Making Perfect. Teri Ann Lindeberg
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Название: Making Perfect

Автор: Teri Ann Lindeberg


Жанр: Управление, подбор персонала


isbn: 978-5-906185-03-7


СКАЧАТЬ process for every client. Maintaining these strong operations helps ensure we do things correctly, systematically and consistently.

      Always paying salaries and bonuses to our team when they are due is important for us. It demonstrates that we are reliable, honest and that we honor our commitments. Our team has always appreciated this in us and it does set us apart from many other companies. We have never once thought to do things in any other way than how we are now doing them.

      Employees really appreciate strong operations within a company.

      Employees want:

      • Good CRM systems;

      • Logical and clear procedures and systems; and

      • To be paid as promised/outlined.


      “Feel the company treats clients and candidates well”…” Focus on quality service, reputation – other companies only about making money and targets – we work to please our customers first”…”Likes how Teri organized the company and its purpose, direction and structure”…

      My own values are derived from a lifetime of experiences and from years of working for various employers. I have taken the good business practices and adopted them as my own, and anything bad that I witnessed or learned of, I tried to leave behind me.

      It is all about customer service for me. We strive to constantly perfect everything we do within our company. Our clients, candidates and employees are crucial to our success, and so we focus our efforts on our operations: our inductions, trainings, rules, methodology, procedures, systems, databases, offices, marketing, public relations, human resources, and our management and leadership.

      Customers really do feel the difference in working with us, as evidenced by continual client feedback we receive. Clients get a high-quality service when working with highly-trained recruitment Directors who understand their needs, who are helpful and who provide them with accurate and fast results. At the same time, candidates who come to us are pleasantly surprised to meet highly-trained recruitment Consultants who are respectful toward them and offer them assistance and encouragement.

      I have never contemplated any other way to do it, and I sincerely feel it does set us apart in our industry.

      Employees want:

      • Customer– and quality service-focused employers;

      • Employers who care about the reputation of the company and

      • To work for companies with high standards and strong ethics.


      “PR activities are great right now – articles, conferences and events”…

      Employees want to see their company, represented by its management and experts, in the media and speaking at conferences and events. It makes them feel that they, and their company, are important and instills them with pride. I can speak from experience that you really do not know how important and effective PR is to your company, and its business development activities, until you have it.

      Employees want:

      • Their company to be actively engaged in PR activities.


      “I did a very good hand over at my former company; I am good at this”…

      I noted that this person inferred that they were caring and thorough, two qualities that I place value on. It is important to our business, and its success, that we have good hand-overs and hand-over procedures in place.

      Employees want:

      • To use their talent and experience to help the company in ways outside of their given role.


      “I would like to be more involved in Staffwell; I love being involved in company discussions”…”Great office location”…”Corporate culture and business topic of recruitment is very interesting – listening to the team talk about the business is very interesting”…

      I loved hearing that people wanted to be involved in the company as much as possible.

      Employees want:

      • To be more involved with the company and decisions made by the company;

      • To work at a great office location;

      • To work for an industry that interests them; and

      • To work with people who really take an interest in what they do.


      “Getting nice letters from clients and presents from them; all is good”…

      Nothing feels quite as good as being appreciated for the good work you do. We always try to go the extra mile for our clients and it does come back to us at times in a positive way, such as in testimonials.

      Employees want:

      • To work for a company that makes its clients so happy that they hear about it directly from the clients themselves.

      Chapter 3

      What Has Been Frustrating/Difficult/Upsetting To You In Your Time Here?

      The first two questions confirmed what we were good at, while this question began to tell me what we needed to look after, and or fix and improve.


      “Last summer when a few of our experienced team left us, and then having to explain to others what was happening and why and our future, but this is normal for companies”…”Departure of our GM [General Manager] and other people, really liked our GM as a manager – losing him was the most difficult”…”Turnover of experienced people – but good is that it was my idea to return Polina to Staffwell as I spoke to the GM about it”…”I cried when our GM left, he was the heart of the company, maybe I am too emotional”…

      It is always hard when good people, sometimes unexpectedly, leave the company. Some of our staff did not have the years of experience to understand why it happens, and it can be difficult for management to explain it and, at the same time, boost morale.

      In one instance, we were very fortunate that the key people who left us in the Summer of 2007, to either start their own companies or join others, had all failed in their new endeavors within a 12-month period after leaving us. As they say, the grass is not always greener on the other side.

      Personally, I have always managed unexpected turnover very well. This is due to many years of experience and my firm belief that there are always better people to hire in their place. I have always seen employee turnover as an opportunity for a better start.

      Losing our GM was hard for me as well because we were quite close, achieved a lot together and had and still have a lot of respect for one another. However, it was also the right time to part ways, and he did a good hand over, and we kept the door open.

      Bringing back Polina, who was one of our Senior Consultants on our recruitment team in Moscow, was definitely a good move for us, as she is very strong and talented. She left to join a competitor СКАЧАТЬ