The Principles of Sufism. 'A'ishah al-Ba'uniyyah
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Название: The Principles of Sufism

Автор: 'A'ishah al-Ba'uniyyah

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Историческая литература

Серия: Library of Arabic Literature

isbn: 9780814729168


СКАЧАТЬ laid out by Robert Bly in The Eight Stages of Translation.13 All translations, including of the Qurʾān, are my own. Dates are generally cited in their Islamic Ḥijrī year followed by their Common Era equivalent: e.g., 923/1517.

1 This account of the life and work of ʿĀʾishah al-Bāʿūniyyah is drawn from Homerin, “Living Love,” 211–16, and Emanations, 11–27.
2 ʿĀʾishah al-Bāʿūniyyah, Mawrid, 104–5; also quoted in Rabābiʿah, ʿĀʾishah al-Bāʿūniyyah, 53.
3 Ibn al-Ḥanbalī al-Ḥalabī, Durr al-ḥabab, 1:2:1063–64.
4 Homerin, “Writing,” 396–97.
5 For a tentative list of ʿĀʾishah’s works, see Homerin, “ʿĀʾishah al-Bāʿūniyyah.”
6 ʿĀʾishah al-Bāʿūniyyah, Qawl.
7 ʿĀʾishah al-Bāʿūniyyah, Fatḥ.
8 ʿĀʾishah al-Bāʿūniyyah, Dīwān Fayḍ al-faḍl, 326.
9 ʿĀʾishah al-Bāʿūniyyah, Dīwān Fayḍ al-faḍl, 73, 193.
10 ʿĀʾishah al-Bāʿūniyyah, Dīwān Fayḍ al-faḍl, 237–51, and Homerin, Emanations, 96–139.
11 For more on ʿĀʾishah’s views on remembrance, see Homerin, “Recalling.”
12 See Schimmel, Mystical Dimensions, 43.
13 Bly, Eight Stages, 13–49.


       المُنْتَخَب في أُصُول الرُتَب

       في علم التصوّف

      The Principles of Sufism


      بسم الله الرحمٰن الرحيم وهو حسبي

      In the Name of God, the Merciful and Compassionate, Who suffices me.


      الحمد لله المفيض مدده على أحبابه تخصيصًا ووفاء المرويّ قلوبهم من شراب التوحيد محبّة وصفاء المتجلّي على أسرارهم جلالًا وجمالًا المتفضّل عليهم بمنائح القرب شهودًا ووصالًا. أحمده حمد من عرّفه به فعرف وغمره بفضله فأقرّ بالعجز عن شكره واعترف وأشهد أن لا إله إلّا الله وحده لا شريك له شهادة من هام في بيداء التفريد وغرق في بحر التوحيد فانقطع نظره عن الخلق وشاهد الحقّ بالحقّ. وأشهد أنّ أخصّ الأخصّين مصطفى المصطفين وسيّد المرسلين وأشرف العالمين محمّده الأحمد ورسوله الأمجد وحبيبه الأقرب وخليله الأنجب صلّى الله عليه صلاة دائمة بدوامه الأبدي باقية ببقائه الصمدي صلاة تديم المدد لنا منه والتلقّي عنه وعلى إخوانه من النبيّين والمرسلين وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين وآل كلّ وسائر الصالحين وسلّم تسليمًا وكرّم تكريمًا.

      Praise God, who pours His aid upon His beloved ones as a special allotment and reward, quenching their hearts from the drink of oneness with love and purity, revealing Himself to their inner hearts in glory and beauty, and gracing them with gifts of proximity in contemplation and union. I praise Him with the praise of one to whom He made Himself known. Then she knew and was blessed with His grace, and confessed and acknowledged that this was beyond all thanks. I bear witness that there is no deity but God, alone without peer. This is the witness of one who roamed in the deserts of singularity and drowned in the ocean of oneness. Then she turned her gaze from creation and witnessed the True Reality by means of the True Reality. I bear witness that the most special of the special ones, the master of the messengers, the chosen of the chosen ones, the most eminent of creation is His most praiseworthy Muḥammad, His most glorious emissary, His dearest beloved, and His noblest friend. May God bless and cherish him with prayers for all eternity, abiding in perpetuity, with prayers that will continue to bring us aid and instruction from him. May God also bless his brethren among the prophets and emissaries, all of his family and companions, all progeny, and all the righteous. May He give them eternal peace and exalt them!


      وبعد: فلمّا صحّ صدق طلب بعض الأحباب وظهرت ملازمته للباب وتوسّده على الأعتاب وكشف الله لنا عن صفاء سريرته وإخلاص نيّته وتحقّقنا أنّه بفضل الله ممن شملته ألطاف العناية الإلهيّة واختصّته الرحمة بحقيقة المحبّة الربّانيّة ورأيناه متشوّقًا إلى ما يفقّهه في شرع التحقيق ويَهديه إلى سواء الطريق فاستخَرنا الله سبحانه في تعليله بلسان القال حتّى يصل إن شاء الله تعالى إلى لسان الحال فأجبنا سؤاله بما تعلّقت به آماله ابتغاءً لوجه الله وطلبًا لرضاه ومن الله المدد وبه الرشد وهو حسبي {وَنِعْمَ ٱلْوَكِيلُ}.

      When СКАЧАТЬ