Conversation with Lucifer. Elena Sidelnikova
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Название: Conversation with Lucifer

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova

Издательство: Автор





СКАЧАТЬ even above God, and that’s why He cast you out of Heaven.

      Alright, let’s figure this out. We are all equal to God. Both you and I. We differ from Him in scale and direction, but we are parts of Him and, as parts, are equal to Him.

      Is a stream equal to the ocean? Are clouds equal to the rain? Do you understand?

      What is equality? It is correspondence. Every particle of you corresponds to God because you are created from Him. You are a part of Him, separated from Him. And like a drop of water in a stream is identical to a drop of water in the ocean and a drop of water in the rain.

      What does it mean to be "above God"? To be above God, God would have to have boundaries. But He is boundless.

      Can one be more powerful than God? But if you become more powerful than God as a part of God, then God also becomes more powerful.

      The waves of the ocean might consider themselves powerful during a storm, but they are merely part of the ocean. And can one say that the wave is more powerful than the ocean?

      And what does it mean to be "cast out of Heaven"? Where could I be cast out if everything is God and everything around is the Heavens of God?

      So, there was no expulsion and no sin of pride or your fall into sin?

      Sin is unreasonableness or that which distances you from your divine nature.

      When I separated from God by densifying my boundaries, I became a reflection of God.

      What is pride? It is the separation of essence from God to such an extent that it forgets its divine nature.

      But it’s commonly believed that pride is when a person considers themselves better, smarter, or more deserving than another person.

      You must understand that everything that happens around you is your creation.

      And you can only create yourself and within yourself. This means that everything you see around you is your creation of yourself, your reflection of yourself from the boundaries of others.

      It’s hard to grasp this immediately.

      The outlines of the objects you see (or sense, touch, or smell) are merely the response of your directed energy. When you focus your attention on something, you direct your energy there, and it, reflecting off the boundaries of other objects, returns to you as visual, tactile, or olfactory perception.

      But it’s important to understand that all of this is your energy, but only reflected and refracted by the boundaries of another. This means that all around you are just reflections of yourself in the form of visual, olfactory, taste, and tactile images-reflections. And all of this is you and your creations.

      So how can you consider any part of yourself, your reflected self, more or less worthy of you? Do you understand?

      So, what is pride then?

      Separation from God. You’ve attached a negative connotation to your concept of sin: it’s something bad and unworthy. It’s important to understand that it’s just unreasonable.

      If you’ve lost your way, got lost, would you consider yourself sinful, or would you simply return to the starting point and begin the path anew, or ask someone nearby for directions?

      My separation as a part of God created your separation as parts of God, created your densified boundaries within (outside of) God, and separated you from God. And as a result, you began to forget your divine nature and your connection with God and fall into the sins of non-correspondence to the Divine nature, separating from God even more; this was the fall into sin.

      So, you, as the closest, in terms of boundaries, to God, His Separation, are the least separated from God and feel your connection with God more than other Separations? But why are you considered responsible for all the sins and misfortunes of humanity?

      Because if a person doesn’t realize that everything around them is created by them, they will look for the cause of their troubles outside themselves. They seek it in other people. But deep within, there is knowledge of the beginning of the separation from God, and this knowledge transforms into various legends about the fall into sin and the rebellion of angels against God.

      What is the Hierarchy of Dark Forces? If you became the beginning of all beings separated from God, what, in this system, is the Hierarchy of Dark Forces and the Hierarchy of Light Forces?

      You often simplify everything into one. Hierarchy is simply a structure according to the degree of separation, separation from God. It’s like steps toward God or away from God: an infinite and multidimensional ladder of Life’s movement, where, infinitely high above, is God, and infinitely far below, there is also God.

      But the movement upward is the removal of restrictions through breaking, overcoming the densified boundaries of oneself, and the movement downward is the creation of additional boundaries within oneself and further separation from God.

      Look, you are growing, and your awareness is growing, and you begin to understand and realize that your boundaries are barriers you have created between yourself and God, and you strive to go beyond your boundaries, you strive to expand. And when you finally go beyond your boundaries, you understand that you have again gone outside yourself. Because beyond your boundary is also you, but before this moment of densification. And beyond the next boundary, there is also you, only you in a less dense form. And so it goes on infinitely, until you reach your original state. This is your movement, as a part of God, along the path of overcoming boundaries, along the path upward on the Ladder of the Universe.

      But there are also those who do not want to climb the ladder, they choose to descend because the ladder is infinite in many directions.

      What is the descent? It is the creation within oneself of other boundaries of oneself, even more densification of oneself and distancing oneself not outside, but within oneself. That is, it is the path of further, even deeper separation from God, separation from the original state.

      Each of you infinitely ascends and descends the Ladder of the Universe. And then, your closeness to God is not represented by the curve of your path but by the shortest distance.

      But all these explanations are far from reality because they describe a linear model, whereas reality itself is multidimensional.

      Imagine: an infinite number of versions of you are traveling across countless Ladders of the Universe.

      And the Hierarchy of Light Forces are entities that have either reached certain levels of closeness to God or have not created their separation and are not descending the Ladder.

      And the Hierarchy of Darkness are those who have distanced themselves from God the most in their wandering along the Ladders of the Universe.

      And Angels?

      Angels are the qualities of God.

      You possess certain qualities that define you as a being and as a person. For example, kindness. Or stubbornness. Or the pursuit of knowledge. Or disbelief. There are many qualities. But your qualities change very often. In the universe, in general, nothing is permanent, but there are some qualities of God that are consistently and steadily inherent in Him. These are Angels, as the embodiment of His qualities.

      But you are also an Angel. So, what quality of God do you embody? What you call curiosity. СКАЧАТЬ