Making Perfect. Teri Ann Lindeberg
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Название: Making Perfect

Автор: Teri Ann Lindeberg


Жанр: Управление, подбор персонала


isbn: 978-5-906185-03-7


СКАЧАТЬ appreciate your finding them new employment; and, if you are with the right recruitment firm, you will appreciate being thanked, congratulated, and compensated appropriately for your successful efforts.

      Achieving success has always been very important to me and I constantly strive to achieve it in everything we do at Staffwell. It comes a lot easier when you love what you do, and I do love our business – and it is apparent here that many of our team members also love our business.

      Employees want:

      • To see the company growing and developing;

      • Personal, team and company success;

      • To bring money to the company and to earn money; and

      • To achieve success.


      “Team-building in the woods has always been good”…”The team-building event when I joined was super and I got to know a lot of people”…”Team-buildings and parties”…”The number of social events –it really brings people together –helps people to get to know each other better”…”Team-buildings with Moscow and President’s club trips”…”Birthday party of Teri’s at her Taganskaya apartment, all team-building events”…”Very impressed by the team-building”…”Nice team – they go to parties and spend weekends together, and took a trip to the Moscow office last year”…”Best was team-building in September”…

      I found it interesting that the team-building events that were mentioned here were the simple, local ones: a party at my apartment; a day in the woods together playing adventure games; our day creating theater skits; or just spending time at another office. No one specifically mentioned our big trips to the beach in Turkey, climbing Chamonix in France, whitewater rafting in Croatia, or sailing in Montenegro. Perhaps, simple and local is more convenient and provides more quality time in a lower stress, closer-to-home environment.

      I am a big fan of team-building and we have always had good experiences, whether it was very low budget or on the higher end. The important thing was that we were together, having fun, became stronger and knew more of each other afterward.

      It can be really beneficial to periodically spend quality time with your colleagues outside of the routine office environment. It allows you to see a different side of the people you work with and can give you a better understanding of who they are on and off the job, in casual settings.

      Employees want:

      • To spend informal, organized time together with colleagues outside of the office;

      • Social opportunities to get to know their management, colleagues, and staff better;

      • Team-building opportunities to get to know people in the company’s other offices better; and

      • Informal occasions to celebrate and have fun.


      “Now a very professional, very specialized team of people”…”I enjoy the team”…”All people working for the company are well-measured, intelligent, all on the same level – highly interesting and intelligent”…”The people!”…”Good people, strong team”…”Enjoys working with a highly professional team”…”Team is #1”…”Support from the team and company, everyone is friendly and close”…”The team make coming to work great and very helpful”…”Warm team and great skilled specialists”…

      I cannot over-stress that it is definitely all about the team you have.

      Again, hiring good people, and retaining good people, is the biggest key to the success of any company. To perfect that for Staffwell has become my focus over the years. Highly skilled professionals, good attitude, friendly, talented, smart, ethical and hard-working, are some of the traits our team members possess and that we seek. We part ways as soon as possible with those who, we later find, truly do not have these characteristic or are unable to develop them with us.

      Having a great team is also one of the best ways to motivate and retain your employees. People like to work with great people.

      Employees want:

      • To work with a highly professional and specialized team;

      • To work with intelligent people; and

      • To work with a team that is supportive, friendly and close.


      “Clients who changed jobs gave new work to us”…”Very enjoyable work”…”Confident at closing vacancies”…”First time in over 20 years where I had to have personal results to prove successful not only team results – I am thriving”…”Closed my first high level staffing manager position – hard to close but very satisfying when I did”…”I have always loved dealing with people and knew that one day I would go into sales, and thanks to our internal recruiters it was recruitment”…”The recruitment process and communicating with clients and candidates is very inspiring”…”Challenging recruiting projects will stay in my mind forever”…

      The work is the work. To be successful it helps to find people capable of doing the work well and who also enjoy it.

      Recruitment is fast-paced and challenging because companies typically need to hire quickly, and as the product (the candidate) is a human being, there are all types of people-related issues involved. Recruiters that are patient, understanding, convincing, able to multi-task, and handle a heavy workload, typically do well.

      I am happy that our team loves the work and the job. I do too. It is challenging, fascinating, rewarding and fun.

      Employees want:

      • To enjoy the work that they do;

      • To have confidence in what they do; and

      • Challenging, inspiring work.


      “Good career development and promotions, wants to help open new offices and start new services”…”Desire to improve”…”Learned a lot and I want to keep learning and developing”…”Professional growth, reporting and accounting; likes that she is developing here”…

      It is encouraging that our team wants to develop the company and themselves. I live to improve and grow, and am happy our team does too.

      Career development is important for companies and staff. It is a good motivator and an effective tool in employee retention. It is something that we must always examine in order to improve and expand.

      Employees want:

      • To keep learning and developing;

      • To earn promotions;

      • To help the company grow and expand; and

      • To take on more responsibilities and challenges.


      “I like attending networking events but feel evening events are better as there is more time to talk to people”…

      This particular individual is comparing morning business club meetings (that have limited networking time before and after the meeting), СКАЧАТЬ