A Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs. H Bohni
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Название: A Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs

Автор: H Bohni

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ non sa, di quaranta non ha, mai non sarà, nè mai saprà, nè mai havra. He that at twenty is not, at thirty knows not, and at forty has not, will never be, nor ever know, nor ever have.

      Chi divide il miele con l’orso ha la minor parte. Who divides honey with the bear, will be like to get the lesser share.

      Chi dorme con cani si leva con pulci. Who lies down with dogs gets up with fleas.

      Chi dorme non piglia pesci. He who sleeps catches no fish.

      Chi due lepri caccia, l’una non piglia e l’altra lascia. He who hunts two hares does not catch the one and lets the other escape.

      Chi due padroni ha da servire, ad uno ha da mentire. He who serves two masters must lie to one of them.

      Chi è al coperto quando piove, è ben matto se si muove. He who is under cover when it rains is a great fool if he stirs.

      Chi è causa del suo male, pianga se stesso. He who is the cause of his own misfortune may bewail it himself.

      Chi è dell’arte ne può ragionare. He who is of the craft can discourse about it.

      Chi è diffamato, è mezzo impiccato. He who hath an ill name is half hanged. (Give a dog an ill name, and you may as well hang him.)

      Chi è imbarcato col diavolo, ha da passar in sua compagnia. He who is embarked with the devil must make the passage in his company.

      Chi è in difetto, è in sospetto. He that is in fault is in suspicion.

      Chi è in inferno non sà ciò che sia cielo. He who is in hell knows not what heaven is.

      Chi è in peccato, crede che tutti dicano male di lui. He who is guilty believes that all men speak ill of him.

      Chi è nato per la forca mai s’annegherà. He that is born to be hanged will never be drowned.

      Chi è ritto può cadere. He that stands may fall.

      Chi erra nelle decine, erra nelle migliaja. Who errs in the tens errs in the thousands.

      Chi esce di commissione, paga del suo. He that exceeds his commission must answer for it at his own cost.

      Chi fa à suo modo, non gli duole il capo. He who does as he likes has no headache.

      Chi fabbrica su quel d’altri, perde la calcina e le pietre. He who builds on another’s ground loses his stone and mortar.

      Chi fabbrica vicino alla strada, ha molti sindicatori. He who builds by the roadside has many surveyors.

      Chi fa il conto senza l’oste, gli convien farlo due volte. He that reckons without his host must reckon again.

      Chi fa la casa in piazza, o la fa troppo alta o troppo bassa. He who builds a house in the market-place, builds either too high or too low.

      Chi fa li fatti suoi, non s’imbratta le mani. He who doth his own business defileth not his fingers.

      Chi fa quel ch’e’ può, non fa mai bene. Who does all he may never does well.

      Chi fonda in sul popolo, fonda in sulla rena. Who builds on the mob builds on sand.

      Chi frequenta la cucina, sente di fumo. Who frequents the kitchen smells of smoke.

      Chi giura, è bugiardo. He who swears is a liar.

      Chi ha buon cavallo in stalla, può andare a piedi. He who has a good horse in his stable may go on foot.

      Chi ha buon vicino, ha buon mattino. He who has a good neighbour has a good morning.

      Chi ha capo di cera, non vada al sole. He who has a head of wax must not walk in the sun.

      Chi ha cattivo nome, è mezzo impiccato. He who has a bad name is half hanged.

      Chi ha coda di paglia, ha sempre paura che gli pigli fuoco. He who has a straw tail is always in fear of its catching fire.

      Chi ha compagno, ha padrone. He who has a mate has a master.

      Chi ha da esser zanaiuolo, nasce col manico in mano. He who is meant to be a basket-carrier is born with the handle in his hand.

      Chi ha danari da buttar via, metta gli operaj, e non vi stia. He who has money to throw away, let him employ workmen, and not stand by.

      Chi ha denti, non ha pane; e chi ha pane, non ha denti. He who has teeth has no bread, and he who has bread has no teeth.

      Chi ha de’ pani, ha de’ cani. He who has loaves has dogs.

      Chi ha, è. Who has, is.

      Chi ha il lupo per compagno, porti il cane sotto il mantello. Who makes the wolf his companion should carry a dog under his cloak.

      Chi ha l’amor nel petto, ha lo sprone a’ fianchi. Who has love in his heart has spurs in his sides.

      Chi ha lingua in bocca, può andar per tutto. Who has a tongue in his head can go all the world over.

      Chi ha mala lingua, bisogna che abbia buone reni. He who has a bad tongue should have good loins.

      Chi ha mangiato il diavolo, mangia anche le corna. He that has swallowed the devil may swallow his horns.

      Chi ha passato il guado, sa quant’acqua tiene. He who has crossed the ford knows how deep it is.

      Chi ha pazienza, ha i tordi grassi a un quattrin l’uno. Who has patience may get fat thrushes at a farthing apiece.

      Chi ha pazienza, vede la sua vendetta. Who has patience sees his revenge.

      Chi ha paura del diavolo, non fa roba. He that is afraid of the devil does not grow rich.

      Chi ha paura d’ogni fronde, non vada al bosco. Who is in fear of every leaf must not go into the wood.

      Chi ha poca vergogna, tutto il mondo è suo. Who hath little shame the world is all his own.

      Chi ha qualche cosa, è qualche cosa. Who has something is something.

      Chi ha ragion, teme; chi ha torto, spera. Who is in the right fears, who is in the wrong hopes.

      Chi ha sospetto, di rado è in difetto. He who suspects is seldom at fault.

      Chi ha tegoli di vetro, non tiri sassi al vicino. He who has a glass roof should not throw stones at his neighbour’s.

      Chi ha terra, ha guerra. He who has land has war.

      Chi ha un sol porco, facilmente l’ingrassa. He that has but one pig easily fattens it.

      Chi la fa, se la dimentica, ma non chi la riceve. He who does the wrong forgets it, but not he who receives it.

      Chi lingua ha, a Roma va. He who has a tongue, may go to Rome.

      Chi СКАЧАТЬ