From warm-up to handball team play. Jörg Madinger
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Название: From warm-up to handball team play

Автор: Jörg Madinger

Издательство: Автор

Жанр: Спорт, фитнес


isbn: 9783956410840


СКАЧАТЬ fives, the following players need to switch their leaders. They must react immediately and copy the new leader’s exercises.

      - Once the coach whistles, another player becomes the leader and must show exercises at once.

      - And so on.


      - Each player has a handball.

      No. 2 Warm-up with the ball and easy shooting at the goal

      Topic: General warm-up

      Minimum number of players: 6

      Difficulty level:

      Equipment required: One handball per player


      - The players crisscross throughout one half of the court and dribble one handball each (A).

      - The players need to perform different running and dribbling variants (such as dribbling with the throwing hand, dribbling with the non-throwing hand, dribbling with both hands alternately; hopping, sidestepping, running backwards, etc.)

      - Once the coach whistles, the players try to throw their handball into the goal from their current position (B).

      - Afterwards, the players fetch their handballs and start dribbling again.

      No. 3 Passing from player to player with additional running exercises

      Topic: General warm-up

      Minimum number of players: 8

       Difficulty level:

      Equipment required: 2 handballs

       Course 1:

      - The team is divided into two groups. The players of each group are given numbers (figure: 1 to 5).

      - The players crisscross throughout the court at relaxed pace.

      - Each group passes a handball (A and B) according to the predefined order (1-2-3-4-5-1 etc.).

      - Following each pass, the player who passed the ball sprints to one of the side lines (C) and then crisscrosses throughout the court again at a relaxed pace until he receives the next pass.

      - The players may choose a side line for their sprint; however, they are not allowed to choose the line that is closest (D).

       Course 2:

      - The course remains the same as course 1.

      - Additionally, the players of the opposing team who are currently not involved in passing or sprinting to one of the side lines are now allowed to steal the other group’s ball (E).


      - The players need to perform different running variants (hopping, sidestepping, arm rotation).

      No. 4 Blindfolded warm-up

      Topic: General warm-up

      Minimum number of players: 6

       Difficulty level:

      Equipment required: Sufficient number of colored bibs, blindfolds for each pair of players

       Course 1:

      - The players form pairs.

      - One player shows the running path and running moves, the other player copies the moves.

      - Switch roles after 2 to 3 minutes.

       Course 2:

      - One of the two players is wearing a blindfold.

      - The “blind” player runs ahead swiftly across the court. The second player guides his teammate by touching him (left shoulder → turn left / right shoulder → turn right / soft patting on the back → stop) (A).

      - Switch roles after 2 to 3 minutes.

       Course 3 (figure):

      - Put some objects (e.g., colored bibs) on the court floor.

      - The players perform course 2 and try to collect as many objects as possible (B).

      - Only the “blind” player is allowed to pick up the objects (sign: patting on both shoulders).

      - Switch roles after 2 to 3 minutes.


The players should run across the court at pace, even though they are blindfolded; they must trust their teammate.


The players are not allowed to talk during the exercise.

      No. 5 Warm-up with subsequent shooting on targets

      Topic: General warm-up

      Minimum number of players: 6

       Difficulty level:

      Equipment required: Different balls (e.g., handballs, soft balls, tennis balls), 1 balance bench, 5 cones

       Setting (see figure):

      - Put different balls (handballs, soft balls, tennis balls, etc.) on the floor of one half of the court.

      - Put a balance bench into the goal zone and place cones on top.


      - СКАЧАТЬ