The Principles of Sufism. 'A'ishah al-Ba'uniyyah
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Название: The Principles of Sufism

Автор: 'A'ishah al-Ba'uniyyah

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Историческая литература

Серия: Library of Arabic Literature

isbn: 9780814729168


СКАЧАТЬ قال: لمّا تاب الله على آدم عليه الصلاة والسلام هنأَته الملائكة وهبط عليه جبرئيل وميكائيل فقالا: يا آدم قَرَّتْ عَينُك بتوبة الله عزّ وجلّ عليك فقال آدم: يا جبرئيل إن كان بعد هذه التوبة السؤال فأين مقامي؟ فأوحى الله تعالى إليه: يا آدم أَوْرثتَ ذرّيتك التعب والنصب وورّثتهم التوبة فمن دعاني منهم لَبّيتُه فمن سألني المغفرة لم أَبخل عليه لأنّي قريب مجيب يا آدم وأَحْشِرُ التائبين من القبور ضاحكين مستبشرين ودعاؤهم مستجاب.

      It is important to add as an appendix to this principle, the finest divine sayings and choicest of authoritative stories. Success comes from God alone! Al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī, may God be pleased with him, related as follows:

      When God turned in forgiveness to Adam, on whom be prayers and peace, the angels congratulated him, and Gabriel and Michael descended to him and said, “Adam, rejoice for the forgiveness upon you from God mighty and glorious!” “Gabriel,” he replied, “if a question remains after being forgiven, it is, ‘What is my status?’” God the Exalted then revealed to him: “O Adam, you have bequeathed toil and trouble to your progeny, but I have bequeathed repentance to them. Whoever among them prays to Me, I will respond to him, and whoever asks Me for forgiveness, I will not withhold it from him, for I am near, and I answer, O Adam. I will gather the penitents from the graves on Judgment Day, and they will be happy and laughing, and their prayers will be answered!”37


      ورُوي أنّ العاصي إذا أغلق الباب وأرخى الستر وغطّى الكوّة وباشر المعصية تقول الأرض: يا ربّ ائذَنْ لي فأَخْسفَ به و تقول السماء: ائذَنْ لي فأَسْقُطَ عليه فيقول الربّ سبحانه وتعالى: إن كان العبدعبدكم فافعلوا به ما شئتم وإنْ كان عبدي فدَعُوه فإنْ أتاني في جوف الليل قبِلتُه وإن أتاني وسط النهار قبِلتُه فإنّه ليس على بابي حاجِب ولا بَوّاب متى أتاني وجد الطريق حتّى قال رَبّي أقول عبدي متى قال أسأتُ يا رَبّي أقول عفوتُ يا عبدي.

      It is related that when the sinner shuts the door, lowers the curtain, closes the window, and gets down to sin, the earth will say, “O Lord, allow me to swallow him up!” and the sky will say, “Allow me to fall upon him!” The glorious and exalted Lord will reply, “If the servant is your servant, then do with him what you will. But if he is My servant, then leave him alone. For if he comes to Me in the darkest of night, I will accept him, and if he comes to Me in the brightest of day, I will accept him. There is no gatekeeper or warden blocking My door, and whenever he comes to Me, he will find a path. Whenever he calls, ‘My Lord?’ I answer, ‘My servant!’ and whenever he says, ‘I have sinned, O, Lord!’ I reply, ‘I have forgiven you, My servant!’”38


      وفي بعض الإسرائيليّات يقول الله عزّ وجلّ: يا ابن آدم ما أنصفتَني. أذكرك وتنساني وأدعوك إليّ فتفرُّ منّي وأُذهب عنك البلايا وأنت معتكف على الخطايا. يا ابن آدم ما يكون اعتذارك غدًا إذا جئتني. ويحك إن كان لا يلذَعك هذا الخطاب فاعلمْ أنَّك مصاب فأدرِك نفسك وإلّا استَعدّ لأليم العذاب.

      In one of the stories of the Israelites, mighty and glorious God says, “O child of Adam, you are not fair to Me. I remember you, but you forget Me. I call you to Me, but you run away from Me. I keep misfortunes away from you, yet you are addicted to sin. O child of Adam, you will have no excuse tomorrow when you come to Me on Judgment Day. Woe to you, if these words do not sting you! Know that you are in grave danger! Take heed of yourself or be prepared for the painful chastisement!”39


      وقال ذو النون المصريّ: أوحى الله تعالى إلى موسى عليه السلام: كُنْ كالطير الوحدانيّ يأكل من رؤوس الأشجار ويشرب من الماء القراح فإذا جنّه الليل أوى إلى كهف من الكهوف استيناسًا بي واستيحاشًا ممّن عصاني. يا موسى إنّي آليتُ على نفسي أنْ لا أُتِمَّ لمدبِّر عنّي عملاً ولأقطعَنَّ كلّ من أمّل غيري ولأقصِمَنَّ ظهر من استند إلى سواي ولأطيلَنَّ وحشة من استأنس بغيري ولأعرِضَنَّ عمّن أحبّ حبيبًا سواي. يا موسى إنَّ لي عبادًا إنْ ناجوني أَصغيتُ إليهم وإنْ نادوني أقبلتُ عليهم وإنْ دَنوا مِنّي قرّبتُهم وإن قَربوا مِنّي اكتنفتُهم وإنْ والَوني والَيتُهم وإنْ صافوني صافيتُهم وإنْ عملوا لي جازيتُهم أنا مدبِّر أمورهم وسائس قلوبهم ومتولّي أَحْوالهم. لم أَجعل لقلوبهم راحة في شيء إلّا في ذكري ولايستأنسون إلّا بي ولا يحطّون رِحالَ قلوبهم إلّا عندي ولايستقرّ بهم القرار إلّا في الإيواء إليّ.

      Dhū l-Nūn al-Miṣrī said, “God the Glorious revealed the following to Moses, peace be upon him:”

      Be like the solitary bird who eats from the treetops and drinks from clear water, and when night descends upon it, takes shelter in one of the caves, settling down with Me and averse to any who disobey Me. O Moses, I have promised Myself not to bring to fruition any action by someone who works against Me, and I will cut asunder anyone who hopes for other than Me; I will break the back of anyone who relies on other than Me; I will prolong the agony of anyone who is intimate with any other than Me, and I will abandon anyone who loves a lover other than Me! O Moses, I have servants who whisper intimately to Me, so I listen to them, and when they call Me, I turn to them. If they approach Me, I come near to them, and if they come near to Me, I embrace them. If they befriend Me, I bring them close; if they are sincere to Me, I am sincere toward them, and if they strive toward Me, I reward them. I am the ruler of their affairs, the governor of their hearts, and the power over their mystical states. I do not allow their hearts to repose in anything but remembrance of Me, for they are intimate with Me alone. They bring their hearts before Me, alone, and their abode is made only in My shelter.40


      وعن СКАЧАТЬ