Conversation with Lucifer. Elena Sidelnikova
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Название: Conversation with Lucifer

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova

Издательство: Автор





СКАЧАТЬ cannot explain to you the essence of God. It is inexplicable and unknowable. We can only speak of the qualities of God that we perceive, that we can perceive. And we understand that the essence of God is multifaceted and therefore inexplicable. For to know the essence, you must encompass it with your perception, but this is impossible because a part cannot comprehend the whole, but only touch those parts of it that are nearby.

      And so we say that the essence of God is Love, and the essence of God is Light, and we try to relate this to our concepts of Light or Love, but they are far from the Truth because we cannot grasp its multifaceted nature.

      As parts of God, created from God, we all—you included—possess all the qualities of God. Like water in the ocean, it is the same water as in a stream, and it possesses all the basic properties of water, but—altered properties. This means that you have the ability to create, that is—to reflect and refract God's Light—but for now, in your essence, you can only reflect the Light that reaches you as reflections from other creating Entities. And there are countless of them. And not all are accessible to you at this moment.

      You can reflect the Reflections of other people, and most often, that's what you do: self-reflecting on each other.

      Nevertheless, you have a vast choice of Reflections because an infinite chain of Reflections of God's Light was created. You can reflect the Reflections of the Light of nature, which you call the elements, and the Glints of the animal and plant world, celestial bodies, and planets accessible to you, angels, and demons. In essence, our conversation is also a reflection of my stream directed at you through the prism of your Reflection and through many prisms of Reflections of my original Glint.

      And all your existence is a reflection of the numerous Glints of Being through your Prism of Perception, an endless journey in the labyrinth of Reflections. And since there are countless Glints of Light available to your perception, you always have a choice: what exactly to reflect and what not to. And for someone, you are also a Glint of God, and those others also choose: whether to reflect your Glint further or not.

      At the same time, each of you chooses the way of reflecting. That is, you can direct your Reflection, give it direction, for example—to a specific person or something. And then, if you direct your Reflection, the one to whom you direct it chooses to what extent to accept it and reflect it further. And thus, he either densifies his reflection filter or opens it. And further, the path of this Glint of Reflection is unpredictable: either it will reflect off an even denser obstacle and return to you, or it will be perceived by the one to whom it was directed and will begin to reflect and travel further, for it is indestructible and inexhaustible in its Divine essence.

      How complicated. But you grasped the essence. You still haven't clearly answered the question: what is evil?

      Because there is no single definition, and you will not understand until you understand the essence.

      Evil is the removal from Divine Light, that is—reflecting God's Light through significant distortion.

      But everyone reflects the Light with distortion, right?

      Yes, but the degree of distortion depends on the Prism of Perception. This is important.

      What is the Prism of Perception?

      It is—your Reflecting Apparatus.

      What is it? You often hear about the concept of purity.

      Compared to what?

      There is a standard, the Original Light of God. And there are further distortions and reflections.

      How is your visual perception of the form of an object formed? Streams of Light reflect off a barrier and feel its outlines.

      And who creates these barriers?

      The one from whom you are reflecting. But he does not just reflect; he refracts your Light. And you begin to feel and see His Refraction.

      When you direct Love as a stream of energy toward another person, he can amplify it by reflecting it, or he can scatter it, or he can distort it more significantly and thus perceive it as, say, pity for him. The variations are numerous. The point is that he not only reflects but also perceives.

      Therefore, you say that "the world is an illusion" because it is merely the perception of Reflections of the Reflection of God's Light.

      If evil is the removal from God by increasing the degree of distortion of His Light, how can we make evil disappear?

      There are many ways. Do not perceive it as a Reflection that you want to reflect through yourself. Reflect it differently, for example—scatter it and thus highlight the moments in it that constitute the Energy of the Original God and amplify them.

      Why don't many people do this?

      Because for that, you need to know how to do it and do it consciously.

      And you reflect the Light unconsciously. And you do not try to refract it strongly, in your own way.

      You have established commonly accepted "reflection patterns." They are neither bad nor good; they simply are. For example, "do no good, and you will receive no evil," and so on. And there are many such unconscious "reflection patterns." If you choose them consciously, that is your right. If you unconsciously adjust to the general matrices of perception—that is also your right.

      And that is why I cannot answer you why so many people choose evil.

      They simply choose it as a familiar way of unconscious reflection.


      Who are you? Did you not call me by name? Yes, but I was told that you left our Universe for another and said goodbye. And that the energies in this text are not like your energies to those who have interacted with you.

      I am multidimensional and omnipresent. I am within each of you.

      You are a reflected part of me, and I am reflected by you, along with other reflections.

      You take the word "leaving" too literally. To leave means to disconnect, to close off all energetic interaction. But this is impossible to do completely.

      Until each of you forgets me entirely, I cannot leave. Every thought you have of me acts like a magnet, drawing a part of me into your energetic fields of interaction.

      Moreover, one can only leave something limited, exit beyond something. But you are parts of me. How can I leave myself? The Universe I have gone to is interconnected with your Universe. You could say it is the reverse side of it. And besides, I am present in many other Universes as well.

      Does this mean that you are still partially present in our Universe?

      What does the word "present" mean to you? The physical presence of my energies? Or the connection and path?

      A part of me exists in you, as in every person. This part of me is present in you, which means it is present in the world you speak of. My presence in each of you is my presence in the world.

      You СКАЧАТЬ