Conversation with Lucifer. Elena Sidelnikova
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Название: Conversation with Lucifer

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova

Издательство: Автор





СКАЧАТЬ your scientific research is merely a reflection of truth, and your instruments, which record what these discoveries of thought confirm, only reflect the thought: "What if…?" And if you create the world around you unconsciously, you simply exist, and the light that enters you refracts according to your degree of distortion. But if you create consciously, you focus and direct these reflections.

      Does this mean that everything that is conveyed to us through channels about the structure of the world, the universe, the history of our planet, the transition, is just someone’s vision-reflection? And, say, Archangel Michael and Sanat Kumara distort and convey untrue images and information?

      What is truth? The degree of closeness to God. How can the degree of closeness to God be determined? Who determines it? The reflections themselves cannot, since they too are in some way distanced from the original God. But do you remember when I spoke of a very strong prism capable of cleansing the distortions introduced by other reflecting objects? Such lenses themselves become Creators and themselves become Gods. Do you understand?

      If a reflecting lens is weak in its characteristics, it reflects not all the light, but the strongest. All the terms in which we converse are, of course, conditional, but try to understand. So, there is an original source of Divine Light, which you call the Absolute, or the Source. It gives the Impulse of Creation, that is, it directs the Ray of Creation outward from itself.

      This Ray begins to reflect multiple times from the denser parts of Divine Light. And everything that is further created under the influence of this Ray of Creation is a multitude of its reflections and reflections of reflections.

      But among the reflecting objects, there are reflectors-lenses of such quality that they can cleanse the degree of distortion of the original impulse and amplify it. And then, in the system of interaction of many reflections, appear those whom you call Gods, Archangels, Teachers. Their reflected light is stronger than ordinary reflections and is therefore perceived by a greater number of objects and reflected by them. This is how Worlds of Perception are created.

      Part 5. The Laws of Creation. The True Boundaries of Self

      Tell me, how did duality come into being?

      Separation. It began with the separation of God from within God. A part of God separated itself as an island and stood opposite God so that He could perceive this part of Himself. But in becoming an island of God, this part began to delve into the center of itself. And the further it delved into its own center, the more it distanced itself from the True God, the more it forgot its connection to God, and the more it considered itself independent. This was the primary illusion of separation. A being living in the depths of the ocean, unaware that beyond the ocean's surface, there is the light of the Sun. And the deeper it dives into the ocean's abyss, the less pure light reaches it, and the more it seems to it that there is no Sun, only the ocean.

      You said that the deeper the being delved into itself, the more it lost its connection to God. But we believe that by delving into ourselves, we find God there.

      That’s a linear perception. When the Particle of God began to delve into itself and distance itself from the True God, it started to create and unfold entire worlds within itself since it originally possessed all the qualities of the Creator.

      And these unfolded worlds within itself became its external world, while the facets of the Particle of God’s connection with God became its internal points of contact. Everything reflected oppositely. First inward, and then from within outward.

      The creation of space consists of unfolding a point of potential. There is the Particle of God as an island of God. It strives into itself and unfolds its creations and spaces within itself. This is the very inversion you’ve been told about. By unfolding the created spaces within itself, the Particle of God unfolds Points of Potentials of Creation, and thus the inversion of space occurs from outside God into the Particle of God.

      And the boundary of contact with God folds into the inner space. That is, what is created by the Particle of God becomes the External Cosmos, external in relation to God, because it is a part of God outside God. And the part of the Particle of God that touches God, the boundary with God, becomes the Inner Cosmos because it is the True God Himself.

      Very confusing. What happened next?

      Next, the Particle of God began to allocate islands of itself, which were opposite it, so that it could observe and perceive them. And so the second degree of separation arose. The first, as you remember, was the separation of the Particle of God outside of God so that He could observe it. The second is the separation of a part of the Particle of God outside of this Particle so that it could observe this part of itself. And so on to infinity.

      But doesn’t that mean that God can only observe a part of the Particle of God through this Particle of God?

      Exactly. And that is why God cannot directly influence a part of the Particle of God, but only through this Particle. And this is the Law of Free Will.

      What kind of free will is that if God simply cannot influence this part?

      Think about it. This is how the cause-and-effect relationship was born. That is, a part of the Particle of God became the effect, and the Particle of God was the cause of the emergence of this part.

      And God could observe parts of Himself only through the prism of these parts, and this is the reflection and movement of Divine Light inward. Everything is similar.

      You said that a part of God separated outside of God. Was this part you? Does that mean we are all parts of your Particle?

      Yes, that’s correct. But alongside you, other parts of God also separated, and this was what is called the rebellion of the Angels. Did these parts of God also unfold their worlds within themselves?

      Yes, the universe is diverse. They created other worlds and systems in their own image and likeness.

      Do these worlds intersect?

      Everything that has similarity intersects. If you are a millionth reflection of me, then what is your degree of similarity with the millionth reflection of another creator? Do you understand? He and I are particles of God, and in this, we are similar, but then we began to create worlds within ourselves in our own likeness. “In our own likeness” means from ourselves and within ourselves.

      But creative impulses are different; just as one artist’s painting is unlike another’s, so the degree of similarity of our creations varies. You have realist artists who try to reflect what they see traditionally. But then cubists and impressionists appear, and other paintings and other creations emerge. This is the prism of reflection. How similar is Malevich’s square to the world around you?

      But what exactly is free will?

      In the ability to create. And in separation. The True God separated Parts of Himself and gave them the ability to also create parts of themselves, granting them the freedom to create. He also realized that if He were to interfere with the creations of His parts, the impulse of His interference would reach the point of intervention distorted, as it would pass through layers of distortion. And God understood that His interference would not be as He intended. Thus, the Law of Non-Intervention was born. These two laws are connected: the law of cause and effect and the law of free will.

      Do we perceive this as some kind of gift, or is it merely a forced measure?

      A gift is something СКАЧАТЬ