspeed to you in all your endeavors!”

Alexandr MetelevThe founder and inspirer of Instalex

      First steps

      Why choose Instagram?

      Instagram is one of the most popular social networks and photo-sharing applications worldwide. Instagram is a free mobile app which, despite its free-of-charge system, worth approximately US$1 billion. It was launched as a photo- and video-sharing service which allows application of various filters on uploaded images and videos. It was launched and currently supports every popular mobile operating system.

      History of Instagram

      The idea of a startup which will soon become Instagram as we know it belonged to Kevin Systrom. He came up with the idea of using filters to hide imperfections in image’s quality and also with the idea of creating a service to share such photos.

      The creation of Instagram was a result of developing another application which was called Burbn. Burbn had the functionality of a social network and allowed to edit photos and check into locations. Systrom, together with Mike Krieger, were developing the platform but it was not popular and could not compete with numerous rivals on the market. In order to become more popular there must be a unique feature and for Burbn that feature was photo filters, which made low-quality pictures look better with applied filters.

      In 2010 the development of Instagram has begun and on October 6, the first version of the app was officially released through the Apple Store. On the first night of release it was so popular amongst users that the servers needed additional maintenance so that they would not crash and stop app from working. With time, more members joined the development team: Josh Riedel joined the company as Community Manager, Shayne Sweeney joined in as an engineer, and Jessica Zollman joined as a Community Evangelist. In January 2011 hashtags were introduced to help discovering more photos to Instagram users. In autumn a 2.0 version was rolled out which included new filters, tilt-shifting, high-res photographs and an updated icon. Instagram was growing in popularity but still did not make enough money. For many users it was akin to a game app and was not anything serious.

      In spring 2012 Instagram was bought for $1 billion in cash and stock by Mark Zuckerberg. Both Systrom and Krieger are still working on Instagram, however, and do everything to keep their platform growing. A 2.5.0 version was released shortly after acquisition by Facebook and allowed to connect an Instagram account to Facebook profile.

      First appearance of ads

      It was inevitable to Instagram to include ads sooner or later. After all, it is owned by Facebook which is among the biggest companies whose main source of income is advertising.

      In October 2013 ads and monetization were officially announced as a platform’s feature. The announcement did not come as a surprise and in early November to all American users the first advertisement was shown – it was a Michael Kors brand ad. To indicate an ad “Sponsored’ tag was placed at the top right of the image. The ad was being shown to specific users, which parameters coincided with the settings. When publishing an ad on Instagram, user’s age, gender and location can be specified. When user meets all of these specifications he will see an ad post even if he does not follow that advertiser’s Instagram profile.

      The first advertisement from luxury designer brand Michael Kors was met with overwhelming negativity which people were expressing in ad’s comment section. They were not just angry; they were outraged by the feature. But the statistics did not show any decline and later on, following Michael Kors’s example, other American brands such as Adidas, Levi’s, Burberry and Lexus were lining up to promote their products on Instagram.

      Advertisement development on Instagram

      Ever since ads were introduced back in 2013, Instagram has become a popular platform for a myriad of brands. After a while in November 2015 the Instagram’s own API was implemented to find suitable marketing partners for different ventures. Later on the platform was allowed for both small- and big-sized businesses. It took one and a half years for the developers to create a fully functional advertising platform for large brands. The next step was creating a similar plan for other companies as well as further targeting improvements to fulfill all advertisers’ needs.

      In advertising, targeting is a form of promotion which advertisers use to target a certain audience which would be more receptive to certain approaches. A user would receive an ad that supposedly would be more interesting to him. An API was later introduced for further expansion of advertiser base, which allowed advertisers to create their own ad campaigns.

      At first, it was up for Instagram to decide which brands could advertise on the platform. Brands were selected by a group of experts at the company. Nowadays, it is free to advertise for all users, just like on Facebook.

      The new features were also added: “Buy” and “Learn more” buttons helped users to take a closer look at the product in just one click. The new additions assisted to advertisers and boosted their traffic and viewership as well as number of sales, followers etc.

      With the enhancement of advertising functionality, it is estimated that in 2017 the Instagram’s global ad revenue will be 5 times more compared to year 2015: from $595 million in 2015 to $2.81 billion in 2017. Even before the advertising update the app saw a significant growth in popularity. According to Instagram itself, a third of all professional advertisers prefer Instagram to promote their products and reach their clients. Other social networks that were popular in the past, such as Snapchat, Pinterest and LinkedIn are now dragging behind Instagram.

      The development of official ads on Instagram and new formats of advertising

      A first Instagram ad in Russia was launched on September 30, 2015 in cooperation with marketing company AiTarget. Each user would see an ad which included photo, “Sponsored’ tag and additional function buttons. It is only possible to start advertising on Instagram if you have a Facebook account.

      There are three actions an advertiser can include to the official Instagram ad:

      – Go to advertiser’s website;

      – Download the app;

      – Watch the video.

      Sometimes the advertiser wants to increase following of their profiles, but their ad or the UI is not suited for it.

      For example – a Russian СКАЧАТЬ