Conversation with Lucifer. Elena Sidelnikova
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Название: Conversation with Lucifer

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova

Издательство: Автор





СКАЧАТЬ anything in return. Isn’t this a gift from God to you and all your parts?

      Alright. But how did duality come into being? Light and dark, high and low, male and female?

      Don’t rush. I am trying to explain this to you. There are still many conversations ahead.

      Creation formed, and the laws of creation were also formed. And the Law of Likeness emerged. Nothing is like anything else because everything is a distortion. And everything is like everything else because it has a single Source and a single essence.

      If everything is God, then everything is similar. But there are differences in similarity. And the Particles of God began to interact according to the degree of likeness. And thus, the Poles of Likeness began to arise.

      Look. At the border with God, a Particle of God is similar to God, but the deeper it delves into its own center through its creations, the more this similarity is distorted. This is the first two poles of likeness, or the poles of duality: I and God.

      The second pair of poles of duality: I and a part of me. And so on.

      But the parts of me within me are also different. And their creations are different.

      And what about the female and male? How did this distinction come about?

      In the same way. Some parts of God adjusted their prisms of perception of God to a certain degree of refraction of His Light. And the degrees of creation were different: passive and active degrees of creation.

      What does this mean?

      I am searching for words within you. What is active creation? It is the creation of something whose degree of likeness to you is low, meaning something more distinct from you, more distorted. Accordingly, passive creation is the creation of something close and similar to you. And at the same time, this is a kind of Span of Creation. That is, you can create by diving into yourself and distancing yourself from yourself.

      Don’t try to understand this linearly; learn to think multidimensionally. To prevent confusion, let’s define that the distinction of Yourself is the closeness to God, or that very border with God that is within you. The further you distance yourself from God in your creations, the more actively you create, the more you create by expanding yourself outward from within. The less you distance yourself from God, the more you immerse yourself in your creation, and the more passively you create. But all of this is conditional because it all happens within you, and in the active part of creation, you simply unfold, turn a part of yourself outward from within.

      Those who read our conversations say that all of this is very complex.

      Don’t think about others. Try to understand and remember for yourself. Those who wish to understand will comprehend and realize.

      Look. The more you create, the more various creations appear within you. Some of them are active, and some of them are passive creations. And according to the Law of Likeness, they polarize, meaning the like attracts the like. And so, within you, two poles are formed: the pole of active creation and the pole of passive creation. Depending on which of your creations prevail within you, your affiliation with the male or female type of perception is determined.

      You have a concept: unity as the struggle of opposites. Replace the word “struggle” with “interaction,” and you will get the correct reflection.

      But why did opposition arise?

      Masculine energy, being active, initiated this opposition. The active aspect represents a greater degree of separation from God; the further the separation, the stronger the illusion of being separate. Those parts of the particles of God that began to create actively and distanced themselves from God to a greater degree, thereby expanded themselves into external worlds. And the more they expanded outwardly, the further they distanced themselves from God, the more they considered themselves separate, and the more they perceived their external worlds as reality, eventually believing that the boundaries of their created external worlds were the true boundaries of themselves.

      Then they decided that they were defined not by their inner boundaries with the True God, but by their external boundaries, the boundaries with the world external to them.

      Look. Your physical body and the existing external reality perceived by you are your active creation. You begin to perceive your boundaries as the outline of your physical body and fight for your physical inviolability. But you do not realize that these boundaries are an illusion. Your true boundary is the one that separates you from God, and it is located within you. And if you turn your creation inward, you will begin to return to God within yourself, creating other magical worlds along the way. And this is passive creation.

      But don’t we all actively create the external perceived worlds? Does that mean we are all men?

      You are talking about the physical body. When every morning you wake up and create the world perceived by you within the part of yourself, you create actively, distancing yourself from the true boundaries of yourself, and you feel your separation from God. And many of you become so engrossed in this external creation of yourselves that you consider it the boundary of your true self. But when you return to God within yourself, to me, to Kuthumi, to all your parts within yourself, you interact with us through your true boundaries, through that which separates you from the True God. And then you create passively.

      So, everything I see around me is my external creation of myself? And everything I feel within me is my internal creation of myself? But then, are you also my internal creation?

      You could say that.

      So, what yogis see when they travel through astral worlds is simply their internal creation? And it doesn’t actually exist?

      We have already discussed what reality is. Reality is what you perceive. If you perceive a certain reality, it exists for you just as you perceive it. If you become a multidimensional being and begin to perceive several realities simultaneously or in succession, they all exist at the moment you perceive them.

      If you perceive several realities simultaneously, they all exist simultaneously for you. What another person perceives also exists, but only when you perceive it. Therefore, there is no point in arguing about who is right. Each of you is right because everything you perceive does indeed exist. That reality exists because he creates it. Perception is creation. Do you understand?

      Part 6. Heaven and Hell. Paths to Infinity

      Tell me about the concepts we have about you. Heaven and hell—what are they?

      A form of perception or creation of the World. What are heaven and hell in your understanding?

      Hell is a place where the Souls of the dead end up if they have sinned. There, they receive punishment. And heaven is the opposite, where the Souls who lived righteously go.

      We have already discussed what "sin" is—it's the irrational use of Divine energy. Irrational in the sense that it does not contribute to Movement and Change. Try to move away, at least for a while, from ethical constructs and think from the perspective of energetic processes.

      So, if a person uses Divine Energy irrationally, what happens?

      You are islands of Divine Energy. And to create a system of input and output valves, you have a chakra system. Each chakra regulates a kind of pressure in the energetic processes happening within your island of perception. But most of your energy simply circulates within СКАЧАТЬ