Евгений Онегин / Eugene Onegin. Александр Пушкин
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      Carved amber from Constantinople,

      Bronze on the table, chinaware,

      Perfume in stylish cut-glass bottle

      (A pleasure for effete young man),

      Steel files for nails and combs for hair,

      A set of scissors, curved and straight,

      The brushes more than thirty breeds

      To polish nails and brush the teeth.

      Russo (to mention passing that)

      Got really mad, when pompous Grim

      Dared polish nails in front of him,

      Romantic eloquent madcap.

      The liberty and rights defender

      This time was wrong that way to render.


      You can be a pragmatic person,

      Yet, care for beauty of your nails,

      To cite against looks controversial,

      Since people are the customs’ slaves.

      Chadaev’s[10] copy, my Onegin,

      Being afraid of jealous blaming,

      When choosing clothing was a prig

      And followed fashions being strict.

      Three hours he used at least

      To spend in front of tailors’ mirrors,

      And his from fitting room appearance

      Reminded flighty Venus feast,

      When she in menswear being clothed

      To masquerade drives from abroad.


      В последнем вкусе туалетом

      Заняв ваш любопытный взгляд,

      Я мог бы пред ученым светом

      Здесь описать его наряд;

      Конечно б это было смело,

      Описывать мое же дело:

      Но панталоны, фрак, жилет,

      Всех этих слов на русском нет;

      А вижу я, винюсь пред вами,

      Что уж и так мой бедный слог

      Пестреть гораздо б меньше мог

      Иноплеменными словами,

      Хоть и заглядывал я встарь

      В Академический Словарь.


      У нас теперь не то в предмете:

      Мы лучше поспешим на бал,

      Куда стремглав в ямской карете

      Уж мой Онегин поскакал.

      Перед померкшими домами

      Вдоль сонной улицы рядами

      Двойные фонари карет

      Веселый изливают свет

      И радуги на снег наводят:

      Усеян плошками кругом,

      Блестит великолепный дом;

      По цельным окнам тени ходят,

      Мелькают профили голов

      И дам и модных чудаков.


      I have attracted your attention

      To his attires in last taste

      And planned to show the modern fashion

      By it’s description in details;

      Of course, it would be pretty fearless,

      To give descriptions is my business,

      But pantaloons, frack[11] and gilet[12],

      I can’t collect in Russian, yet;

      And I confess to you with shame

      That my, besides all that, poor style

      I am diluting time to time

      With alien to my homeland names,

      Though, in the old days I, not once,

      Over the dictionary glanced.


      But now it’s not right thing to purpose,

      We’d better gallop to a ball,

      Where after changing of the clothes

      Onegin speeded after all.

      In front of faded building rows

      Along the sleepy corridors

      The double lamps of carriage lines

      Pour out light and cheer the minds,

      And rainbow on the snow induce.

      The lampions shine all around,



Pushkin" s friend


Tailcoat (French).


Waistcoat (German).